Friday 10 June 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope all is good with you. 

Friday night .. .. woo hoo!!!  Here comes the weekend!!

A very bright and simple make to share today .. ..  I was feeling well summery today with the sun shining so found myself going for the brighter and bolder colours .. .. so sunglasses at the ready!!

Here we go:

This used:

Image: Woodware "FRW006" Skateboard Dude  (I love colouring this little chappie)
Sentiment Tickets:  Hero Arts "CL171" Sparkle Clear Tickets
Backing Paper:  Funky Hand Papercraft Factory "Colour Me Happy"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads

Nothing too fancy .. .. but I love it!!

So just time for a quick catch up on the progress of our garden crops .. .. you will remember that I mentioned our disappointing results with the courgette plants that we set so Hubby brought home a "yellow" courgette plant.  Well that one seems quite happy.

But separate to that we had already planted a few more "green" courgette seeds in the hope of getting a plant from those.  Well guess what?  We now have SIX .. .. yes .. .. SIX .. .. green courgette plants starting to grow!!!  Oh my!!!

I hope I can find some people to take five of them off my hands!!!!  Otherwise there are going to be little bags of courgettes at the end of my drive with a sign saying .. .. "pleast take me".  LOL!!!

There are only so many things you can do with courgettes!!

So it is my MOT in the morning .. .. keep everything crossed.

It looks like my followers have all gone AWOL again .. .. they must have gone away for the weekend .. .. I hope you all have fun!!  Sorry I can't join you - my lovely Sis is coming for a meal and a sleepover and I wouldn't miss that for the world!!



  1. Hi Jules, a very lovely card. Great colours and a fab image. Hope you have a really lovely evening and fingers crossed for the MOT.

    Donna x

  2. Just gorgeous Jules,love the image.

    Well done on the courgettes, have a lovely evening with your sis and good luck with the MOT my fingers will be

  3. Hi Jules,

    A great, fun card! Fab colouring, as usual.

    Our neighbour grows courgettes and always has a glut - we are the lucky recipients of his spares!

    Hope the MOT goes ok!

    Hugs, Lynne x

  4. A fantastic card. I love the image and the bright colours. Have a lovely evening.

    Nikki x

  5. A lovely little card, nice & bright. Send some of your sun over here will you, 'cos we've had rain all day again. Have a great time with your sis, I wish I could see mine more often.
    Sally x

  6. fun card!! Love the polka dots!! Hugs Juls

  7. Ah ha ... I found it. You hid the heart pretty well on this cute little card Jules. :) Adorable boy's card.

    I'll cross my fingers for the MOT too .... even though I have no clue what MOT is. I may have to backtrack on posts to find the answer. LOL


  8. Love this, really nice card and love the brightness of it! and those ticket tags rock!!

    lol, @ your courgettes!

  9. fabulous fun card jules.i love the fab image and your bright colours and papers are great ;D
    have a fab weekend.

    xx coops xx

  10. Awww . . . a great boy's card. Congrats.

    Hugs, Sandra

  11. Fun card Jules, love the bright colours. I LOVE Courgettes!

  12. Sweet fun card, Jules!! Love that paper! It's lovely growing your own little bits isn't it? I'm currently trying to fend off the birds from eating my strawberries, they've already eaten one lot! And I had some caterpillars strip my herb pot so nature is winning at the moment!! x

  13. Hi Jules, sorry I've not been around much, it's been one of those weeks.... Super bright and fun card. I also love the new home cards made a few days ago - gorgeous.Hope you had a nice time with your Sister and are enjoying watching all your plants grow.Take care.Love Debbie x

  14. Love this Jules; so bright and cheery and perfect for a little chap. I have this stamp somewhere and the little girly ones that are part of the same range. Our school allotment is going well and we all got to take some salad leaves home this week. I'm supposed to be helping to run the Allotment Club but I'm like one of the kids, lol! xx

  15. Hi Hunny

    its me again - reading backwards actually - just having a little look round blogs - I should well have been here long before now - but nothing personal - i've not been to anyones LOL!!!

    we have one of those really little greenhouses and OH grows his toms although they are planted out up the garden now... we love cucumbers so we have lots of those - i think he's done a melon but not sure. Would love to grow pumpkins just to see who out of the 4 of us grows the biggest. Lots of garden fun!

    Enjoy sweetie.

    Paula x x x

  16. Fabulous card Jules, loving those colours! Hope your MOT went well!
    Helen x

  17. Hi Jules,

    Bright, bold and beautiful.
    Simple, stylish and stunning :)
    A perfect masculine card!
    I hope you had a wonderful time with your sister!



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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx