Wednesday 20 October 2010


Hi Everyone

I am a bit earlier today as I am off to sit with my Mum for a while this afternoon (and have another natter and Christmas image colouring session) .. .. and by the time I get back again I will be falling into Mr Blogger's "maintenance downtime" when we won't be able to up-load our images .. .. so here I am.

If there are any dodgy spellings in this post then I am having a bit of a problem with my keyboard.  For some reason the letter "J" isn't working properly.  For a guess there is something underneath the key that shouldn't be there .. .. I need to find the can of compressed air and give it a blast and stand back to see what flies out!!

A little digress because that has just reminded me of a time when my late MIL was having problems printing from her computer.  She telephoned to speak to us in the hope we could talk her through putting right what the problem might be .. .. .. sadly we couldn't sort it so went round the next day .. .. taking our printer with us as we knew she had urgent things to print out.  We spent a while going through set ups etc but no - it still wouldn't work.

I removed the paper that was in the printer (it was one where the paper dropped into a back feeder) and tried to load it with fresh paper.  For some reason it wouldn't re-load.  Closer inspection of the paper feeder revealed a whole "extra strong mint" - lodged into the mechanism!! 

I managed to tip it out and Mum said "Oh, that's where it went" LOL!!!  We had such a laugh and for quite a while afterwards too .. .. .. I don't think there is an extra strong mint under my "J" key though?!?!?!?.

Anyway, back to it ....

Beautiful day today but for some reason my photographs have been coming out rubbish with a blue tinge to them.  I tried a few locations but have ended up just lying them flat on top of stash on my work desk!!  They have come out best of all so that is what I have gone for!!

I wanted to enter the Penny Black Saturday Challenge this week as Debbie has produced a really lovely sketch for entrants to follow.  It was lovely to work with Debbie and will be going in my "sketch folder" so I don't forget how nice it was to use.

Here is my creation

This used: 

Image:  Penny Black "1444K" Hedgehog Bouquet
Backing Papers:  Cuddly Buddly Download "Little Miss Daisy Spring 2"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Button and Ribbon from the stash box

Here is Debbie's lovely sketch

Great sketch and I love the little hedgehog image from Penny Black.  It is useful for so many occassions, birthdays, get well wishes, congratulations, Mothers Day and even "sorry"!!!

Well I am quite well ahead of myself.  Posting done for the day and a lovely  cottage pie made ready for just putting into the oven when I get back from Mum's .. .. and then my treat of the week .. .. The Apprentice.

Catch you all again soon and a very big welcome to my new followers .. .. I hope you like what you see when you visit (but be warned .. .. I can ramble on a bit as you have probably already worked out LOL!!).



  1. This is such a beautiful card Jules, I love the image and your gorgeous backing papers. Enjoy your natter with your

  2. Gorgeous hun, I love this 'ickle hedgie as well just fab! Great sketch, might have to get my one & only PB stamp out & have a play lol..
    Enjoy you afternnon of chat & colouring
    hugs shell xx

  3. Beautiful card Jules and the story was so funny. x

  4. Hi Jules, this is really pretty, absolute gorgeous colouring
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  5. A gorgeous card Jules. Know you'll enjoy your time with your Mum - I miss having a good old goss with mine - OH just doesn't understand the need for a bit of gossip!! LOL

  6. A gorgeous card Jules, love the cute hedgie, beautiful colours and love the cute little button too!
    Hope you had a good day :)

  7. an extra strong mint in the printer eh? lmao thats a good one! hope there isnt one under your J teehee!

    absolutely adore that hedgie he is SO adorable. love what you did with him. the sketch is fantastic will have to get out my ONLY penny black image, winter swing and have a go at this challenge!!!

    Thanks Hun! Have a great rest of week!

  8. Gorgeous card Jules, love the image and the lovely soft colours you have used. Sue x

  9. omg jules this is just way too cute. the sketch is so pretty hugs Lou xxx

  10. Such a cute card Jules!, love the gorgeous hedgie and your colour combo is stunning hun,
    Hope you had a fab day!
    hugs Vicky xx

  11. Love the minty printer story. I have to use the hoover on my keyboard regularly as I work right in front of the keyboard lol. Love the card Jules the papers are so gorgeous.

  12. awhhhh!! this is just utterly gorgeous!! Hugs Juls

  13. wonderful card jules.the image is so sweet and i love your gorgeous colours combo and fab papers.
    lol at the extra strong mint :D

    xx coops xx

  14. This is really lovely Jules. I love the image but and the papers you have chosen are really special.

    Hope you got plenty of colouring done along with the gossip!

    Lesley XX

  15. Ah how adorable, love it, Luv Sam x

  16. A really pretty card. I love the papers.

    Nikki x

  17. Lovely card Jules, I really like the colours and the papers and as always...beautifully coloured.
    I know what I'd find under my stuck key....chocolate!!

  18. Gorgeous card Jules hun, such pretty colours, LOOOOOOL at your extra strong mint!!! hope it nothing to gruesome under the J, thanks for joining us at pbsc. Joey.xx

  19. I think the keyboards are rebelling, Jules, mine keeps missing out all sorts and it's taking ages to read everyhting and correct the missing letters!
    I think I've probably got my whole dinner underneath the keys if your mint story is anything to go by!!!
    I cried with laughing at your great comments you left me, what a sight that would have been!!!
    Great cards as always, I especially love that trendy tree in your last post.
    Hope you had a good time with your Mum.
    Hugs Lisa

  20. such a beautiful card jules and I loved your printer story...thanks for joining in the fun this week at Penny Black Saturday...hugs kath xxx

  21. Sorry I've missed so much on your blog over the last few months. I've just been catching up on all your fab Christmas cards - now I'm feeling all inspired. Hope I'm still feeling the same way tomorrow when I get to my desk again.
    Beryl xx

  22. Oh Jules this is gorgeous and so adorable.
    Thanks for joining at PBSC this week and using my sketch.

  23. Beautiful card Jules, fab layout and lovely colours you have used.
    hugs and xxx

  24. Wow this is so pretty jules - gorgeous image and i really love your backing papers. Thanks for joining in this week's PBSC
    pauline x

  25. This is lovely Jules! The image is really cute, the papers are beautiful and I love the delicate colours you have used! All so pretty! Hugs Delphine xx PS: loved your printer story:-)


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx