Saturday 10 April 2010


Hi everyone

I wonder what today will hold?

I am scheduling this post as I should be in London .. .. .. probably in a big crowd of people all rushing and pushing to get somewhere quicker than anyone else.

I love the "buzz" of London. Not everyone's cup of tea I know .. .. I love all those people and could just sit and watch them all day.

I love to sit and watch and imagine what they have crammed into all of those shopping bags, what type of home they live in and depending on how they are dressed how many pairs of shoes or suits they perhaps own, where they are going and where they have come from. I am sure their lives in my head are much more exciting than their life in reality LOL!!! (Doesn't take much to keep me amused does it ?!?).

But no time to sit and watch today .. .. the only watching I want to do is watching the demonstrators at Ally Pally in the hope of picking up another "technique" or two (or three, or four).

In the meantime hopefully the wonderful Mr Blogger is sharing with you a card I made for my Mum to give to my Big Bro next week! As you can probably tell he is a motorbike fan. I remember when we were kids spending the whole of the school summer holidays "doing up" his first scooter. We cleaned and rubbed it all down for days and days and hours and hours. He then resprayed it - but we weren't allowed to help with this part .. .. only the elbow grease parts!!! It looked fantastic when he had finished .. .. .. then he sold it!!!! He has been the same ever since. He never keeps a bike or a car for two minutes. Everytime I see him he is driving something else. LOL!!!

This used:

Image: Stamps Happen "50074" Cruising
Sentiment: Elzybells
Backing Paper: Funky Hand Download "Salt N Pepper"
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder
Fiskars Punch: Threading Water "Distressed Stripes"
Diamond Stickles
Inkssential "Glossy Accents"
Ribbon and brads from the stash box

So that is me for today - hopefully finding some goodies at Ally Pally to show you another day.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend and thank you for calling by my little blog.

Wish you could all be with me at Ally Pally!!!! I have a feeling some of you might!!

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules, Fab card! Hope you enjoy yourself at Ally Pally and don't spend too much lol! I too am a 'people watcher' ~ I could spend hours watching the world go by lol!

    Lisa x

  2. Wonderful card! Happy shopping and people watching, Jules! Looking forward to seeing your new goodies!

  3. A wonderful card. I love the stamp. It would be perfect for my hubby. I love people watching too and was in my element when I lived in France and could join in the cafe culture and watch the world go by.

  4. Hiya Jules
    Another fab card. I really wanted to go to Ally Pally this time but as OH has only just got back from the Lake District I thought it best to stay at home with him.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  5. fab card Jules- you just reminded me that i have that stamp too- must dig it out
    Have a great weekend

  6. Hi Jules - Long time-no "see" !!!

    Love this card. The bike and the papers - something for a man.

    Have a great weekend. Finaly the snow is gone, and the sun is shining here in Norway this weekend. And I love it.

    Hugs :o)

  7. Love the card Jules, just perfect for a man.
    Enjoy yourself at AP, treat yourself to one or two or (three or four)nice things, and why not, wish I could join you, sounds great, I love to people watch too, sure is better than doing the actual rushing around!! Hugs, Jacee

  8. Oh Jules can't wait to see what you come home with. Love this card, think I have that image somewhere, great sentiment with it too.

  9. Hope you are having a wonderful time in London, you lucky thing. Can't wait to hear whats fallen into your bags!!!
    Love your card, it sounds perfect for your brother, boys and their toys ehh!!


  10. Brill card and the motorbike image is great (even though I'm not into motorbikes) it is so effective.

    Lynn x

  11. Hi Jules, I know my grandson would love that card, hes a biker given half a chance, but to be honest its the one thing Id rather he didnt ride, but what can you say to them. Fabulous card and its a stunner for any young man. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  12. great card hun..hope you had a fab time today

    hugs shell xx

  13. Hi Jules
    I love people watching too!:) This is a great mans card. Love the paper, embossing and ribbon too!

  14. I have been away from my blog for a little while and I see you have been making some lovely cards. This one particularly caught my eye. It's beautiful! Warmest wishes, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx