Monday 12 July 2010


Hi Everyone

Well normally we would be moaning about a wet and miserable Monday wouldn't we.

But instead I think we are all quite pleased to have the lovely "fresh air" and comfortable temperatures that the rain has brought. In fact I am back into long sleeves again today!!

Certainly my garden is very grateful and hopefully this will mean a bit of "green" will return to my lawns. So tonight I am off watering duties.

Just a quick share featuring "one" of my favourite Penny Black stamps .. .. and a great backing paper I have been wanting to use for a while now. It is a freebie from Squigglefly and you can find it here.

So this is my little share
and this used

Image: Penny Black "2082E" Dressed Up!
Sentiment: Papermania Clear Stamps "Stamping for Him"
Backing Paper: Squigglefly
Scrap paper for the tie: Funky Hand (see even the smallest of pieces can come in useful)
Go Kreate Die: Concentrics Scalloped Squares
Glossy Accents
Buttons from the stash box

I really like the backing paper (thank you Squigglefly) but wouldn't like those little mucky footprints all over my kitchen floor!!!

Have a good evening everyone. I wonder if there is any football on tonight? LOL!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules, great minds. Your post reads nearly exactly the same as mine today about watering and parched grass!!!!
    I was just having a catch up with your posts since I last visited. Where do the days go, I hadn't realised I'd not hopped for so many days.
    Thank goodness the football is over, although I have to admit I did watch last nights "punch up".
    I love your sewing card. I could never grasp dress making although my Mum was a magician with a pattern. She made my Wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses!!
    Your cards are all gorgeous. I shall have to check out the LOTV challenge. They are just gorgeous stamps aren't they?
    Well I think I've caught up with everything-phew this has turned into a novel-sorry about that.
    Enjoy the rain, it's still coming down here.
    Hugs Lisax

  2. This card is such fun Jules, super image, and I love the addition of the little buttons.

    Managed to get a card done and posted yesterday Jules, things are looking up! LOL

  3. Fab card Jules, Annette x

  4. This is such a cutie of a card, Jules

  5. Hi Jules such a sweetie, love his tie ,

    yes I too am pleased to have a break from sun , how awful am I, but we only really had a bit of fine drizzle.

    happy week love chris xx

  6. I just love that stamp :O)
    Fab card!
    Hugs Fredrikke :O)

  7. That cute card could have been for me Jules (except it's not my birthday)! My little dog who has big feet leaves those sort of paw prints every time he comes in. I'm sure his feet are magnets for muck. It's been lovely today because a) the door has been shut so he hasn't been able to wander in and out at will and b) the wet grass has washed his feet everytime he's been out so it's been easy to give them a quick dry on an old towel. Result??? - no paw prints and it's great.

    Lesley Xx

  8. Sweeeet card, love this little dog and thanks for that link for the background paper.Love the simple layout,it's all it needs. DI.XX

  9. gorgeous card, such a fun image and love the papers you used!

  10. Wonderful card. Such a cute image and fab paper.

    Nikki x

  11. great card jules, the image is fab and i love the backing paper.its fab how it matches his tie.thank goodness theres no more football, no doubt there will be another sport to take its place
    have a fab day
    xx coops xx

  12. Hi Jules, yes my garden is happy to have the rain as well, though its a bit cold here today the temp has gone down a lot got my jumper on today.
    Fabulous card love that dog and the papers. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  13. Aaaw love this card Jules, such a cute image and love that fab paper. Great simple layout too.


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Love Jules xx