Saturday 18 December 2010


Hi Everyone

Well hubby is having a lovely birthday .. .. .. with the exception of his football team losing today!!!

He has come back from the match frozen and a tad deflated .. .. but never mind we will soon cheer him up. 

Baby boy and I are taking him out for a cheap and cheerful Indian meal.  Love this restaurant as we  are allowed to take our own drinks with us so it never costs the earth .. .. and the food is always scrummy!!!

My share today is a card I have made for my Mum for Christmas.  It "may" be the last Christmas card of 2010 .. .. .. but it is definitely the last use the lovely Tispy Tree is going to get for a little while.  I have really loved this stamp set and used it lots.  In fact you are probably sick of seeing it LOL!!!.

This used:

Image:  Woodware Clear Stamps "JGCL529" Tipsy Tree
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Distress Ink:  Crushed Olive
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles
Gem, Brad and Cord from the stash box

And there we are!!!

Right, time to get myself looking decent ready to hit the town.  No snow here .. .. just a sprinkling this morning first thing .. .. but it is still very cold.

The tree is still not up!!!   What are we like ???.. .. some people have had their's up for over two weeks already and mine is in it's box on the landing at the top of the stairs!!  Shame on me!!! Hopefully it will be up tomorrow as I can stay in all day and play "house"!!!  Yay!!!

I don't know about you but I have entered the "storm before the calm" period of Christmas LOL!!!. 
Have a lovely evening everyone and if you have snow then stay safe in it.



  1. Hello Jules well what a gorgeous card, I could never tire of seeing your Tipsy Tree.
    Do enjoy your meal this evening.
    No snow I am hoping it is missing us this time round but it is bitterly cold.

  2. Hiya hun!
    I would never get bored seeing your tipsy tree, it's just fabulous and love how you paper piece it. Glad hubby is having a great time today, even tho' his team lost today :o(
    Have a great meal and hope you don't get any of that white stuff, it's getting right up my nose now lol!
    Hugs Vicky xx

  3. I do love this tree!!!! and full of hearts its just adorable!!!! gorgeous creation! Hugs Juls

  4. I love this card and I am sure your mum will too. We have had our tree for about a week now but can't wait to get it down. It all seems to take up far too much space and I can't dust properly... Many thanks for your kind words and comments.Hugs Nicola xx

  5. LOVE IT!

    I will miss tipsy tree, it has been nice seeing him but good to see his final bow ;-)

    hehe, have a great night out, and hurry up with the tree lady, I wanna see! lol... *no pressure or anything*

  6. I really love this tree - might have to buy it for next year's cards! Gorgeous papers too. Hope you're having a fab night out :o) Lisa x

  7. I hope you have a fabulous evening, Happy Birthday to your hubby. Gorgeous tipsy tree creation too jules.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Fabulous card Jules - love the softness of the colours and the tree image is gorgeous - could never see too much of that!
    Hope you had a lovely meal and belated Happy Birthday to Hubby.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Debs xx

    p.s Get that tree up lol!!!

  9. Jules, love the 'tipsy tree' and please don't stop using it:) Hope you had a good dinner. We went to a 20th annual tree decorating party at a friend's. Great food, great company and great fun--who could ask for more!!!

  10. Smashing card Jules, that tipsy tree does make me smile, I think it's great.

  11. Love the card Jules, you have certainly made good use of that stamp. Hope your tree is up now???

  12. I've enjoyed your tipsy tree and hope it doesn't get forgotton next year. Lovely soft colourway.
    Your Christmas tree is gorgeous. Ours is still in the loft - where it has been for 2 years. I wonder if it will get an outing this year.
    Beryl xx

  13. Fantastic card, Jules! I love the paper piecing and colours you have used! I am going to miss your tipsy tree... Hugs Delphine xx

  14. I love this tree and I love your paper piecing! Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx