Thursday 29 April 2010


Good Morning Everyone

Here I am again before wandering off to work.

Last day this week ahead of the Bank Holiday weekend .. .. .. then next week I finish work altogether to throw myself full-time into my little greeting card/wedding stationery business.

Up to now I have been running it part-time alongside my "day job and housewifely duties" but I just cannot take things further without committing myself full time (or wearing myself out completely). So decisions had to be made .. .. .. with the help of mountains of "for and against" lists built up over the past few months.

So with the backing of my lovely hubby I am going to "go for it" and dedicate my future to making pennies out of my love for crafting. I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet .. .. and cannot wait to throw myself into it wholeheartedly.

My list of things to do and try and work towards are never ending .. .. so no pressure LOL!!!!!!!!!!
I just know I am going to be the worse boss I have ever had.

So this time next week I will be leaving for the office for the last time. It has soon come round now after months of deciding and weeks of working my notice period. I shall be sad to leave my lovely workmates - we have some great laughs - but I need to "try my own thing".

Now I have shared my exciting news with you I will share a card.

This used:

Image: Very strange - I bought this from the NEC along with another couple of "boat type" stamps and none of them have a maker or reference number on them!! How weird that someone wouldn't want to advertise that they have made such a lovely stamp.
Sentiment: Woodware FRCL079 "Male Relative"
Backing Paper: Funky Hand "Dreams Come True" CD
String from the "useful box in the cupboard"
Fish buttons (that have had their shanks cut off - ouch!)

Lots of Father's Day cards on the horizon so you will probably be sick of seeing these over the coming few weeks!!

Have a lovely day everyone. Thank you for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Oh Jules, how wonderful for you that you'll soon be living your dream. It is something I aspire to doing when I retire one day, so your little post is really most encouraging. I hope you'll be sharing your new creations with us as I just love your work. Good luck with your new venture, it WILL be a huge success, I have no doubt. A stunning card for a male. Love the stamped image, so beautifully coloured and the sentiment is fab. Tons of hugs, Sharon xx

  2. Wow you are a lucky girlie...I know you will be fine hun, but sending you loadsa good luck wishes...

    Your card is really great, just perfect for a the image, and those poor little fishes lol
    I was hoping to find a stamp with a barge on at the NEC, because my dad lives on one...but couldn't find one anywhere.

    hugs shell xx

  3. Congratulations Jules I am sure with your talent it will not be a decision that will fail you and you will thoroughly enjoy it thought you will work many more hours and much harder than you did at your job. I am speaking from experience here, have been doing this 24/7 for just over 2 years now and love every minute of its hectic lifestyle lol. All the best.
    ps love this gorgeous card.

  4. Hi Jules,

    Best wishes for the success of your greeting card/wedding stationery business.

    Your card is beautiful, I adore the image, what a shame the makers didn't mark the stamp.

    Clare x

  5. There you go Jules, I wish you well, on your own doing what you love. Hope you do well, know you will, and be happy, remember your boss must give you some time off!!!! Lovies xx

  6. Hi Jules,

    You already know that I'm convinced you will be a huge success but I'm still sending you my very best wishes and all the luck in the world with your new exciting venture.

    Believe in yourself, sweetie, they'll all love you out there.

    Today's card is a perfect example. It's lovely and much better than a card with the inevitable beer mug on the front!

    Lesley Xx

  7. Jules - good on you. I wish you all the best. Great card, I love the image & the colours are fab
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  8. Hi Jules
    well if you produce things like this you will do really well its perfect.
    happy summer days crafting to you .
    hugs chris xx

  9. Good luck in your new venture you lucky thing! I hope you make a great success of it as you deserve to and try to remember as the boss to give yourself a day off once in a while ;-)

    That stamp is gorgeous and I love the colours you have used.


  10. congrats, glad the new venture is going well...I am sure it will be a great success!!! Love this card, love the muted colours, the polka dots and the fab twine detail! Hugs Juls

  11. Congratulations Jules!!! Wishing you every success in your new BIG Greeting Card and Wedding Stationery Business. Love the card, can almost hear the seagulls and the waves lapping on the sand, so loove the beach, take careX:)

  12. Good Luck Jules your cards are great so I am sure it will be a huge success hugs Pascale

  13. Nothing ventured,nothing gained", as the saying goes! How wonderful for you to have an opportunity to dedicate yourself to the craft that you love all with the support of a husband to encourage you to live your dream! Wishing you all the best,.......and try to get along with the new boss! lol ;) Tracy

  14. Congratulations Jules! I'm sure it will be a success! Many of us love your cards :)

    Big hugs

  15. I love this card, it's fantastic. Good luck with your new venture, but i'm sure you won't need the luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. Hi Jules, I want to wish you all the luck in the world for your new adventure, with your fantastic talent its bound to be a great success.
    I love your card my granddad would have loved it, he had his own fishing boat and loved seafishing. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  17. Hi Jules a wonderful card definitely has the designer look that image is beautiful so is the colouring. I think you are such a brave but awesome person choosing your crafting as your new career and it is a brilliant decsion well done you and I wish you all the best.

    Lorraine x

  18. Stunning card! If you ever do find out who made it please let me know. I'm really looking forward to meeting up with you in June too. I hope your little business thrives. Wish I could do the same x

  19. Hi Jules
    That must have been a big decision to make but I'm sure you will very successful your creations are wonderful!
    Your card today is fab just a perfect man card, I find them so difficult and this stamp just fits the bill!

  20. OH that sounds wonderful, the best of luck with you!

    and gorgeous card BTW perfect colouring !

  21. I missed this post yesterday so I'd like to add my best wishes now. I hope your new venture goes well for you and look forward to reading all about it.
    Love this seaside scene - a gorgeous card.
    Beryl xx

  22. Oh wow Jules! You lucky girl! I do hope it all goes well for you, but you shouldn't have any problems cos your work is gorgeous.
    Wishing you every success in your new venture.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx