Friday 7 January 2011


Hi Everyone

Did you think I wasn't playing tonight?

Busy, busy day in the House of Hearts with lots happening .. .. including snow!!

Some of the happenings have been very serious stuff .. .. which I feel happy to share now because it had a happy ending today.  I won't bore you with all the details but in brief we having been living the last 6 months with hubby under threat of redundancy.

It has been a very long and drawn out thing but thankfully today we have heard that he is safe and will be kept on .. .. but sadly not all of his work colleagues are going to be.  He is going to have to say goodbye to some good workchums  :-(

So we are very, very happy today and breathing huge sighs of relief .. .. .. but feel so sorry for those that are not so fortunate.

It has been a very scary time and has put life into perspective for us.  The thought of thousands and thousands of people going through what we have .. .. ..  but not coming out of it with a happy ending is just  heartbreaking.  What is the country coming to?

We do realise we are very, very lucky.

I haven't mentioned it before because I want to keep my blog a happy place for people to visit .. .. and hopefully I managed to do this.  A few of my blog buddies have known what has been happening and I want to thank them very much for their support and friendship (thank you so much xx).

So tonight has involved lots of talking that has made me late.  Sorry!!

But at last here is my share:

This used:

Image:  Woodware "JRCL312" Victorian Lady
All Backing Papers:  Funky Hand Papercraft Factory "Dreams Come True"Josy Rose:  Nail Heads and Acrylic Stones
Glossy Accents
Lace, flowers, feathers, pearls and wire from the Stash Box
I am entering this card into a couple of challenges:

The Papertake Weekly Challenge:  Where anything goes .. .. but with the added option of adding lace to your creation


Woodware USA Weekly Challenge:  Where something "new" has to be used .. .. .. well my something new cannot actually be seen .. .. it is something I used.  A Tim Holtz paper distresser!!  Blimey - don't they make a mess!!  Never used one before until today .. .. I think it will only get used when I am due to vacuum the craft pod!!!  LOL!!

OK then.  That is me for tonight.

Hubby's lovely supper is ready (yes, he cooked .. .. even though he is poorly LOL!!)  and then tomorrow we are going to have a little celebration with a special little bottle we having been saving for an occasion worth celebrating.  We feel the occasion has come. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



  1. Hi Jules, I'm so happy you have good news, what a relief it must be. You're quite right though many more will get bad news it's a very worrying time.
    I think your card is beautiful, pretty selection of papers and great stamping, of course:0) xxx

  2. Hi Jules, sorry to hear that you have had such a stressful 6 months, I know it must have been such a worry, and I am glad it has worked out so well for you.

    Your card is gorgeous!!! I love that image, I may have to keep an eye out for that one!!!!! its gorgeous!!!

    Love the layers and the colours, and the little red roses are divine! stunning creation!!

    Hugs Juls

  3. So glad it all worked out for you both, such a relief.
    Terrific card Jules and enjoy your special bottle and supper. Annette x

  4. that is brilliant news for you and your husband Jules, I am so pleased for you. It is hard for all the others so i am sure your emotions are very mixed. I love the way you have used the gems on this card - I can't spot the heart though!

  5. So pleased for you that your husband's job is safe- most definately worthy of a celebratory drink tomorrow! What an elegant card too.
    Hugs, Alison x

  6. Beautiful card - so elegant :o) Great news re your hubby's job, it must be such a relief. At my hubby's work they all had to take a pay cut last year, not the best but at least their jobs are safe for now. Lisa x

  7. Hi! Jules sweetie,what a time for you both and i am so very pleased for you :)
    Very sad at times,as you say not quite sure what is going on in our country.
    I often think/worry what it will be like for my two when they grow up...
    Lets hope it will get better :)
    Lovely card and very ellegant.
    You both take care,have a lovely weekend.
    hugs Lou.xx

  8. That's great news, Jules, you both must be so relieved. It sounds like that bottle definitely needs opening. A lot of people are in the same boat at the minute, it's a very uncertain time. I think all we can do is hope for the best and plan for the worst!!!!
    Your card is beautiful. I love your image, having the back of her head is so unusual. I wonder if she's admiring your craft room.
    Have a good weekend, hopefully the snow will all be gone.
    Hugs Lisax

  9. Hiya Jules!

    Wonderful card as always, great image and I just love those backing papers too :o)

    So pleased about your good news hun!, such a relief for both you and hubby and I hope you both have a great weekend.

    Big hugs Vicky xx

  10. LOVE that image, fantastic card, gotta love distress tools! hehe I do it over my waste paper basket!

    Really glad to hear that hubby still has his job, its such terrible times when CEOs and shareholders are earning Millions,yet they wont keep on the actual WORKERS to do the jobs. DOn't get me started, I just know how you feel after losing my job last year! But it was for the best with me.

    I feel bad for the guys that loose their jobs and have families to support, hope they get sorted out with new employment quicksmart!

    Best Wishes to you, enjoy the bubbly.

  11. Wow I love this Jules, gorgeous image and your bouquet of flowers ar beautiful.I love your distressing too.I am so pleased you can now look towards a brighter future.Enjoy your meal,

    I think I am going to have to arrange for Tommy to cook us a meal on one day a week!!!.Watch this space I shall just blame your

  12. Your card is gorgeous! I love this image from Woodware!! Thank you so much for playing with us this week at Woodware USA!

  13. Wheres the heart ????? I keep looking and looking can't find

  14. Hi Jules
    So happy to hear of your good news, you both must be so relieved!
    This is lovely elegant card, gorgeous papers and love the dark red roses!
    Have a great weekend and enjoy your special little bottle :)

  15. Hi Jules, Very lovely card as always and glad you've have had the good news you've been waiting for.

    Donna x

  16. Glad to hear of your good news today.

    The backing paper you used on your card is lovely :)

  17. Hello Jules,

    Great news for you and your hubby, although I understand the best news for you both would have been if no-one got made redundant at all. The waiting to hear time must have been very stressful for you.

    Your card is beautiful. A lovely stamp and nice to see something a bit different.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Clare x

  18. Great card and even better news about your husband's job.

    Keep up the great work :)

  19. So pleased at your news - what a worry.All the best for 2011.Beautiful card, the colours are gorgeous.Take care.Debbie x

  20. Wonderful news, Jules! Your card is stunning! What a fabulous image. I love it.

  21. Come on missus where is it? I've been looking for ages! Even got the girlies looking & they can't find it mmmmmmmm !!!

    So glad to read your happy news, so so pleased for you both sending ya both huge whoop whoop hugs xxxxxx

    Gorgeous card as always, just love that image she is fab! Your dp is scrummy...
    ok will go have just one more look cus I will not be beaten hehe!!
    hugs shell xx

  22. beautiful card jules.the image is so elegant and i love the fab colours and added pearls and bling......but wheres the heart?
    great news on your hubbys job.its not nice to have redundancy hanging over your head so you must both be very relieved :D

    xx coops xx

  23. Gorgeous card and great news! Hope you enjoyed the bottle. (I'm sure you did!) xx

  24. So glad to hear your good news Jules!! This card is beautiful but I can't see the heart anywhere - driving me nuts!! :( xx

  25. A beutifu card - such an elegant image and beautuful papers to go with it.
    These are difficult times for a lot of people - been made redundant from one post myself many years ago and my poor daughter has been made redundant twice! Glad things worked out OK for your hubby in the end.
    Beryl xx

  26. My hubby has also had that threat hanging over him for about 6 months. It's such a relief to get the good news, but so sad when I think of the lovely people being made redundant through no fault of their own. I'm glad you've got the good news.

    luv, Mags x

  27. So pretty! Thanks for playing along with the Woodware USA "Something New" Challenge! :)

  28. I couldn't be more glad that you and your Hubby got the good news you've waited such a long time for Jules. Having known about this I have marvelled at your lovely bright and cheery posts. You certainly succeeded in your aim to keep your blog a happy place to visit so well done, indeed Buddy.

    Love the card with the unusual image and the designer papers are lovely too.

    Hope that celebratory drink went down well on Saturday (I've been busy with weekend visitors, hence no comment till now).

    Lesley Xx

  29. Pretty card Jules! So glad all worked out with your hubby's job!

    Thanks so much for joining us this week @ Paper Take Weekly!
    I am now one of your followers.  ;)  I would love it if you came to visit my blog and become a follower too!
    True :D

  30. Fabulous news Jules, Im sure the bottle of something special was just perfect!

    Oh how I have giggled at the £50 cold/flu discussion, I have to say I really didnt see that one coming but thinking about it, I bet mine would have said the same!!

    Such an elegant graceful card Jules, those colours are soft but with depth, beautiful!

    Keryn x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx