Tuesday 13 July 2010


Hi Everyone

Well a dry morning to start my day and I got the washing dry but this afternoon there was even more rain .. .. .. so another day off watering the garden .. .. though I have had to paddle to my greenhouse and do a little tending of my crops.

Great excitement in the house of hearts yesterday .. .. we had our first home grown cucumber!! Then this morning when I went down to the greenhouse my first tomato is starting to turn red so homegrown tomatoes too very soon. Woo hoo!! It doesn't take much to keep me happy does it?

Cucumbers are probably the weed of the greenhouse and we could be sick of them before long - but there is always a sense of satisfaction in growing something yourself.

Anyway, today's share is a little wordbook I made using the new Funky Hand "Colour Me Happy" CD.

I love making these little books. They always look so special when they are finished - especially if you use one as a little memory book with photographs.

Mine has a recipe inside for Vanilla Cupcakes.

This used:

Everything that is paper is from from the Funky Hand "Colour Me Happy CD"
Martha Stewart Punch: Embossed Zig Zag
Buttons from the stash box

The CD went on sale at the weekend over at Funky Hand.

If your pennies won't quite stretch to buying one at the moment why not enter the Get Funky! challenge. You might win the £20 voucher and be able to buy it with your prize (and still have some pennies left over).
So that is me for today.

I hope you are all well and thank you for popping over to see me.

Love Jules xx

p.s. Edited to add an answer to Kerry's question as to whether these books take very long to make. Well the answer is "not at all". Once you have made your choice from the many patterns and colours available it is just a case of printing and cutting everything out and then assembling. (There is "how to" on the CD). The rest is then up to you as to how you decorate and fill it!!


  1. ooh Im really fancying one of those cupcakes Jules. Today Ive got such a sweet tooth and its hurting me badly!!

    Fab papers, must have a try at this months comp on the blog as I would love the latest CD!

    Keryn x

    ps, that page for the free pawprints has gone walkies! Its not there anymore :(

  2. This is gorgeous Jules,what a great idea using it for recipes.xxx

  3. Great card Jules! I love the idea of these little books - do they take long to do?
    Love Kerry xx

  4. Fabulous book Jules! How about doing a scones one with your wonderful scone recipe in it!

  5. gorgeous book jules, the colours and papers are fab and the recipe inside is a bonus.yum cupcakes.
    xx coops xx

  6. What a cute book and a bonus recipe, how can you go wrong! Congrats on eating your 1st cucumber. Mine aren't ready yet but the tomatoes are looking like they are ready to produce. Thank heavens for greenhouses!!

  7. Hi Jules, well someone it going to love that card especially as it includes a recipe, love the colours youve chosen to. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx