Saturday 8 January 2011

TEE HEE .. .. ... NAUGHTY ME!!!

Hi Everyone

Hadn't realised that last night's heart was so hard to find!!!

I didn't plan it to be so difficult .. .. .. in fact an email plinged onto my phone just as I went to bed from a blog buddy saying "She could find the heart!!" and I had a comment earlier from another buddy saying she hadn't managed to find it either.

I did wonder whether it had perhaps got detached or something so snook out of bed to check it was still on the card .. .. and yes it was!!!  So I snuggled back under the covers with a cheeky little grin on my face, chuckling to myself and  picturing folk looking for it!!  (I can be a bit wicked like that sometimes LOL!!).

I wonder if it is the most difficult one yet?!?!?  LOL!!

Oh well .. .. I will leave you struggling until I post later and then I will reveal where the little blighter is .. .. tee hee!!!

In fact .. .. .. if anyone has / or can find it leave me a comment here.  The first one to correctly let me know where it is will get a little pack of goodies from me (nothing major .. .. .. but it will be filled with love).

Have a lovely day.  The sun is shining beautifully here.

Edit:  Just thought I would check my photograph out on my lovely hubby.  Without any help from me it took him just under a minute to find the heart .. .. he asked if that meant he could have the prize .. .. but then said "It's OK .. it can go to the next person to find it".  (Between you an me he wouldn't have the foggiest idea what to do with anything crafty anyway LOL!!).


My lovely blog buddy Shell was the first to "finally" find the heart Tee Hee .. well done Shell.  Let me have your addy and I will send you a little pack of goodies!!  Thanks for playing along.


Oh dear .. .. just notice I have lost a follower during the course of this little bit of fun!!  Sorry if I have offended someone.

Catch you all later



  1. You are so naugty I found it ner!! It on the flowery paper in the corner under your watermark!! so ner ner ner ner hehe!!
    hugs shell xx

  2. Hiya Jules, I found it, under the pic on the very bottom middle of card. Pretty little heart with a black shiny surface, you are a tinker, LOL :0) xxx

  3. Great news about your hubby's work, the wait must have been so distressing. Enjoy your special bottle!

    I spy a heart, at least I think that I do, in the design paper corner and close to the A in Always With A Heart. If I'm wrong...I really do need a pair of glasses! Lol!

    Big hugs

  4. Whoop Whoop thank you hunnie
    Oh I am so excited xx
    hugs shell xx

  5. romfl jules!!! little mo looked and looked! he said "well mummy theres no tag for a heart hole so i just don't know where she put it today, do you fink its under the ladys hat?!!!!" bless him!!!! lol!! hugs lou xxx

  6. What a great sense of humour you have Jules! Your hearts are usually so obvious but it's great fun to search for the 'not so obvious'. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  7. I'd never have found this one Jules - how to keep an idiot amused, ha, ha!! Might just get on Ebay for a magnifying glass ....

  8. LOL, you tricker!

  9. haha, now i see the heart.i was searching for ages :D
    well done shell :D
    xx coops xx

  10. It's so obvious to see now that i know where it is lol


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx