Sunday 4 September 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all been enjoying a lovely weekend.

Today has been a little bit on the dull side here .. .. but only weather wise .. .. life in general is always anything but dull in the House of Hearts!!  LOL!!!

Hubby had last week off work as holiday and he extended it slightly so that he has Monday off too .. .. then everything will fall back into its usual "more settled" routine. 

I have another three snippet makes to share with you this week ahead of calling the register of playmates for last week.  Not sure which of my makes is my favourite .. .. but the first one might just have the edge on the others for me:

and now round to the register and all of my lovely playmates of last week who share what they have been doing with their snippets:

Super bright and early into the playground was Ann with a brilliant mini album tucked under her arm.  Such a great idea for storing memories and for reducing that snippet mountain!!!  It was made by Ann for a friend .. ... I am sure she will have loved it.

Next along was Lisa with two gorgeous owl cards.  I love the colours and layout of these.  A lovely clean, bright and cheerful look.  I think those owls are just so very cute!!!  Hope you are feeling better now Lisa!

Kasey sped into the playground next .. all the way from Australia .. .. and what a beautiful make she brought along with her too.  Fabulous use of lots and lots of different snippets.  Such an ingenious and effective way of using them all spiced up with a touch of bling!!.  Thanks for the inspiration Kasey.

Christmas tags were the order of the day from Sarah .. .. and how gorgeous they were too!!  All made in traditional colours but with such beautiful attention to detail.  I love them all but of course the one sporting the heart would be my favourite LOL!!  I certainly wouldn't part with any of them though if one were to appear on a Christmas parcel .. .. though having said that they would make brilliant toppers for Christmas cards too!  Fabby stitching too!!

Beryl was next to share her creation which was a brilliant male card.  I think we all prefer making cards for females given the choice .. .. but Beryl make a fantastic job of her card .. .. and of using up her snippets.  Loving embossing and the blue stamping!!  Such a great change from black - which is what I always tend to grab first!!

A lovely ray of sunshine shone across the playground this week in the form of Tammy's lovely snippet make.  So bright and beautiful and reminding me of our short lived summer  (has that gone now do you think?)  Such a lush ribbon and great sentiment!

The blue skies remained as Di made an appearance .. .. and they featured on Di's card beautifully.  I think we are all getting the sky and cloud bug slowly thanks to Bev!!  I have linked to Bev's tutorial before but think it is well worth another airing so pop her blog into your Sunday hopping session too.  But now back to Di's lovely creation .. .. I love the sky, and also the lovely sentiment.  I won't spoil it by telling you all about it .. have a little look for yourself!

Irene was a busy lady again this week and came to the snippet playground twice this week.  The first gorgeous creation you can find here and the second here.  Irene's lovely creations are completely different to each other .. .. but both have Irene's unique and clean style which I love!!  Thank you for sharing Irene.

The next little playmate to arrive was Lynne with a stunning red and white number .. .. and a few hearts into the bargain!!  I love the layout on this one and the great image.  With so many layers Lynne must have used up quite a few of her snippets this week.  Lynne is a little worried that summer might be disappearing slowly so is even threatening Christmas cards!!  Yep .. won't be long until we are all in full flow with those!!

Thanks to Sandra a really cute little House Mouse image arrived in the playground next  .. .. with a background of the most gorgeous blue snippets.  Fabby layout Sandra and great colouring of that cute image.  Super sweet!!!

Sally was next to arrive into the playground waving a great card she had made using up some of those little items that I bet we all bought loads and loads of .. .. and now they just sit there doing nothing .. ..  yes the lovely "peel off".  I know I certainly have a tin of them sitting there .. .. and at around 80p a sheet I daren't add up how much I have spent on the contents of that tin!!  Mmmmm... note to self .. .. see what you can do with those peel offs!!!  As Sally has proven you can get some good results with them.  Thanks for the inspiration Sally and for sharing your lovely blue snippet creation.

My next playmate had so much fun in the playground that she managed to call by twice this week too.  This was the lovely Mandy and you will find her gorgeous creations here and here.  I love both of these lovely creations but the second has to be my favourite as it is giving us a little taste of those gorgeous autumn colours that are just around the corner.  I think Autumn is my least favourite season except for the stunning colours it shares .. .. that is its saving grace for me.  Thank you Mandy .. .. lovely makes!!

Elizabeth was next in the line to share her snippet creation .. .. and what a fabby one it was too.  Lots of lovely layers and great embossing.  I love the little Christmas tree .. .. it reminded me of a biscuit.  Gorgeous inside and out and using up lots of snippets this is a fantastic share .. .. scrummy ribbon too Elizabeth.  I was also treated to a little number crunching from Elizabeth in the comment that accompanied her lovely creation .. .. can you believe this:

There's only 115 days to Christmas, and if you are a salaried worker there's only 3 pay days till C Day - now that's quite a thought. Elizabeth x

Thanks for that Elizabeth (I think LOL!!).  I have a feeling we will all be on Christmas card duty soon!!
Bernie was the next playmate to join in the fun .. .. not with one lovely make but two!!  The first you will find here and the second here.  Great snippets were used up in the first one .. which was made for a very special friend and the lovely sky technique came into play for the second.  Very different to each other .. .. but both lovely.  Thanks for sharing Bernie. 

Bernie actually had some problems linking up this week.  I hope that no-one else did.  Sorry if you did!!!!  :-(

Carol rushed along to the playground with a make which again reminded me of a technique I used to use quite a bit and tend not to very much nowadays.  I won't spoil it by telling you what Carol has done .. .. I will let you check that out for yourself .. .. all I will say is that underneath that lovely work there could be any colour of snippet!!  Thank you for reminding me about this one Carol!  I must have another play!

Then lastly for this week was my lovely playmate Debbie who has shared a wealth of creation this week.  The first you will find here featuring a whole stack of the most gorgeous Christmas tags!!  What beautiful colours and fantastic shapes .. .. love them all!!!  Then Debbie's second playground share can be found here.  I just love the gorgeous colours on this one and that lush ribbon!!!  Beautiful!!

You will notice that the butterfly Debbie has used is the same one I have used on my second project.  This was the prize I won from the St Luke's Challenge (thank you ladies xx) and I love it!!  Sadly I didn't get chance to take part last month but simply sent a few cards along for them to hopefully sell and raise some much needed funds.  A brilliant and worthwhile cause .. so if you fancy joining in the challenge or simply have a card or two lying around that you can spare I know they would be very gratefully received.

So that is me for today.  I hope that you have had lots of fun skipping around the snippet playground  .. .. I know I have.  It is lovely to have so many playmates and to see all the inspiration.

I am back again tomorrow with a very special post!!!  Some really good news that I have been bursting to share, the chance of winning a prize, a brilliant offer and something that has been keeping me quiet in the background (amongst my other exciting projects) for a few weeks now.



  1. Oh Jules, they are all beautiful. Not sure which one is my favourite, maybe the Christmas card because it`s so delicate.
    Thank you so much for mentioning St Lukes on your blog. The more people that join in the better.
    Lynne xxx

  2. Ooh, now this is sooo hard!! I really can't pick a favourite today Jules as they're all beautiful. You will never cease to amaze me with these snippet makes of yours; I could sit for a weekend and not come up with one of these ideas!! xx

  3. Gorgeous cards again this week. Love the images you have used on the first one.
    Avril x

  4. lovely cards but obviously love the butterfly one the most! some gorgeous makes!!

  5. WOW what a lot of lovely snipees, snipettes (?) LOL and gorgeous cards from you Jules , love them all but I think the first just sneaks in as my favourite too. Enjoy your Monday holiday, Gay xxx

  6. Wow Jules....simply gorgeous hun and all your playmates too...wonderful collection of cards sweetie...

    Ooh don't remind me of Xmas....and only 3 more pays....awhhhhhhh!!!lol....

    have a lovely evening...hugs Vicky xx

  7. Your snippet cards this week are awesome Jules
    Beryl x

  8. Hello Jules,

    Well I know just how you would have enjoyed your week with hubby at home!

    Have to agree with you on your fav of these three but it is close as they are all super!

    Hope you have another great week!

    Keryn x

    ps. and who gets your vote on CBB?!

  9. You absolute tease Jules! Can't wait for tomorrow's post!

    Great snippet makes for today.

    I'll be round to visit the rest of my playmates tomorrow!

    Hugs, Sandra

  10. Jules - these cards are amazing, and totally gorgeous. You are the Queen of Snippets! Hope to join you again very soon - love and hugs, Sylvia xxx

  11. These are gorgeous Jules, yep I like the first one best too. But only by a smidgen.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. Gorgeous snippets Jules x Susan x

  13. I love them all, Jules, but like you, I think the first just has the edge. I'm in total panic mode about Christmas now I've read Elizabeth's comment, particularly as we won't break up until 23rd December!

  14. Wow! Your cards are perfect, as always! They are all super-duper but I like the first one, actually, the second one has beautiful colours...and the last one is a beautiful Christmas one. So, no, I don't have a favourite ONE, I love all three!

  15. Three beautiful cards Jules, I think the first is my fave but I love the colour and layout of the second!
    Helen x

  16. wow am loving your snippet makes today them all but agree that the 1st one has the edge, its absolutely stunning :D

    xx coops xx

  17. Hi Jules, I have to agree with you, while all your cards are beautiful the first one is my favourite too! Love it. Thank for your lovely comments about my entry in the snippet week 35. I'll have to go look what I can come up with for this week.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  18. Hi Jules, they are all so gorgeous as always. I love the delicate stamping on the first and the gorgeous doves on the last, but I also love the purple one, my fave colour. In fact, I love them all, I can't choose. :o)

    Donna x

  19. The first card is my favrotie. The combo of the butterfly and these ornaments ( or scrollss; how do you call these gems?)is breathtaking. I love it!

    Love and hugs,

  20. What a lot of players you have join you each week! Lovely cards as always, glad to see you enjoying your St Luke's prize :)
    The doves have to be my favourite...I'm going through a white card phase at the mo!!!
    Jenny x

  21. awesome makes Jules, I always love your layouts and brilliant stamps!

  22. Gorgeous creations, as usual! And like you, I can't decided which one is my fave. But I think I'm a bit partial to the dove card. SO beautiful!! ;-)

  23. Your cards are always amazing Jules and always look as if you've spent hours of loving care over them. The first and last ones are my particular favourites this week. Vx

  24. I love your pink and blue combos, they have me drooling.... yesterday's card with the fantasy stamp is heavenly....! Sorry but stupid Blogger would NOT let me post a message - :-( x x x

  25. 3 stunning cards again Jules - so glad to see you enjoying your prize from St Luke's - well deserved it was too. I think that card is my fave this week although the dove is a pretty close second.
    Thanks for plugging the our charity challenge too - we're getting good publicity out in blogland now so hopefully our followers will swell. We have more fab stamps as a prize this month too so do hope everyone join us :-)
    Thanks again
    Tara x

  26. Ooh Jule they are all lovely but my fave is #2, love the purples but I love the butterfly on #1 too.

    Have a great week Love Mandy xxx

  27. They are all gorgeous, Jules! I'm a sucker for butterflies so the first tugs at me just a bit more then the others. Fun week in the play ground looking forward to this weeks creations.
    Blessings Bernie

  28. Hi Jules - I have now entered my card, so here I am again! Your cards are all gorgeous so it's difficult to choose a favourite, but I do like the butterfly and swirls!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  29. A tricky choice as they're all stunning, as always - with a heart :)) The first one has the edge if you beat me up to make a choice. Still jumping up and down for you over the HH position! So pleased for you - love, Di xx

  30. Fabulous cards as always Jules! I'm afraid my snippet mountain is still huge!

  31. Hi Jules, a bit slow to deliver this week and with a card that might just scrape through - most of it is made from snippets, if not all :) It's another Christmas card, of course ... 107 days to go to C Day now :) Your cards, are as ever quite beautiful. Have I got a favourite this week - I don't think so. Hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing your next batch on Sunday. Elizabeth x

  32. Only just made it this week,
    Beryl x

  33. Sorry Jules, I've made a mess of linking, the first one took for ever to link so I did another and it's to the wrong item.
    Beryl x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx