Sunday 19 December 2010


Yippee .. .. the House of Hearts has a decorated Christmas tree .. .. but no crafty makes to share today :-(

It has taken far too long to move the furniture around in the front room and clean the disgusting skirting board that was behind the furniture we moved !!  Eekkk.  What would Kim and Aggie say????

We still have boxes of decorations everywhere that need putting out and about but at least the tree is up and is looking good.

There are also presents still to wrap but guess who has run out of sellotape?????  (No way am I wasting my double sided tape!!!).

Here are a few pictures of my tree .. it has been quite difficult to take a picture that looks as nice as my tree.  I lurve it and it isn't even a Tipsy Tree LOL!!!

The Christmas Tree

My Favourite Bauble

And of course no tree would be complete
without strings of hearts!!  LOL!!!

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.  I am looking forward to the final of The Apprentice this evening.  I think Stella should win!!

See you tomorrow .. .. with a make to share I hope!!  I have missed not making anything today and have all these ideas buzzing round in my head torturing me.. .. what am I like?



  1. Your tree looks beautiful!
    Clare x

  2. Well what a fabulous tree, about time to, love the hearts and the gorgeous fairy.
    Have a nice evening

  3. Hiya Jules!
    About time lol!, your tree looks fabulous and I love the string of hearts :o)
    Take care hun and enjoy the appentice,
    Warm hugs Vicky xx

  4. Hi Jules,

    So sorry that I have not visited for a while, but I have been poorly for a while with my Asthma playing up!

    Gorgeous Christmas tree and I hope you are looking forward to Xmas.

    Love Kerry xxx

  5. Your tree looks beautiful Jules! I love to see a proper traditional Christmas tree, not some modernistic designer thing. My favourite bauble is very similar to yours! xx

  6. Your tree looks amazing Jules, really gorgeous hun.
    Happy christmas
    Tracy x

  7. Hiya Jules
    Sorry i havent commented for ages but blogger hasnt always behaved when its come to commenting....*fingers crossed* its behaves tonight!!
    Anyway your tree is gorgeous sweetie and your uploads i havent been able to comment on are absolutely stunning as always :o)
    Have a fabbie christmas!!
    hugs and xxx

  8. Your tree looks beautiful, and I can see why you love that bauble so much.

  9. AH its FINALLY UP!

    We can't believe our eyes, I say "we" cos I've been telling mum about it as I always show her your cards, so now she keeps asking me "has she put her tree up yet?" and today I could say YES!

    She said she was very impressed, good on you!

    YAY, And I love it too, awesome to see, Thanks for sharing with us!

  10. Ooooh! Your tree looks so lovely!

  11. Oh, impressive, Jules! Your tree is gorgeous, even if it is not tipsy:-) Hugs Delphine xx

  12. Jules, your tree is gorgeous. It must have taken hours. Hugs, Pauline xx

  13. Beautiful tree!
    We put a silver star on top of our C'mas tree.
    Thank you for your gorgeous card!
    Warm hugs;-))m

  14. I love your tree, and of course your hearts lol. Wasn't the apprentice good, missed the second half though:(

  15. Your tree looks wonderful Jules.

  16. Hi Jules
    Yes you are now ready for santa to come.
    Helen xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx