Tuesday 6 November 2012


Hi Everyone

I hope today has been a good day for you.

For me it was the day that the Ghost of Christmas Past made an appearance .. .. or should I say "Christmases Past".  

What form did this ghost take?

Well the same form it takes every year .. .. as the box of Christmas papers that seems to increase in size year on year.  We all know what it is like.  You see a lovely new paper stack with gorgeous papers .. .. but we never seem to use them all and put them away after Christmas ready for next year!!  

My box also contains digital papers I have printed out but not used, which makes using them on my blog very interesting as I have to remember where I have printed them from.  That's a good test for the old memory that's for sure!!!

So it may be that over the coming weeks some paper stacks may be making an appearance that now have antique value!

But tonight's papers for my share of the day are only one year old .. .. just a little baby!!!  LOL!!!

This used:

Image:  Cuddly Buddly "Santa Sitting"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Candy Buzz"
Backing Papers:  Dovecraft "Noel"
Marianne Creatables Die:  Christmas Stars
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Flower Soft:  Polar White
Nestabilities:  Standard and Scalloped Circles
Hobbycraft Punch:  Small Snowflake
Glamour Dust
Metallic Cord from my Stash Box

So how big is your ghost of Christmases Past?  Or is it just me that hangs on to everything?!?!?  LOL!!

The jury is still out on the Flowersoft.  Not sure if it is a good look or not!

Catch you again tomorrow .. .. hopefully a little earlier.



  1. This is gorgeous Jules that santa is adorable and is coloured so beautifully and the layout is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  2. Yes I definitely like the Flower Soft look, it's nice and full, I don't think I ever put enough on my images.

    I have a special folder in my craft section on my computer esp for digital papers, that way I know exactly where to find 'em.
    Enjoy your crafty week,

  3. Cute card, love the image and gorgeous papers. Yes I have one of those boxes too lol!!! xx

  4. Hi Jules, love your card it's gorgeous and the flower soft looks fab!!.As for the christmas past i have three boxes here full of papers,embellies ect and even cards to recycle!!.
    So i dont really need to buy any more for xmas but i cant resist!!!!!!!! lol!

  5. lol i have one too.. a ghost that is .. as i suspect do most of us .. i love the papers thought especially the bottom ones
    Lisa x

  6. What a darling Santa! I like the flower soft. I think it makes perfect "fur" trim! Love these papers too!

  7. I love the papers and gorgeous Santa. I think the flower soft looks fab too, I need to add that to my need list! lol
    You're definitely not by yourself, I hold onto everything!( much to hubby's despair!)
    Lorraine x

  8. This is gorgeous Jules. Such a cute Santa and I think the flower soft looks fabulous. Love those papers too!
    Hugs Sue

  9. I have a huge pile of christmas past papers that I promise myself to use every year but it still seems to grow! My school report card used to read "should try harder" so I guess this still fits the bill.

    Good luck with the ghosts of....this one is a beaut


  10. Jules forgot to ask you please can you get your snail mail addy to me?, i tried to e-mail you but no joy?!

  11. Gorgeous card Jules and love the papers x Susan x

  12. I love Cuddlybuddly Santas and adore this one, Love the paper you have used too. Linda x

  13. The jury says the Flowersoft is awesome! ;-) It makes the Santa just that much adorable!! Love the backing papers too!

  14. Aww cute card !
    adorable image ,love the papers x

  15. Ah the dreaded christmas past, mine I am afraid is stamps, virtual and real, every year I buy stuff in the sales and every year I forget I have them until after I have made all my cards lol. Maybe next year I will remember. Oh forgot to say great card and I like the flowersoft looks very effective. Hugs, Amanda x

  16. Had to laugh at your ghosts of Christmases past! I can so identify with that! Gorgeous card, though, definitely got the Christmas spirit!

    Lynne x

  17. I have an ENTIRE BOX of Christmas pads! To be fair, a lot were freebies from magazines like the wonderful 'Quick Cards Made Easy'. (I had to subscribe, seeing as one of my favourite cardmakers now contributes lol!)

    What a fun image! I like the texture that the Flowersoft gives. Another crackin' card, Jules!!

    love Mags B x

  18. Well your Flowersoft looks great - each time I've tried it the image ends up in the bin - no matter how long I had spent colouring it. Love the 'taking a rest' Santa image and those papers. It was well worth hanging on to them.
    Beryl xx

  19. I love finding neglected stash, Jules. And these papers are lovely. A super card! Hugs, Lesley

  20. This is so flippin' warm and whimsical and textured and touchable and ridiculously cute! Dang, LA-OVE it, Jules!! So pinned!

    I have to look into that glamor dust and hope I can get it over here. It's just amazing on Santa Baby's boots and coat and mittens and hat. Dang.

  21. Love this Santa, mind you he looks like he's had a little too much of the good stuff :)

    jacqui x

  22. Lovely card Jules, I like the flower soft but I usually add some glitter into it so it sparkles like snow does. Like the friendly Santa, some of them look a bit fierce! Pauline xx

  23. so stunning jules.your papers are lush and i love the gorgeous santa :D

    xx coops xx

  24. I love the Flowersoft, it really caught my eye first. I have a huge stack of Christmas papers which includes four 180 sheet 12x12 packs and loads of 6x6, freebies and digi's too. Too much for one person, I'm going through them to share with someone else who is just starting in card making.


  25. Absolutley Gorgeous creation sweetie, big hugs love Pops x x x

  26. Super card, cute Santa, great use of Flowers Soft.
    Fantastic use of Past Papers, I could paper the Lounge with mine....
    Must look them out and try to use them.

    I love the card in your previous post, that`s right up my street.

    Thank you for the lovely comment on my Blog


  27. What a lovely card Jules! That snow effect is brilliant!
    Laura xx

  28. Fabulous Jules, I think the flower soft looks great!
    Helen x

  29. Hi Jules, as I haven't been crafting for all that long my ghosts are too old but that won't stop me using the old(er) papers. Not too many recipients of my cards are crafters so they won't know, or care even, how long I've had them. I'm the same with my scrap pages. Let's face it, when my great-granddaughter is looking through my albums she is going to know that what she is looking at is old!

    By the way, great card - love the Santa with all his fluffy trim and the papers are gorgeous. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  30. Gorgeous Jules! The flowersoft looks lovely and just like fur.

    I have so many unused Christmas papers and some are older than Molly, lol! I just can't bear to throw them away.

  31. That is the most adorable santa ever!!! i LOVE the flock and the border!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx