Thursday 8 July 2010


Hi Everyone

I am entering a new challenge today (Lili of the Valley Challenge 57).

It isn't one I have joined in with before .. .. but I am so loving the LOTV stamps (and using them so much) that I decided it was time to join in their challenge.

The theme is to work to a sketch. There was also the option of using "Its a Girlie Thing" - thank goodness that part was optional .. because I was desperate to use this little chappie!!

Here is my creation
This used:

Image: LOTV "S102" Boys - Gone Fishing
Sentiment: Daisy and Dandelion "Dandelion goes Fishing"
Backing Papers: DCWV "All About Boys" Stack
Go Kreate Concentrics: "Scalloped Squares"
Nestabilities: "Classic Squares Large"
Martha Stewart Punch: "Traditional Scallop"
Glossy Accents
Diamond Stickles

Brads and charms from the stash box
and here is the sketch

Thanks for calling by and also thanks for all the hammock stories yesterday .. .. I really enjoyed them. It would seem that there is simply no way to get into a hammock in a lady-like manner.

Perhaps it is a case of having a strong man on hand to scoop us up in his arms, lift us up and gently place us inside .. .. .. well we can dream!!! LOL!!!

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. Oh Jules this is gorgeous - I love it!
    Have a great evening.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  2. Hi jules, this is so special, I love that stamp, and the way you have done the layout.

    I thought you had a big strong man to scoop you up, you want more!!

    lots of hugs chris xx

  3. I love this so much Jules your colouring of the image is superb and I love you contrsting strip across the

  4. This is one of my favourite LOTV stamps and just love what you have done with it. Me thinks I may have to have a go at this challenge.... Nicky xx

  5. fantastic male card jules,the image is great and i love your fab your colours and papers and those little fish are fab.i love it all,can you tell :)luv coops.xx

  6. What a fab image Jules. What a cute little chap and I love his cap.

    Er, my big strong man (ahem) did give me a few words of advice about getting into the hammock and held it steady for me. Don't think he would have managed to lift me if he'd tried, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  7. Gorgeous card Jules, you have coloured the stamp beautifully. Thanks for taking part in the LOTV Challenge!

  8. Hi Jules
    Love this image ...infact love them all

  9. This is awesome! I love what you did!!!

  10. Hello Mummy Gibbs,
    I can't believe it has taken you this long to join in the challenge at LOTV :)
    Hope all is well your end, busy busy here, but I think next week will see the return of the crafty table as now I'm on the bar I have a few later starts and so can have crafty mornings which I am looking forward to (don't tell Paul LOL).

  11. Hi Jules, wow what a fabulous card love the colouring its a fantastic card for a male. Thanks for the lovely comments by the way, its been one of those weeks lets hope next is somewhat better. Take care have a lovely weekend, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  12. Oh a gorgeous card Jules, adore this image. Fab layout and love the little fishes too.

  13. so gorgeous!! Love how you have used the sketch! your colouring is amazing! and I just Love all the scallops! Hugs Juls

  14. Oh this is just so sweet! Thanks so much for joining us at LOTV this week x

  15. Gorgeous card Jules, love the colours and adorable image you've chosen.
    Thank you for joining us at Lili of the Valley.
    Nicola -x-


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx