Sunday 30 June 2013


Hi Everyone

I hope you are having a good weekend.

It is back to the good old days here in the House of Hearts with regards my photograph today.  

Normally I take my pictures inside a light box set up on a table in our back bedroom (aka the ribbon, wedding stationery and all things sparkly storeroom .. .. with a double bed thrown in for good measure) .. .. but I have had to dismantle my photo booth as I need the space.

I am working on three large table plans at the moment and need to keep them flat .. .. .. so space is quickly running out and it is back to the bathroom window for today's photograph .. .. like the good old days.

I don't think there would be too much guessing as to where all the elements came from for today's snippet make.  LOL!!

Off now to share with my playmates over in Pixie's Crafty Snippet playground and also the Digistamp Boutique Challenge for June (just in by the skin of my teeth)!!  

I will finish with yet another huge apology to everyone.  

My blog visiting has been pretty much non-existent  recently as things have been so busy here wedding wise .. .. and July is going to be even busier.  One very full timetable with three of my happy couples tying the knot this month.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.  I hope you have had beautiful sunshine today

I will catch up with everyone .. .. one day!!!



  1. Hi Jules
    What a gorgeous card !i love the cute image & backing papers ,the colours are fab ! x

  2. Good to hear from you, missing you loads x

  3. What an adorably pink card, Jules! I love your layout and that sweet image. Hope you manage to get some sleep over the next few weeks with all of this busyness you have ahead of you! x

  4. Hello Jules

    You have made some fabulous and gorgeous cards, I love the Holly die.
    This card is just adorable and perfect.

  5. so gorgeous jules.fab pretty pink colours and I love the sweet image :D

    xx coops xx

  6. Another beautiful card Jules with a gorgeous colour scheme - missing you in blogland but it's good to be busy so can't blame you for concentrating on the wedding makes x

  7. Very cute card!! Hugs Juls

  8. Great card Jules love your papers and image
    jacqui xx

  9. This is gorgeous Jules. The image is so sweet and I love the scrummy papers.
    Have good week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  10. Your card is gorgeous Jules, such a lovely cheerful image and I love the papers and layout.
    Take care
    hugs Sue xx

  11. Love your card Jules, such a pretty shade of pink. I'm busy with a table plan too...with the big day on Saturday! Enjoy your week. Carol x

  12. Hi Jules, what a fab, fun wedding card...glad you're keeping busy, lol! Carole Z X

  13. lovely Jules, such a great image and colours, Kate x

  14. Oh so cute.Pretty papers and image.Can't go far wrong with yummy pink.Hope you're okay.No apologies needed - you just do what you need to do sweetie.Blogland will still be here when things settle down for you.Hugs Debbie x

  15. Gorgeous Jules,lovely image and

  16. Hi Jules
    Love this image ... So cute..... Fabulous.... Missing you.... But business comes first.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  17. This is stunning!! Jules great card and an absolutley fabulous image nice layout too. You take nice pics in your bathroom.
    Hugs Linda

  18. This is gorgeous Jules, fabulous image.
    Wendy xx

  19. Just been catching this card such a sweet image.
    As I was scrolling down the page saw that amazing bathroom which I thought was yours! ...looks amazing.
    Have a fab week.
    Hugs Sally xx

  20. Fabulous card, great image and sweet papers.

    Kath x

  21. Your weather looks great through the bathroom window! Better than ours but hey, it's Scotland I live in so what do I expect! I just love the look on the happy couples faces I this card :-) we'll catch you when we can on the blog as some news is better than no news.


  22. Hmm, think the bathroom windows must be about the only place I haven't tried taking my pictures!! Sometimes it's a total night mare getting a good one.

    beautiful card Jules, I love the glitzy edging on the image & so pretty. Keep working & take care xx

  23. This is gorgeous Jules. I love the image and pretty papers, so pretty.
    Lorraine x

  24. Hi Jules, lovely card - great image and polka dots, perfect :) Sounds like you have more than enough to keep you from blogging - hope the sun shines down on all your happy couples :) Elizabeth xx

  25. Beautiful card Jules. Love the image and the beautiful papers. Glad that you are keeping busy and that business is good.

  26. dear Jules
    oh how funny this is and i love it very much.
    have a nice week and a hug for you.

  27. Well, hello there! It's good to see you back here--and with such an adorable card too!! Love the happy couple! Have a wonderful week!!

  28. Gorgeous card Jules, beautifully coloured image :) Cathy x

  29. Oh what a cute card, fabulous.

  30. Morning sweetie, this is simply stunning, hugs Pops x x x

  31. Hi Jules.

    Another stunning card - Love it!

    What very clean bathroom windows you have! LOL!

    Big hugs, take care.

    Miss you loads xx

  32. Absolutely perfect card Jules - love the image and the papers are just great. Good luck with all the work ahead - we miss you but if business is booming that's a good thing too!

    Hugs, Di xx

  33. Aww this is very sweet Jules! what a cute image! I love the pretty papers and those sweet little flowers are gorgeous!!! :-))
    Hope you are well and had a nice weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  34. Lovely wedding card, love the cute couple!

  35. Just beautiful Jules love the colours

  36. Great to see one of your stunning cards, been missing them.

    Patricia xxx

  37. This is pretty Jules, such a sweet image and lovely pink papers.

  38. What a sweet card design, colors and flowers.

    Regards diane

  39. Such a sweet card Jules love the image


  40. gorgeous card Jules. love the image x

  41. Awh! This is so cute Jules, love the papers and what a fabulous image....
    Hope you manage to catch up with yourself soon.. I know just how you feel lol!!
    Marjorie xx

  42. Hi Jules. gorgeous card and so pretty!!

  43. Beautiful wedding card. Donèt ever worry about visiting me back...this is your busy season and it comes first...I love your cards and would visit you even if you never had time to visit back...
    So relax about the visits and have some fun with your Sunday snippets while you can!

  44. Really pretty card hun, great layout!
    Hope you are both keeping well

    Have a great weekend
    Hugs Shell xx

  45. I'm just happy you have a full calendar of happy clients, Jules. No worries! As a matter of fact, your card is a good representation of your happy couples!! Brilliant, as always!

  46. Good Morning Jules,
    Just to let you know I still think about you and your wonderful creations.
    So happy your business is doing well, even if it is keeping you Mega busy.
    Crafty HUGS

    Patricia xxx

  47. Hi Jules, I love that simply couple image and your colour choice and card design is stunning. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  48. Love love love it! gorgeous again!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx