Monday 5 November 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope Monday has been kind to you.

Tonight I am going to share with you a card I have made today using my very first Memory Box die .. .. .. and surprise, surprise .. .. it wasn't one of the lovely hearts!!  (But only because I can't decide which one I like the best LOL!!).

Here we go:

This used:

Backing Paper:  Pink Petticoat "Snow Flurries" (can you tell I am loving the new Christmas downloads)
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat "Heartfelt Christmas Sentiments"
Memory Box Die:  Modern Landscape Border
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Button Twine
Hobby Craft Punch:  Snowflake
Glamour Dust

So there we go.  My very first Memory Box Die put into action.

I think I may have chosen the wrong colour background to my snow flurries.  I was tempted to use blue at first .. .. but then blue skies and snow didn't seem right. But having said that you don't get snowflakes bigger than a house either!!!  LOL!!!

Never mind.  I can always do a different colour sky next time.  There are 38 different colours I can play with until I find the right one LOL!!!

Have a lovely evening everyone. Enjoy your fireworks if you are having a bonfire party .. .. and stay safe!!



  1. Beautiful Jules...and here's to many, many more MB

    big hugs Vicky xx

  2. Hi Jules
    Another stunner..... Fabulous i love Memory Box Dies.... I have quite a few .......
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  3. This is gorgeous Jules - love that MB die. Have looked at it a couple of times but not bought it!! May have to now that I have seen what you did with it.
    Denise xx

  4. This is gorgeous Jules I love those papers and the little village die is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  5. A Memory Box die - I bet it wont be your last. I love them and must use one on every card I make.
    The card by the way is gorgeous. Love the landscape die and the layout is fab.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  6. Oooh nice die choice, stunning card , very simple design but beautiful x.

  7. Hello Jules
    Your card is gorgeous. I love the way you have used that fabulous die. The contrast of the Kraft on the pale sky looks beautiful.

    hugs Sue

  8. This is gorgeous! I love everything about it! That border die is stunning.

  9. A brilliant use of that fab die, never thought to use it like that, another totally gorgeous make!
    Helen x

  10. Wow, I love that die Jules - and the card is perfect - the background looks brilliant. Slightly sneaky heart today :)

    Love, Di xx

  11. Stop fussing Jules it is gorgeous as it is lol x Love it and congrats on your first Memory Box Die x Susan x

  12. Hi Jules - you made a good choice for your very first MB die - absolutely love this landscape - it looks like a gorgeous gingerbread village! Beautiful PP paper and sentiment too.
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  13. Hi Jules, gorgeous card as always! i love the little scene looks good.
    Im sat here looking at you in my Quick Cards mag, iv'e got to say i do love the cards you did.
    Every time i visit your blog and you have new PP papers or sentiments i have to go buy them as you always make a gorgeous card with them!
    No wonder i have no cash lol!!!

  14. Lovely card and I even spotted the heart quickly too. I like the colour and you are right there are so many gorgeous shades to choose from. Not tried a memory box die yet but I do like this one. Hugs, Amanda x

  15. It's lovely Jules. Very modern. The little trees and houses are so cool and I think the background colour is just right for snow.
    Beryl xx

  16. Hi Jules,
    Your card is beautiful, how do you get your stitching so perfect? can't believe its your first MBD, i bet you will be buying more now.
    I am very tempted to buy that die myself, it could be very versatile.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

    Lv Janette xx

  17. Ohhhhhh, Jules!!! I LOVE this card!!! I love the tiny snowflakes and the big ones too! I didn't think anything was wrong with the background color--to me it looks foggy and icy, like when it snows! My favorite part by far is the fabulous die cut landscape. Oh my goodness, that's just awesome!!!!

  18. Well, This is lovely and I am loving that new border! I may have to try and find where I can pick myself one of those up! Gorgeous Jules!

  19. This is gorgeous Jules, love that die it looks so good with the scene you've created

    jacqui x

  20. I just happened to see this on my dashboard Jules and just had to come and have a peek.

    I think it's the first time I've seen that memory box die used and you have presented it with great effect.

    Chilly morning here -5.

    B x

  21. WoW!! gorgeous, I love it, Mary x

  22. This is perfect, Jules. I like the colour of your sky, it looks very sophisticated!! I haven't seen that memory box die, it works a treat for Christmas cards doesn't it. You'll be hooked on them now, the designs are so unusual and they cut so well don't they.
    I made sure a responsible adult lit my sparklers last night, but it was a bit chilly!!!!
    Have a good day.
    Hugs Lisax

  23. Wonderful ... absolulety stunning, I love your card.


  24. so gorgeous jules.i love the fab die and stunning design :D

    xx coops xx

  25. a fabulous winter scene , not scene that die , I have quite a few memory box dies, they are lovely . I love the stitched snowy hills on your card. janex

  26. Hi Jules oh wow love the design very clever to, love the colour choice and your papers. Those houses are so cute to. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  27. A fantastic card, Jules. I love the landscape die. They look great layered together.
    Nikki x

  28. Hi Jules, Stunning card, love the die. Just been catching up and the 'double print' paper is lovely.
    Avril xx

  29. I'd say that background paper is pretty perfect! I love this card!


  30. Wow love this card Jules. Love the way you have made the hills. Think I need this die. Linda x

  31. So beautiful Jules - love that MB die - I really must use it more often - thanks for the inspiration.
    Have a fab evening.
    Debs xx

  32. Hi Jules this is brilliant I love the die you have used it makes a great scene, the wonderful openness of the white with the snowflakes it is just perfect.
    lorraine x

  33. Heh heh heh. This may be your first MB die but I'm betting it won't be your last! I love this die and have been looking for it locally without luck!


  34. I love this card Jules! A brilliant way to use your firs MB die.
    Lorraine x

  35. This is gorgeous Jules and loving the die. The little row of houses looks so cute.

  36. Great scene, am i'm sure it won't be your last Memory Box die either !!, Luv Sam x

  37. This is gorgeous Jules… love how you've used the MB border with the snowy hills and the stitching looks fab! the colours are all perfect! :-)
    Hope you have a lovely evening!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  38. I just bought this die and haven't used it yet! Oh, for some crafting time! sigh!

  39. Hi Jules, what a gorgeous card! Love those little houses and lollipop trees. A fab use of the die. Hope all's well with you,

    Lynne x

  40. The die is lovely, how warm and welcoming the houses look with those lovely yellow windows!

    love Mags B x

  41. I love this card Jules, the way you've used card for the snow is brilliant. I love Memory Box dies - they always cut so crisply. Pauline xx

  42. Oh my Jules, that is the best card I've seen using that die. Fabulous work. I really like the hills and the use of yellow to give the doors and windows light.

    Glad you like your Memory Box die, they are my favorites.

    Hope you are well .....

  43. Gorgeous card, Jules, and the background is perfect - in Scotland we get a lot of grey skies :) Love the scene too. Elizabeth xx

  44. PS: that has got to be your sneakiest heart to date :))

  45. Oh, what a fabulous little scene! I love those little cottages, with their lit windows, nestling in the snow. I want to live there, lol!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx