Saturday 11 June 2011


Hi Everyone

Hope your day has been good.

Mine has been very busy .. .. can you believe I haven't made a single thing?!?!?!?!??   

The day started early by taking my car for it's MOT.  Sadly it failed :-(  

I needed new brake pads .. .. .. so on top of my service and MOT I had to pay another £95  .. .. ouch!!!  Do they know how many rubber stamps I can buy for that?!?!?

But then there was a ray of light.  When I got back home Mr Postman delivered a couple of new Sizzix Dies I had ordered .. .. so I have had a play with those but not created anything to share.

But what I have to share is actually something I gained off my Mum yesterday .. .. a case of "one man's junk being another man's treasure".

Just look at this fabby treasure .. .. I lurve it!!

I was so happy with it and my Mum was just glad to see it gone.  She asked if I was going to take it home with me out of her way and when I replied "Yes please" she said "Thank goodness for that"  LOL!!  She is funny!!

I haven't found a home for it yet or  filled it .. .. ..  I am still deciding what to put in all the little drawers.  But treat of treats there were even a few of the original contents in the drawers and they smell delicious!!

So my lovely Sis is here now and we are going to sit and have a great planning session and a Chinese takeaway.  Then tomorrow we are out to buy new supplies for our next wedding fayre.   I am just hoping we are back in time for me to make some snippet makes!!

Catch you again tomorrow if Mr Blogger is happy again.  He is being a bit naughty at the moment!!!.



  1. ooh fabby and bet it smells gorgeous x

  2. A fabulous little chest Jules, I love picking up odd bits and pieces for storage,I am sure you will soon fill

  3. Hi Jules . . . I have a hexagonal Sanctuary product box left over from Xmas. Their products are so divine and smell so wonderful! I'm thinking of turning my box into an Inspiration Jar as a present for someone. I reckon your drawers will be perfect for snippets don't you?

    Hugs, Sandra

  4. Have a fabby evening Jules with your Sis...and the wee treasure box is gorgeous hun..wonder what you are gonna fill it up with lol..!

    have a great day tomorrow too....hugs Vicky xx

  5. Lovely treasure Jules - I'm sure you'll have it full in no time (hopefully not with snippets!!)

  6. Oh lucky you Jules. I have a 'bit of a thing' for anything with little drawers and a visit to a certain shop's clearance section is very bad for my purse and space shortage in my craftroom, lol! This is a lovely little set and I can just imagine your face when your Mum wanted to give them away.

    Lesley Xx

  7. Hi Jules
    Thank you so much for your lovely chatty comment. My Mum has exactly the same machine that disappears into a table and I have her original one but it is so heavy it lives in the cupboard under the stairs and rarely sees the light of day. I did buy one of those mini ones so should try that on projects, I just never think but love it when I see it on other peoples.
    I'm so sorry about your MOT, they have you over a barrel don't they. I hate taking mine, it's nearly 11 years old now but thankfully has passed the last twice with flying colours so it's my best friend at the minute!!
    Your little set of drawers are gorgeous, how i would love to receive something smelly in such beautiful packaging, I'd be more excited about the outside than whats inside!!
    Enjoy your chinese and your buying day tomorrow.
    Have fun.
    hugs Lisax

  8. The Sanctuary box set is terrific, thank goodness you saw it before your mother got rid. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  9. Hi Jules, sorry to hear about the car. Can't believe how much these things cost. They know you have to have them too. Love the little drawers, have a fab evening.

    Donna x

  10. what a great 'treasure' there Jules. I'd look at that and see 'altered project' and never do anything with it for years! LOL.. I have a cupboard full of stuff to decorate. Found a great shop once full of stuff for £2 & £3 - wish i'd have bought more!

    Ouch too on the car costs... I pay into a plan so no nasty surprises. My little corsa is covered up to the hilt with this and that - all what they talked me into when I bought it. But in the longrun - well worth it cos no bills to pay out now...

    Hope you had a great sister time.

    Lotsa love

    Paula x x x

  11. What a lovely little drawer set Jules, aren't you the lucky one. I noticed that blogger was not playing ball when I tried to leave a comment, sooooo frustrating isn't it? Have a fun time with your sis.
    Sally x

  12. Oh this is definitely a treasure! I have 2 very old Oxo stock-cube tins that my sis was going to chuck - I grabbed them even though I dunno what I'll do with them! My hubby just rolled his eyes when I told him they were 'storage'!

    I hope you had a good evening and a delish Chinese. Good luck with the next wedding fayre!

    luv, Mags x

  13. OH This is beautiful, love it!

  14. Well whos a lucky girl, they will be useful for all those little bits and pieces that go astray and you can never find them when you want them. Hope you have a lovely evening with your sister. hugs Shirleyx

  15. Hi Jules, sorry about your card... boo yes when you have to pay something you didn't plan for is really unpleasant.. I had to pay the insurance excess last month after the car accident :( .. and yay yes that chest is gorgeous, love it xxx

  16. Hi Jules!

    I will never ever get tired of junk such as this. My oh my; this is lovely!
    A wonderful way to store some craft supplies :)
    Love and hugs,


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx