Thursday 21 October 2010


Hi Everybody

I hope you have all had a good day.  Bit of a cold start today don't you think?

Sorted out my "J" key.  Gave my keyboard a blast with the can of compressed air and along with rather a lot of dust and hair flew out the biggest crumb .. .. .. how on earth it fitted in there in the first place I have no idea!!  But judging by the amount of mess that came out I think I should clean it a bit more often!!  Mucky girl!!

Back to sharing a Christmas card today .. ..

This one used:

Image:  Penny Black "3737J" Star Dance
Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Josy Rose:  Star Nail Heads
Glamour Dust
Star Dust Stickles
Ribbon, cord and brad from the stash box

I drew just very thin lines with a fine glue pen and sprinkled with the glamour dust to give the wreath just a tiny bit of sparkle.

I think you can just about make it out from the photographs.

Well what did my fellow bloggers think to The Apprentice?  What was the woman team leader like?  At the start she was so insistent on being team leader saying "this is my bag" that I thought she was going to be a real star and the challenge was going to be right up her street  .. .. .. I know from her experience it should have been .. .. but it just shows how people can "talk the talk" but not necessarily "walk the walk".  I shouldn't really pick fault though because I couldn't do any better.

OK .. .. back to more Christmas cards.

Have a lovely evening everyone.



  1. Love this Jules, the colour is gorgeous, nice change from the usual chrissy colours, the bow and the stars finish it beautifully.

    I'm with you on the Apprentice, what a plonker she turned out to be, all talk and no action, what a pity she wasn't fired!

  2. This Jules is amazing, absolutely fantastic I love the stars and glitter decor on the stamp.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog they are so very encouraging, and I am so glad you saw Ava "she is a little devil in disguise really" lol xxx

  3. Oh hun I just love this, its perfectly clean & simple, but with loadsa glamour dust!!!
    Hugs shell xx

  4. Hi Jules
    This is gorgeous, love the blue ribbon, cord and little stars!
    Glad you got your keyboard sorted :D

  5. Oh Jules this is gorgeous thats a really fabulous stamp and the way youve used it is stunning, love those stars. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  6. Lovely have done a very similer version nearly used it for you know what! LOL xx Zoe

  7. This is very gorgeous Jules, love that stamp. That blonde was definitely a blonde, all mouth and mustard!! Hope I haven't offended any blondes reading this lol.

  8. Hi Jules, This is SUCH A BEAUTY. I love that wreath its perfect, hugs chris xx

  9. Hi Jules, love your card, the turquoise blue is really vivid, beautiful. I'm sorry didn't watch the TV last night, no idea about the apprentice:0)xx

  10. Jules, you make too many cards, every time i come here you've done at least 3, i can't cope,lol. I've always loved this stamp and you've done such a good job with it.The little stars and the bow make it really special. I've the same problem with my r key i always have to use spellcheck, maybe i've got a huge crumb too. Di.xx

  11. One word "Stunning" hun, just love this card and great colour combo too. Love how you added the cord Jules and the little stars just finishes it off perfectly :o)
    Hugs Vicky xx

  12. What a fantastic stamped image - great colours too. Very elegant.
    Beryl xx

  13. Thsnks for the tip about using a can of compressed air to claean the keyboard. Usually tip mine up side down occasionaly to remove any bits but tha air sounds a more efficient solution. Love that card by the way.

  14. I LOVE this card the metallic blue really pops!

  15. Oh Jules, this card is truly gorgeous. I love the deep turquoise teamed with the black and the sparkle shows beautifully. Very special!

    Today was special too because postie brought me my goodies from you, you lovely lady! Such beautiful ribbons and fibres and those buttons and charms are gorgeous. My absolute favourite bits in there are some fab clear buttons with what looks like black lace embedded into them. I will be very reluctant to use them, Lol! I think I'll just get them out every so often and move them around to get a good look, Ha Ha!

    Thank you so very much.

    Lesley Xx

  16. This is wonderful jules, I love it, it's different and very elegant.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  17. This is great, such an unusual Christmas card - I love it! The blue stars and ribbon really lift the fab swirly wreath!

    luv, Mags x

  18. super sylish Christmas card Jules.
    I love the apprentice, best laugh of the week, the bleach blonde team leader I call lickerty spit because of her quiff that she licks into they are such know it alls, abit like my teenage son. As a Scouse friend of mine used to say "Know it all know's Sxxte"
    have a good week end. janex
    ps this came up on my blog, strange , gremlins in the works!

  19. Such an elegant card Jules, I particularly like the beautiful teal youve used, it gives it such a lovely fresh feel.

    Oh I had to laugh at 'blondie' too, she pulled the most amazing faces and when she calculated the bread roll costing £1.82 we shrieked!!
    But, as you say, who could blame her really with the cameras following her every move. I guess she could just envisage herself facing Lord Sugar for the firing at that point!
    I really wasnt sure which team would come out ontop as they were so close, or should I say, both were as bad as the other!!

    Keryn x

  20. wow stunning card jules.fantastic image and i love the striking colours and fab cas layout :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Its fantastic...gorgeous colours and that image is fab.
    hugs and xxx

  22. Stunning card, Jules! I love the image with the bow and stars you have added, the colours and the "tiny bit of sparkle":-)! And the layout, just beautiful! Hugs Delphine xx

  23. oh wow!!! this is fabulous! I love how you have mimiced the stamped image with your embellies...the stars and littery just adds a very fabulous and creative dimesnion! Love it!!! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx