Friday 9 July 2010


Hi Everyone

The weekend is nearly here again .. .. wowzers .. .. where did the week go??

I stopped this morning to ponder a question I asked myself last night .. .. .. "What did I used to do before I filled my time and craft space with all this rubber, paper and ink?".

Well I used to sew. I cannot remember the last item of clothing I made on my sewing machine (how bad is that) and yet at one time my wardrobe was only filled with things that I had made. I used to really love sewing and would make my little sister's dresses for her when I was 12 and she was 6 - it was something that I could just naturally do (and the only thing I could beat my best friend at in the exams at school).

I can remember taking a sewing pattern to school and a piece of material to make my Sis a dress and the sewing teacher telling me what a bad choice of fabric I had made because it had stripes which would need to be matched and perhaps I should use a different fabric. I would imagine it had already been an expense my Mum could have done without so decided I needed to stick with what she had already bought.

I think I surprised the teacher though as I stuck with it and managed to match everything and it looked great when it was finished .. .. she must have been impressed because I was allowed to go to her home (along with a couple of other school friends) to learn other crafty things after this. I think I owe a lot to her. The only thing she tried to teach me that I couldn't grasp was tatting. I could do the first bit but that was it.

Thinking about it a child wouldn't be allowed to go to a teacher's home now I bet .. .. but we are talking of some 40 years ago here. Oh dear!!!!

So today my make is made in memory of my old faithful sewing machine that must be about 29 years old now and doesn't get played with as much as it should. It has certainly sewn some miles and made some great creations.

This used:

My trusty sewing machine
Old brown paper
Black Cotton
Black Ink

And that is it.

Everything has been cut freehand and stitched to my card.

I did sew onto a base card and mount the base card onto a card blank .. .. .. just in case it was a total washout .. .. but I don't think it has turned out too badly considering it was made with a piece of rubbish!!

Thanks for calling by and have a great weekend. I know my creation won't be to everyone's taste - but it is different!!! Hopefully in a good way LOL!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. This is very cool, I started sewing and always meant to sew myself a great wardrobe of clothes, but just somehow never got that far!!! lol

    Awesome card, and great story, loved readin it! Have a great Weekend!

  2. Yup, I remember those days too Jules and here's a shocker for you. I was talking to an ex-teacher (who now owns a lovely shop called The Knittery and actually teaches knitting) yesterday and then my DD this morning (she is a secondary school teaching assistant). Whilst in The Knittery I spied a game of Jacks which I used to spend hours playing as a child (I had to buy a set) and the lady told me that they are trying to revive this type of game from the past as they have begun to realise that kids these days have lost the eye to hand co-ordination skills that our generation has because this type of game has all but died out. When I was talking to my DD about it this morning she said that when the children first start sewing classes at secondary school, they spend a whole lesson learning to thread up a machine because they have discovered that the one thing that none of them can do is ........... thread the needle!!! Isn't that terrible? Like you I sewed from an early age (and knitted even younger) and made my summer school uniform in my first term at Grammar School from the required blue and white striped fabric. That would have made me 11 at the time.

    Sorry for that waffle but your post rang such bells! As for your card, it's great and has a real shabby chic look to it.

    Have a great weekend Jules.

    Lesley Xx

  3. I think it has turned out heavenly Jules,the flower is superb.And I love the story behind the

  4. Totally fabulous. Enjoy the weekend.
    Annette x

  5. Oh well I love the card and the reminiscing and Lesley's tale! I too started sewing young but I have to say Im lazy with it now, if I make anything, and I often do, and it doesnt fit, I throw it in the 'Im cross with you now' pile! I know I should test and try on but that would mean stopping mid way!!

    The thing I liked about your card is that it shows us how we can still make beautiful cards without necessarily using ever new gadget on the high street!

    Will catch up with you this w/end, Im aware, I owe you an email! lol!

    Have a lovely one!

    Keryn x

  6. Jules Jules Jules, I ADORE it, its fabulous, so love that flower, I wish my sewing machine still worked properly, it eats the cotton, so the only time I use it is to make stitch holes.
    love that brown paper too.
    have a great weekend love chris xx

  7. wow jules this is stunning and just a few ingredients to make it too.the brown paper is a great idea and the black stitching really stands out.i love the flower.fantastic card hun.luv coops.xx

  8. Oh Wow! I love this Jules! Fabulous dedication to your sewing machine :) Gorgeous flower!
    I'm afraid I can't sew for toffee, I haven't inherited my Mum's sewing skills but would just love to be able to make my own clothes though!
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  9. Jules it is wonderful! I too sewed from an early age, but didn't really manage to knit very well, being left handed in a house full of right handed peeps. They taught me but I've always been very slow. I made myself loads of clothes up until Meg came along, and then I made her quite a few too. Now Meg uses my machine quite a bit for little projects and I make the odd pair of curtains or cushion covers. Lesley is right. Many children in primary schools have difficulty using scissors these days. They don't have the coordination that we had

  10. Hi Jules. I used to sew too, before I discovered stamping & card making. I made all my daughter's clothes when she was little, and most of my own. My sewing machine comes out only occasionally now, more often than not just for mending, but I've had it for about 35 years and it's still going strong. Your card is great! Very unusual, and that flower is gorgeous!

  11. Fab card Jules! Love this one! I've got to admit that I'm also neglecting my sewing machine, it is so fun to sew isn't it?! TFS


  12. Great card Jules, i can't sew for toffee even though i've got a machine. Thanks fo reminding me of that stamp site, i've shopped there before but had quite forgotten about them. Di.x

  13. Great card Jules love the brown paper flower.
    I'm always a bit wary of using my sewing machine with paper - in case the paper dust really clogs it up.
    Like you, I've always been able to sew - but I don't do as much as I used to either.

  14. Hi Jules

    I like you was a loved sewing...I started making clothes at an early age, as my mum said I was to fussy, and I was always wanting her to alter stuff she had made for me as it was not quite perfect!......Love how you have made this card, so creative, fabulous was of using all those different stitches, and I love the monochrome look it really makes the stitching stand out! just STUNNING!!!!! Hugs Juls

  15. Fabulous card, love that flower its gorgeous. I hope you have a lovely weekend Jules. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx