Monday 5 September 2011


Good morning Everyone

Who said Monday can’t be a happy day?   In fact “happy” is an under-statement  .. .. I am darn right ecstatic!!!

From now on, and for the next few months,  Monday is going to be my “HAPPY HANDY HIPPO DAY!!!”

I have been waiting for this “happy day” to arrive for a few weeks now so that I can share with you all my exciting happy news!!

I was asked a little while back by the lovely Kerry from Handy Hippo if I would work with them for six months in promoting the crafty goodies that Handy Hippo sell on-line.  What an honour and a treat .. .. .. how could I refuse??!!!    Thank you so much Kerry xx   I just know I am going to love doing this so very, very much!!

You only have to take a look at the on-line store to see that it is jam packed full of all the lovely crafty things I love.  If I owned a craft store these are the things I would fill it with (and I would lock myself in at night and weekends to play with all the stock LOL!!).

I asked Kerry if there was a company bio I could post so I could introduce Handy Hippo to those of you who haven't come across them before.  This is what I was sent:

Handy Hippo is a friendly online craft supplies shop with a great range of rubber stamps and other card making goodies - including plenty of embossing folders and dies for the Cuttlebug. Their website has lots of information on crafting techniques, plus a great selection of free card project ideas to suit crafters of all abilities.

But lots of you will have already heard of them I am sure, as they have been voted the best on-line craft retailer every year since 2007.

So yes, you will find that Handy Hippo is all of the above .. .. but much more besides .. .. and with lots of great ideas and plans for the future I know it is a place you are going to want to visit regularly.

Take a stroll over and have a look for yourself .. .. .. ..  but not until you have had a peep at a little launch project I have put together to mark this special day.

Everything I have used here is available from Handy Hippo and if you would like to make the same project then simply click on the magic button below and it will take you directly to a shopping cart that contains everything you would need to make it .. .. you can simply remove any of the items that you already have in your craft stash.   How great is that?   

Of course you can also add any other items you might like to purchase too.

For one week only you can also claim a 20% discount when spending over £25 simply by entering the code below at the checkout:

But remember that this discount code will end at midnight on Sunday 11th September 20011

I hope you like my first project and I will be here again next Monday with my second project.  Monday’s have just suddenly got a whole lot better don’t you think?   If there is anything you would like to know about my first project or how I made it then please ask away.

As a special launch present Handy Hippo are offering one lucky person a £10 voucher to spend in store.

To be in with a chance of winning the gift voucher prize then please leave a comment on this post and also  sign up to receive the Handy Hippo newsletter ,  which you can do  here .. .. .. then Kerry will look through the comments on my blog next Monday and choose someone to receive a £10 voucher to spend in the store (UK residents only please).  But you do need to do both  .. .. leave a comment on this post and sign up for the newsletter.

Signing up to the newsletter in itself is like winning a prize as you will be informed of the on-line sales and special offers .. .. and we all need to stretch our crafty spends out don’t we!!

Gosh .. .. it is just like Christmas!!

Good luck everyone ... ...  have a good week and off you go to sign up for that newsletter LOL!!


(and all the lovely friendly people at Handy Hippo)


  1. Congrats on your new DT position, well deserved and I've not heard of Handy Hippo, I shall check them out:0)Your card is just beautiful, love the whole design and pretty colours, hugs Gay xxx

  2. Wow Jules - I can see why you are soooooo excited about Mondays! Congrats. on your new venture, and I'm sure you will be a great asset to HH. I will sign up for their Newsletter - I have bought from them in the past and been very happy with their service.
    Enjoy the rest of the day - hugs, Sylvia xx

  3. PS: Forgot to say Jules - your card is absolutely stunning!!
    HUgs, Sylvia xxx

  4. Congratulations Jules, fab news!

  5. I'm not at all surprised they asked you Jules - your work is amazing! Congratulations! Vx

  6. Congratulations Jules - you will do them proud!
    Your card is stunning! I look forward to seeing your future creations from Handy Hippo.
    I've bought quite a few PB stamps from them recently - I wish you hadn't told me about the 20% off for a week, I can see some more stamps falling into my basket!
    I've been on their mailing list for a while. I like the fact that you get to hear about their one day specials.
    Hugs, Clare x

  7. Congratulations Jules, your card is stunning
    Beryl x

  8. Congratulations Jules :) I've shopped with Handy Hipppo before and always had great service. Your card is gorgeous. Carol x

  9. Morning jules!! omg how gorgeous is that card hun and how super exciting for you, I can't wait to see what else you make.
    I am loving the click on the shopping basket with everything in link, how fab is that? now i just need pennies in my bank account!! lol!!!
    huge hugs Lou xxxx

  10. Wow, what a day for me to manage a visit at last. I am totally unsurprised you have been asked to create for Handy Hippo. They couldn't wish for better inspiration to promote them and their poducts and this is a beautiful first project from you.

    The colour combo is so striking and I love that reindeer. Off to visit HH now and sign up for their newsletter.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Woot woot! CONGRATULATIONS Jules . . . you are so talented, no wonder Handy Hippo asked you to join their team.

    Hugs, Sandra

  12. Oops! Think I forgot to say how much I liked your card too!

    Hugs, Sandra

  13. Congrats Jules - can't wait to see what you do with all the Happy Hippo products. I've ordered before but do keep forgetting about them so will sign up for the newsletter and may just check out that handy discount code too ;-)
    Tara x

  14. woo hoo!! completely gorgeous card, well done x

  15. congratulations jules.can see why your were so loving this card.the image is fantastic and really gorgeous papers and details :D

    xx coops xx

  16. What brilliant news - Congratulations!! Handy Hippo are great - they were the first shop I ever used online and I've never been dissapointed in their service or any products available - thanks to HH for the chance to win - woop woo!!
    PS - am loving the card by the way - very elegant - xx

  17. Wow Jules - what a fantastic card you've made - I absoloutely LOVE it... That image and sentiment is awesome.

    However, what an inspired way of marketing a company such as Handy Hippo - which I am pleased to say I have ordered from before - great customer service may I add - but I guess you already know that!!!

    I'd love to win a voucher - then I could shout out about in on my blog too - and at the moment, I could really do with the help towards my crafty buying...

    Well done for a great feature - off to make sure I'm signed up for the newsletter now (I thought I had previously, but now not sure)...

    love love love to you

    Paula x x x x

  18. Congratulations Jules, that's brilliant news! No wonder you're happy, and as for making Monday's a happy day in future, well, you've done it for sure!
    Love your card too. Thank you for the chance of winning HH, have already signed up for your newsletter.
    Janice xx

  19. Big congrats on your new DT spot at Handy Hippo Jules. You certainly deserve it! I love this card, lots of layers, a beautiful image & smashing sentiment. Something to look forward to on Mondays now.
    Sally x

  20. Fabulous news Jules,congratulations,well deserved your cards are stunning.Have shopped with Handy Hippo before,fab service,off to sign up for their news letter so don't miss out on anything.
    Wendy xx

  21. Fab card Jules - great color combo. x

  22. Congrats, Jules! I can't wait to see all your gorgeous Monday creations!! =D Today's card is so beautiful--I love the colors and the reindeer is amazing!

  23. Congrats on your new DT position, very well deserved! Your card is just beautiful, love the amazing design and color combo. STUNNING!
    Blessings Bernie

  24. Gorgeous card. How exciting is this project - congrats! Super offers from Handy Hippo x

  25. Congratulations on your fab news! You made a beautiful card to celebrate!
    Of course I've already heard of Handy Hippo, I've bought a few things from them in the past - thanks to them for the fab candy! I think I'm already signed up for their newsletter, but I'll go and check.


  26. Wow, Jules, that's great, mamy congrats.
    Your card is just stunning. I love the reindeer and the blue and chocolate colour combo is one of my favourites.
    You certainly keep busy. I've just been having a look back over the last couple of weeks and as always you have some gorgeous creations and your Wedding Stationary is amazing, as is your website, I had to have a peek of course!!
    Hope all is good with you and yours.
    Hugs Lisax

  27. Ooh how exciting, that's fab news - congrats Jules!

    Your card is gorgeous :o) Fab stamps and love the colours, great design too. Lisa x

  28. Fantastic news Jules and what a way to brighten up Mondays!!I'm not surprised Handy Hippo have asked you to do this as everything you do is fab!! I'm not jealous at all, honestly, lol!!! Your card is beautiful; I love the colours you've used and the stamp is gorgeous!

    I already get the newsletter as I've shopped there often over the years for my work for QCME.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with every week.

  29. Congrats Jules, love the card, will look forward to your cards for them on a Monday.
    Hugs Jacee

  30. Totally gorgeous card and a great start to your Monday special. Won't be around for a couple of weeks now, but will be back playing in the snippets challenge ASAP'
    Ann xxx

  31. Congratulations Jules! Fabulous card, love the colour combo and great image!
    Helen x

  32. What I love about this card is the combo of kraft and aqua. And that reindeer; wow!
    Congrats on being a DT member; enjoy. And its so well deserved; you're so very talented!
    Love and hugs,

  33. Hi Jules, wow! I'm really pleased for you dearie - you deserve it.I've heard of them but not bought anything as yet from them, will have to have a peak.Gorgeous card.Beautiful image.Hope you're okay.Love Debbie x

  34. Oh wow Jules, How exciting for you, a crafters dream. Congratulations.

    Love your creation, the stamps are fabulous, and i'm loving those papers.

    Enjoy your new DT position

    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  35. What fantastic news Jules and the card you have made for your Monday launch is stunning. I will revisit later in the week and look in store x Susan x

  36. Oh wow! Jules, huge congrats hun. Love this beautiful card, gorgeous colours and fab image.

    Donna x

  37. Great news Jules - I'm not surprised they want you on their team - your cards are all gorgeous.
    Love this latest one which has inspired me to make my first Christmas card this year!! tfs.

  38. Hi Jules, what fabulous news! Congratulations! Handy Hippo was one of the first online craft stash retailers that I bought from years ago. And I was browsing their website just the other evening, but managed to resist temptation. Great card, love the colour combo. I have that stamp...must dig it and my other Christmas theme stamps out. Hugs, Pauline xx

  39. OH CONGRATS!!!

    How very cool! I adore this card the reindeer and sentiment are beautiful and the colours and layout are super!

    Rocked it Jules, have fun with this!!! xoxoxo

  40. Brilliant news Jules - very wise move by Handy Hippo! I love the card you made - beautiful design and the colours are great! I shop a lot online at HH - and this discount will have me scurrying there I suspect. Bad Jules, making me spend more money! Love, Di xx

  41. What a super card Jules, I love the image and the colour combination is perfect.

    Lynn x

  42. Hugs congratulations Jules on your new venture. I LOVE your card - such a beautiful image and the DPs are perfect.
    Denise xx

  43. Many many congratulations Jules - your card is fabulous!

    Love Lynda xxx

  44. Congratulations Jules, what fun for you, and us because we have Mondays to look forward to now too. Love the card - all the materials are gorgeous, lovely image and great colours. Looking forward to next Monday's card. Elizabeth x

  45. Hi!Oh Wow...Jules,Congratulations to you and all those crafty yummys-enjoy!!
    Your card is really gorgeous and love the colours together.
    Going to nip and have a look :0)
    hugs Lou.xx
    (there is a little Autumn candy on my blog)

  46. OOhh - I do like the card - lovely chocolate background too and I see the heart!

  47. Can't believe I nearly missed your great news Jules. No one better to take up the torch for Handy Hippo and look at that stunning card! I am off to sign up for their newsletter. Congratulations and enjoy the 6 months!!

  48. Wow Jules, congrats on your great news!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  49. This is brilliant news Jules congratulations and what a fantastic and beautifully designed card the colours and that image are superb, I am going to have to have a peek at the store.
    Lorraine x

  50. Hi Jules sorry I haven't commented sooner I have gone a week nearly with out any internet OMG how did I survive without it before.Well a big congrats to you you lucky devil but you so deserve it so good luck with it great card too
    Jacki xx

  51. Congratulations! Such a fab card! (I already receive the newsletter from Handy Hippo so hope I still qualifyfor an entry! )

  52. Oh wow Jules, many congrats on your DT position and a great way to cheer Mondays up too :)
    Love your card, the Kraft bkgd looks fab and matches the colour of the prancing deer so well.
    I have used Handy Hippo before..they certainly cover loads of crafts and carry many stamp ranges don't they:0
    Looking forward to Mondays now and off to sign up for the newsletter too:)
    Jenny x

  53. Hi Jules

    Congrats on your new position with Handy Hippo - and indeed what an honour for you - I'm so pleased for you Jules! I gotta say your first project is just stunning love the colour combo you've used can't wait to see next week's too!

    Take care



  54. What super news, congratulations!

    Love your card. The blues and browns complement each other perfectly and the stamp is really gorgeous. The layout works really well too, just a brilliant combination of everything!

  55. Brilliant news, Jules! I've signed up for the newsletter and I had better review all my recipes for lovely cheap soup'n'homemade bread, because I feel a wee spend coming on....

    luv, Mags x

  56. Huge congratulations's well deserved, your work is fab! xx

  57. Congratulations Jules on your new venture its well derserved as your cards are amazing.


  58. Jules, THANKS for making Mondays bearable!

    Well done you on your new position, Im sure you will prove to be a very valuable asset to them!

    Beautiful card, as always Jules!

    Everyone loves a bargain and thats why HH is always top of my list of places to look!

    Keryn x

  59. Congrats on the new venture, I'm sure you will be a great asset to them.
    Beautiful card for the start.
    Avril x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx