Thursday 26 April 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good day.

Mine has involved meeting another lovely "happy couple" .. .. hopefully I am going to come up with some creations they will love.

I then spent some time with Mum and arrived back late to make my final male card for this week .. .. pretty, pretty tomorrow .. .. yay!!!

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2894J" Missed You!
Sentiment:  Lili of the Valley
Backing Papers:  DCWV "Citrus Stack"
Sizzix Die:  Grass
Nestabilities:  Eyelet Circles
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Cord from the Stash Box

Sorry only two pictures tonight.  The third was a tad wonky .. .. my own fault for having so many boxes stacked in front of my photo taking area.  I ended up taking pictures straggled across them.  David Bailey would not be impressed with me .. .. well even I'm not impressed with me!!!

So .. .. note to self .. .. tomorrow have a good clear up campaign and get the world organised and also  ... .. put the memory card for the camera somewhere where I can find it straight away .. .. instead of wasting 10 minutes searching for it .. .. then try and cross about 20 things of the do list !!!!   Eeekkk!!!

Catch you tomorrow in pretty, pretty mode!



  1. Great card - good colours and a golfing hedgehog, what could be better for a male card. Oh, and spotted the heart - think I know when you bought it :) Good luck with clearing session and look forward to pretty, pretty tomorrow. Elizabeth x

  2. Nice been waiting all evening for your card and I'm not disappointed:)

    jacqui x

  3. Fab male card, love the use of blue with this image.....

  4. This is fabulous Jules ,love the image and gorgeous

  5. ...there's nothing like a cute little hedgehog to bring a smile...loVely card...Mel :)

  6. Hi Jules, really enjoyed your male themed cards this week. You've filled me with inspiration and taught me that male cards are achievable. You have chosen some fantastic images coupled with great embellishments.

    Looking forward to your pretty pretty make tomorrow.

    Have a good evening, take care Rach xx

  7. Really enjoyed the guy card week, great idea to make one style all week, will try that when I get home lol. Hugs, Amanda x

  8. Another fabby card Jules, love the papers. Carol x

  9. Great card - love this image. This would be a great one for my hubby who loves golf! Love the layout too. Luv & Hugs, Trish x

  10. Don't spend too long clearing up - we might not get to see the pretty card. Thanks for a week of inspiration featuring men's cards.
    Love the image on this one and the design.
    Beryl xx

  11. I love that Sizzix die cut grass!! Now how cute is that?? And the little golfer too. Sweet! What a fun card!!

  12. Well I certainly know where to come to for inspiration in the guy card category. LOL You've posted so many great ones Jules. Hugs!

  13. Super card, lovely colours, Mary x

  14. Oh I love adorable cute card Jules.

  15. Great card. Love that stamp, just might have to purchase that one. Looking forward to seeing some more girly cards from you.

  16. Fantastic card. Love the image.

  17. Hi Jules - you've done so well with all the 'pesky' male themed cards and given loads of inspiration - enjoy making something 'frilly' tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

  18. Hi Jules, l think this is quite pretty... in a male sort of way lol. Love it x Susan x

  19. Lovely card and great image. Thank you, I am feeling much better but it's is taking a while to get back to 100%. Have a great weekend. :)

  20. great papers and love that image! x

  21. Hi Jules, I do love those hedgies & this ones another little cutie. Nice papers as well. Good luck with the clear up!
    Sally x

  22. Another brilliant male card Jules, with fabulous papers. I thought you had a tad too many when taking the photo LoL.

  23. gorgeous card jules.stunning fresh colours and the image is fab :D

    xx coops xx

  24. Aww this is So sweet Jules - it's a fab image and perfect for a male card! I love the gorgeous papers and the grass border :-))
    Ooh I really need to have a big clear up - my room is one big chaotic mess at the moment!!
    Oh I wish I had a huge house and could afford servants!! LOL
    Have a great evening!
    Love Sue xxx

  25. Great card hun, love the image & the colours are fab
    hope you managed to get sorted today!
    Hugs Shell xx

  26. gorgeous cute card! love the dp's!

  27. Hi Jules, I just love all your little hedgehogs they are great.

    Another great card as always. Have a great weekend.

    Vic x

  28. Hi Jules, I just love all your little hedgehogs they are great.

    Another great card as always. Have a great weekend.

    Vic x

  29. Hi Jules this is both fun and fabulous I love that cute image and what gorgeous colours.
    Lorraine x

  30. fab card. love the image x great colours x

  31. Superb colours on this stunning card! Love it!

    love Mags B x

  32. hehe how stinking cute is he, and I love the bright green and bright blue! wonderful colours!!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx