Wednesday 25 April 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope your day has been good and that you haven't got too wet today .. .. it has been pretty much constant rain all day here today and I have seen lots of drenched children making their way backwards and forwards to school.  Those poor kids having to sit in wet clothes all day :-(

Luckily I haven't had to venture any further than the dining room table and kitchen worktops today (yes I even take those over for crafty creating .. .. they are just the right height for so many jobs).

I am carrying on my theme of male cards for the week .. .. but have to admit to starting to get withdrawal symptoms from my "pretty things". LOL!!  

But here we go anyway:

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Snoozing Stan"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Good Dog Cool"
Backing Papers:  Raspberry Road "Java Joe"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
White Gel Pen
Cord from the Stash Box

I am also going to enter this into the April Digistamp Boutique Challenge.

A bit earlier from me tonight and now I need to move all my crafty goodies from the kitchen and replace them with ingredients for dinner.  We fancied salad and jacket spuds when deciding what to have last night but on a cold and wet day like today that just doesn't feel right does it?

Catch you again tomorrow.



  1. Hi Jules,
    Great card,fab image and papers! :) x

  2. This is fabulous Jules a great

  3. Just love these characters so perfect for guy cards. Not used the kitchen for crafting mostly cos hubbie would think I got lost lol. Hugs, Amanda x

  4. Love your card as always Jules but can't see the heart tonight! Possibly because we've had workmen since 0730 and the house is in an uproar. Didn't realise there would be so much disruption over a new boiler. Roll on bedtime, cleaning will be tomorrow! Hugs x

  5. Hi Jules, great card, you sure have the bug for mens cards this week x Susan x

  6. Your cars is perfect Jules and reminds me of my Dad of an evening, so happy thoughts.

    Rain all day here yet again, Eddy's been mega busy building the Arc so we might drift your way if we catch the wind right. Pop the bacon butties on just in case.

    B x

  7. A great male card Jules, fab image!
    Helen x

  8. Great male card Jules. Love the image and the background papers used.

  9. Jules this is lovely I like Stan well done Hugs Elaine

  10. Fab male card, keep toying with this image....

  11. Hi Jules,what a fab card!!love that image!

  12. Hi Jules,what a fab card!!love that image!

  13. And Stan looks just peachy making lots of z's in his fave chair! Another great man card Jules. x

  14. Hi Jules,

    This so reminds me of my Grandad, he always looked like this when we arrived for Sunday tea....many moons ago! Great card. Carol x

  15. A fab card. Perfect for many males out there!
    Nikki x

  16. This one took a few mins longer than usual to find!! Super card - thanks for joining in the DSB comp,

    Liz x

  17. Hee,hee! Remove the cap and this is Dave!

    Fab male card Jules!!

  18. Fab card Jules, I have that stamp but havent got round to using him yet.

  19. I thought I might get soaked walking the mutt but the sun shone for me today....not sure what I did to deserve it though!!!
    This card made me laugh that image and the papers are just perfect as always :0)
    Jenny x

  20. found the heart..i know where to come for inspiration for male cards! another great make x

  21. Your male cards are great, Jules and we all need them, although I know what you mean about pretty things. I always prefer to be adding flowers to my cards and struggle with what to put on masculine ones!!
    It's been a shocker of a day hasn't it. I had one of those drenched children arrive home at 3.30 very soggy. It's definitely a day for a bit of comfort food. It was Lasagne for us.
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax

  22. Such a fun image on this fab card Jules. It's just not the same making cards for guys is it? Perhaps that's why we dread them so much. lol. I stayed in all day as well 'cos of the persistant rain.
    Sally x

  23. Fabulous selection of cards since I last popped by, been having a contest with my mom to see who could find the hearts lol.
    Lyndsey xx

  24. A late hello, Jules, I don't know where yesterday went, or today for that matter. So just had to pop in before going to bed. Another great card - you must have a nice supply of these male cards now, always handy to have a few in store. Right, I'm off - too tired to do anything else :) Goodnight, my friend. Elizabeth x

  25. Great image - I bet that's the ideal pastime for some men on their birthdays - and every other day for some I'll bet.
    Water pouring in the back door all day today. Need to drill some proper drainage holes tomorrow. Can't think why there aren't any. Hope it stops raining for a bit so I'm not drilling in the rain.
    Beryl xx

  26. Snoozing Stan is hilarious!! Such a cute card, Jules!

  27. hehee I love this image, too fun!

  28. Love this card,from past experience most men I know always fall asleep reading the paper only to say they heard everything :)

    jacqui x

  29. super card, love the image, Mary x

  30. Great card - and I love the heart!
    Kath x

  31. Oh this is fabulous jules.

  32. fabulous male card the colours and fab image. think i`ve found the heart, its a teeny one

    xx coops xx

  33. Hi Jules what a fabulous image one that would have my hubby saying I was only resting my eyes, its a gorgeous card, love those papers to. hugs Shirleyxx

  34. Oh stan is just brilliant - will use him for my next card for my FIL.

  35. This is so great! I love the image- he looks like a Yorkshire man ;-)
    Hugs, Alison xx

  36. Oh this is a fab card Jules! I love the image (looks like my dad!) and the papers are just perfect!
    Hope you're having a good evening!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  37. Fab card Jules, love this image :o) I seem to have spent most of this week getting soaked and drying myself off... had enough now lol! Hugs, Lisa x

  38. fab card Jules. love the image. fab idea x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx