Tuesday 7 October 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!!

Another day gone in the blink of an eye!

All the inserts got put into my Christmas cards and I have made another one of those silly vows to always put an insert straight into a card as I finish it .. .. I wonder how long that will last?!?!!?  We shall see! LOL!!

Here is my teeny, tiny 3,5, x 3.5 inch share for this week:

This used:

Image:  Joy Craft Clear Stamps:  Silhouette Grass
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
X-Cut Punch:  Tiny Butterfly
Distress Inks:  Tumbled Glass and Bundled Sage
Clear Embossing Powder
Button and twine from My Crafty Stash Box
We R Memory Keepers Envelope Board

and that is me for today.

Enjoy what is left of today.



  1. Very pretty card Jules beautiful background love your little heart embellishment
    Like you I always intend to do inserts as I go along but never do....


  2. Gorgeous soft card <3 to bits

  3. Ha ha Jules, I make that same vow at least 10 times a year! Hope you're better at keeping it than me....

    Gorgeous teeny tiny make today xx

  4. This is gorgeous Jules. My vow is to always make a box or envelope for each card as it is done. Unfortunately this only lasts for about two cards.

  5. This is gorgeous Jules. I love the white embossing and beautiful colours.
    hugs Sue xx

  6. Another of your stunning little cards, love it.

    Patricia xx

  7. Pretty card Jules, love the button.
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  8. Love this Jules. This is one technique I keep meaning to try, just nee more time. Susan x

  9. Lovely little card Jules and well done getting those inserts in x Susan x

  10. What a pretty card Jules, love the "little" sentiment and the splash of pink looks fabulous xx

  11. Simply devine and good on you for putting inserts into all your cards too, luv Sam x

  12. This is gorgeous Jules, love the stamp and fabulous design. I have managed to keep to my resolution with my inserts and boy it feels good!! Carol x

  13. A gorgeous teeny tiny card Jules. I love the embossed grass and soft colours.
    Lorraine x

  14. Oh my goodness, look at all the detail in this cute teeny tiny card! I love your cards Jules because you put so much detail into your cards, details that make a difference in the overall project. Beautiful card my friend! Hugs, Brenda

  15. super little card, I love the button.
    Jean x

  16. Hi Jules, just love your tiny card, pretty images and colours, lovely twine and button, hugs Kate x

  17. Gorgeous card Jules...and yesterday's too (I'm still two steps behind!) ..yep, I make that same vow every now and then, it never lasts long...I wish you more success, lol, hugs Carole Z X

  18. so stunning jules.really beautiful design and colours and i love the pretty stamps ;D

    xx coops xx

  19. Ooooo, catching up on all your lovely creations, Jules! Love this one--so delicate with the perfect tiny pops of color!

  20. Hi Jules love your teeny tiny card!
    Hugs Lynsey xx

  21. glad to see I haven't missed much while I have been away. Pretty card love the button x

  22. Hi Jules what a beautiful card and so pretty!!

  23. Come out come out wherever you are - I have counted to 100 and I still can't find you!! LOL!!
    I bet you are hiding in your craft pod under a mountain of ribbons and snippets!!

    The only good thing about your hiding is that my bank balance has stayed the same as I haven't seen your amazing cards so have not been tempted to buy anything!

    I hope all is well with you and you are happy - though I can't imagine a sad Jules!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx