Friday 30 April 2010



Thank you so very, very much to everyone who very kindly left me a message of encouragement yesterday .. .. all very much appreciated. Isn't blogland a beautiful place to be part of?

I also received quite a few messages/emails asking if there was any way I was able to find out where the stamp I used yesterday actually came from as they would like to "get hold of it".

Well, I did my "good blog buddy" act and went through my NEC receipts last night (whilst hubby was looking the other way LOL!!!) and found the receipt from the stand I purchased it from. I did a search on this and have managed to come up with the website where you can see the stamp I bought ....................................but beware!!!!!!!!! .......... there are so many beautiful stamps on there that you are unlikely to stop at purchasing just one.

This is also the stand where I buy all my reduced Penny Blacks from .. .. .. so prepare for a treat. I don't usually buy from the on-line store but save myself for the NEC. But I opened the website up this morning and .. oh dear .. I saw some lovely ones. (But I have been good and resisted .. .. so far).

Also, be very strong and do not click on the "second hand" tab - don't say I didn't warn you!!!

So off you go to find the stamp I used yesterday here at "" along with others from the same series.

Have fun!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules

    Oh no!! My hubby is away and my temptation is aat an all time low. I am sitting in waiting for my new Martha Stewart punch which was a "too good to resist offer" to arrive and the other bits and bos which fell into my oline basket!

    Off to have a look at the link now! I will blame you if I end up spending ;-)

    Sarah x

  2. Jules, I don't know whether to say how kind you are going to all that trouble (risking Hubby's wrath, Lol) to find the site or chastise you for helping me spend my OH's hard earned. I'm off for a look now!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Wow, fab on line shop. Cor those second hand stamps had me drooling. I got somewhere else to check out now for bargains. Is that a good thing? I'm not so sure Lol!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Jules
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. Thanks hun...hubbies not gonna happy tho lol..good job he is still at work...don't look in the secondhand bit she £15 later lol

    thanks again hun
    hugs shell xx

  5. Hello Flo!
    I cant believe that time has come around so soon - you leaving your 'proper' job!
    It is so exciting and I am so thrilled for you! What a wonderful experience it will all be!

    Thanks for adding the link to that super shop - its very lovely!!

    Keryn x

  6. Thanks for the link Jules. I'll have to keep that one bookmarked. - As for your future purchase - they are an investment and tools of the trade so I think you should feel fully justified.
    Beryl xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx