Friday 17 December 2010


Hi there blog buddies

Crikey has it been cold today!!!

If the saying is true "that it is too cold to snow" then we won't be having any snow here for a while .. .. it has been bitter. 

It is the eve of hubby's birthday and I have just finished his card. 

Here it is for you to see  -  no way he will look at my blog and spoil his surprise as he is far too busy.  Friday night is the night he does our culinary delight of fish, chips, potato fritters and mushy peas .. .. yummy!!! 

I love Friday nights .. .. .. .. although he does make a lot of mess in the kitchen!!!  But I will forgive him because his food tastes great (and I haven't had to cook LOL!!). 

I have just thought .. .. this time next week it will be Christmas Eve .. .. .. the best day of Christmas!!!  Woo hoo!!!

Anyway, stop waffling woman and get showing this card LOL!!!

This used:

Image:  Magenta "96442" Buds and Flourishes (clear embossed)
Backing Paper:  Brown wrapping paper (no expense spared LOL!!)
Sentiment:  Computer generated using font "The King and Queen Font" (love this one)
Cuttlebug Die:  Heart (cannot find a name for it but they all nestle inside each other)
Clear Embossing Powder
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Paper crimper for adding texture to the gold card

Hopefully hubby will like it and be able to find the heart LOL!!!

The Christmas tree and all the decorations have made their way out of the roof space .. .. so we are one step nearer being spruced up for Christmas.  My lovely hubby was muttering something about "moving the furniture around" before we put the tree up .. .. so that should be interesting.  Not sure what he thinks will move where - but it will make for a good clean up.

Have a great evening everyone.

Stay warm and safe.



  1. A stunning card Jules hubby will love it.A freezing cold day here too no sign of any white

  2. What a perfect manly yet romantic card Jules, I love it. Dying to hear if the furniture has been moved lol

  3. Totally fabulous card Jules, your husband will love it. Annette x

  4. What a beautiful, elegant card! Love it!

  5. Oooh Jules this is stunning! Love it, so stylish and elegant! Happy Birthday to your hubby.
    Christmas Eve is my favourite day of the holidays too :)
    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Oh Jules, this is amazing! So classy, such wonderful colours, a perfect sentiment, and... I just love it! Hugs Delphine xx

  7. This si gorgeous, I really love the colours and the sentiments stamps!

    Beautiufl work, can't wait to see your Christmas tree, oh dear good luck with moving things around!!!

  8. What an incredible card! I love the colors and the sentiment too!

  9. wow so stylish!!!!bet he loves it!

  10. Beautiful card!
    Happy Birthday to your hubby.
    Have fun putting up the decorations.
    Hugs, Clare x

  11. What a beautiful card! It's perfect, I'm sure your hubby will love it :o) I just came to say thank you for your lovely comment, but got carried away browsing your blog so I've been here a while lol - following you now. Lisa x

  12. I agree, Christmas eve is the best day of Christmas. Sadly i have to work till 10.30pm this year...

    Anyway, the card is beautiful as always

  13. Jules thats fabulous Im sure hubby love it. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  14. Have I been away a month? I can't believe how much I've missed. I hope you and your hubby are enjoying his birthdy - I just know he will love this card. So lovey dovey and also so very masculine. It's fantastic.
    Beryl xx

  15. Oh wow Jules, how gorgeous is this!!!
    I love it, and I'm sure your hubby will too, Happy Birthday to him!

  16. wow this is stunning jules.a really striking card.i love the hearts and the fab swirls around the edge.a real corker of a card hun :F

    xx coops xx

  17. stunning!!! Loving the use of the the stamped swirls, the interlocking hearts, such a stylish and elegant card!!!! Hugs Juls

  18. Hi Jules
    Thats nice I hope that he doesnt see it. Hope you have a nice Birthday.
    Helen xxx

  19. Oh Jules, this is such a beautiful card. I think I''d cry to get something so lovely. I hope he had a wonderful birthday.

  20. And this is lovely! Perfect paper and perfect hearts! Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx