Friday 28 January 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good day .. .. the weekend is here .. .. yay!!!

Unfortunately the make I was going to share with you today (in fact it is my one and only make) isn't dry .. .. and in an attempt to speed things along a bit I have ruined it!!!  LOL!!

I will have to make amends and hopefully share it with you all tomorrow .. .. but in the meantime a little tip for you all:

Don't try to speed up the drying of your glossy accents with a heat gun .. .. no matter how far away from your work you hold your heat gun!!!

I could tell it was starting to go "pear shaped" but thought .. .. "no carry on" .. ..  it might turn into one of those happy accidents where you end up with something really cool.  The beads might all melt into the glossy accents and the bubbling effect might dry to look amazing .. .. .. nah .. .. it all looks a complete mess LOL!!

Never mind.  Thankfully the bit I was being impatient with is only a small element of the finished card so I can rectify things and hopefully post it tomorrow.

In the meantime I will share a sneaky peek of a treat that is coming your way on Sunday.

My lovely boss Anice .. from Funky Hand .. .. has a slot on Create and Craft this Sunday at 10.00am where you will get to see the fab new CD that is about to be released.  It is truly amazing and can do far more than anything I have seen before. 

Here is a little glimpse of one of my samples.  I wonder if it will make its way onto the TV screen .. ..

So what other news do we have at this end?

Well, hubby managed to sleep all through the night .. .. lucky him!!!

I have told him he can have a star on his wall chart now!! 

Unfortunately I didn't manage the same .. but I do feel a little better today.  Hopefully it won't be too long before I get a star too.

So why only one make from me today?  Well my laptop is going to have to go to the laptop doctor and I have been busy trying to rescue anything and everything I think I might need as I am expecting it to come back with everything wiped!!  Eeekkk!!

Life in the House of Hearts is nothing if not varied!!

Catch you again tomorrow with my "rescued make".



  1. Nice little sneak peak. I too have some samples from Ooh La La hopefully on Create and Craft on Saturday 12pm if you happen to watch.So glad you are on the mend.
    Just thought I would let you know Stephen was not made redundant YAH.

  2. What, Jules? I'm here and your share isn't dry??? LOL... But I love your sneaky peek:-) I wanted to thank you for the lovely comment you left, especially since I am a terrible blogger and feel so "down". I try to visit whenever I can, but I have so little time and I hope you are not too upset... I am! I hope you are better:-) Have a great weekend! Hugs Delphine xx

  3. LOL, Jules that is so something I would do with the accents! Methinks I have a bad influence on you! lol

    Can't wait to see the cards, the sneak peek looks awesome already!

  4. Ha ha been there and got the T-shirt, I'm never that lucky that my disaters turn out to be masterpieces, I keep a few hidden under my paperstacks to remind me not to do such daring things with paper again.
    I hope you get your star tonight, it's awful if you cough all night, and then worry about keeping half the house awake.
    I love the sneak peek, all dots, right up my street so I'll set my skybox to record.
    Claire xxx

  5. thanks for the tip off Jules, soory it went pear shaped, your sneaky peak looks very interesting. hope you are ok love chris xx

  6. Hi Jules

    Can't wait to see the creation now - you did make me laugh re glossy accents and heat guns - I definitely won't try that at home!


  7. I will definitely take that advice to heart. I have done some pretty stupid things to rush a project in the past as well. That aside, your thought process was not faulty; many awesome new techniques have started out as someone doing something different. :D

  8. Oh Dear Jules, you are going through it at the moment, your sneaky peek looks brilliant carnt wait to see th rest. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  9. We just never know when to stop Jules, heat guns are more powerful than we give them credit for lol. Loving your little peek of things to come. Will be watching out for this tomorrow:)


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx