Tuesday 21 October 2014


Hi Everyone

Well what can I say other than .. .. time certainly flies when you are having fun!  I can't believe it is two weeks since I posted.  It feels like two minutes!!

I got a great comment on my blog today from my very lovely blog buddy Eve.  Her comment really made me smile and I have thought about it a few times whilst crafting away today.  

It read:

Come out come out wherever you are - I have counted to 100 and I still can't find you!! LOL!!
I bet you are hiding in your craft pod under a mountain of ribbons and snippets!!

The only good thing about your hiding is that my bank balance has stayed the same as I haven't seen your amazing cards so have not been tempted to buy anything!

I hope all is well with you and you are happy - though I can't imagine a sad Jules!!

Bless her!!

In answer to all the questions that were addressed in that comment and all the "House of Hearts" news  .. .. well here goes:

Yes, I am under a mountain of ribbons and snippets .. .. and making more by the day!!

As you may remember we have a wedding fayre in a couple of weeks that I am meant to be preparing for but instead of creating new makes for that I am busy seeing, and making up samples for new brides who are getting in touch ahead of the fayre!

Lots of general orders done and dusted and lots more arriving too!!  Eeekk!!!

Fabby new commissions from Quick Cards Made Easy Magazine where I am getting to work on new techniques.  Really enjoying these as it makes me focus on new things and widen my horizons. I have been let loose on embossing pastes recently and really enjoyed using those .. .. a new passion there!!

Here was one of my favourite makes which is in this month's issue

So much to share.

The London Kids have got their mortgage approved and are now having their own Homebuyers Survey done before committing themselves.  Very sensible!  It never even crossed our minds to have that done when we bought our first home at the tender ages of 18 and 20.  If all goes to plan they could be moving next month I would have thought.  I have my image earmarked for their new home card!! (no Eve it isn't made yet).  LOL!!!

Our youngest Son .. .. the musician .. .. has just created his own website that went live yesterday.  If you fancy a peep you will find it here.  Of course I am super biased and love everything he does but if you get chance to watch the clips associated with Alexia Sinclair (A Frozen Tale) and Fairyland Photography I feel sure you will enjoy the brilliant little films.  I love them as much as Steve's music and have watched both so many times.  He was actually sent one of Alexia's pictures as a gift and it graces the wall in his home.  It is stunning with such gorgeous colours.

Now last, but certainly not least .. .. Mr Heart.  He has finally finished the patio!!! Yay!!!  He has been coming home from work every day for weeks and going out until it is dark lifting and leveling one night and then pointing up the next.  He must feel like a lost soul now because he hasn't had to do any this week at all!!  He is a bit of a perfectionist though and is really annoyed that some small puddles appear when it has rained.  I think he sees each puddle as a failure.  Silly man!  I just think he has done a brilliant job.  Definitely 100 team points I think!  I wanted to stamp a heart into some of the wet cement but when I suggested it I didn't get a very positive response so I left that .. .. .. this time.  Perhaps when he does the next area further down the garden, next summer, I will sneak a cheeky one in somewhere and then get him to find it months later LOL!!!

So back to Eve's comments.  She was pleased that I wasn't posting in a way as I was saving her some pennies.  Well beware!!  Every time I have an invoice paid I treat myself to a crafty investment for future projects .. .. sometimes it is something daft like a new paintbrush, but other times it is a new stamp, download or die set!!!  So because I have been so busy there have been a few crafty treats which are waiting to be used and shared!!  Hopefully soon.

But there we have it.  An explanation as to why I haven't been around .. .. I just haven't had time for any makes to share .. .. not even a teeny tiny Tuesday make :-(

I hope everyone is keeping well and finding some crafty time.  Sorry for the absence and the long post .. .. nothing for two weeks and then War and Peace LOL!!

I am not keen on these dark nights!!  Electric lights just aren't the same as bright daylight are they?

Catch you soon



  1. Gee life has been busy for you and what a devine card too, i look forward to reading your article in the magazine, Luv Sam x

  2. This card is beautiful! I love working with acetate. Glad to see you back!

  3. Hi Jules, what a stunning card! love it i have been trying out the glimmer paste but i make such a mess lol!!!.
    Glad things are going nicely at your end. I will go check out the link to your son now Jules, lots of talent in your family!!

  4. Thank you for the update. I have been checking in while away and did miss your wonderful offerings.
    Your card is stunning, love everything about it.
    Oh! yes! Jules you have to have just even a "Teeny Tiny" heart on that Patio .......... !!
    I hate the dark nights and mornings, almost time for me to go into "hibernation"

    Patricia xxx

  5. Gosh you've been busy Jules, but super news the the Wedding Buisness is going well. Brilliant that your children are doing so well too.it will be lovely to have the patio to sit in next summer.
    Love your card, faboulous xmas scene and like the fold, hugs Kate x

  6. What a super festive card, I love all the sparkle paste and lovely embellishments.
    Jean x

  7. Fabulous post Jules and glad to hear that you are fit and well and busy hands keep you out of mischief.
    Fantastic card, superb creation.

    Kath x

  8. It sounds like you've been very bust but glad to hear you're keeping well.
    Love your scenic card, a gorgeous design.
    Lorraine x

  9. Hello Jules, WOW! Such a stunning card.
    So lovely to hear all your news. It certainly sounds like you have been busy, in a very good way. I am looking forward to seeing all your creations using some new techniques.
    I am pleased that all is going so well for your children and that your patio is finished!
    hugs Sue xx

  10. Sounds like things are going well, that's great. Love this card.

  11. Hi Jules, what a happy post and the comment from Eve was lovely. I expect she is already ordering embossing pastes now that she has seen your fab card. I quite agree that it's good to try new things and widen your horizons. Glad to see you are so busy and that your family are doing just fine. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  12. What a lovely post Jules and lovely to hear what you, Mr Hearts and the children are up to.
    You really should have placed a heart amongst the cement!!!

    Your card is fabulous. Love the spots and stars and Santa and his sleigh look gorgeous. In fact, I love everything on the card.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  13. ooh this is stunning Jules - love it.

  14. I love this gorgeous card Jules. Lovely to see you back again.

  15. So glad you are back and wow what a stunning card too. Glad the moves going well. Mr heart can now relax on his new patio....in the snow! Lol I do think you should have put your mark in the cement somewhere though. Don't leave it so long next ime as ill never get to bed reading your essay, love and hugs x

  16. Wow you've had a busy life recently. Love the card x

  17. Another gorgeous make Jules. Lovely to catch up with your goings on, you sound very happy busy. Carol x

  18. Sounds like you have had more than enough to occupy yourself with Jules! Love the card there are so many fabulous things on it that I think I now need!! Susan x

  19. What an amazing card, love it.

  20. Great to see you Jules and glad you haven't just been skiving!! Love your card, the paste looks wonderful on acetate. See you soon xx

  21. Hi Jules, busy lady! I was starting to think something was wrong with my RSS feed when it wasn't showing any new posts from you! Great to hear all your happy news and lots of crafty work. I DEFINITELY think you should sneak a heart somewhere on your patio!
    I love your card and didn't even know you could put embossing paste on acetate. Though it would probably take 100 tries if I attempted it!
    Emma xxx

  22. Oh Wow! Jules… what a fab comment… really made me smile! :-)
    and Wowzer! your card is absolutely stunning.. such a beautiful Christmas scene… Love the colours and pretty sparkles!
    Love that you wanted to stamp a heart in the wet cement… sounds really cool !! glad you've got the patio finished now.
    Hope you have a good day!
    Love Sue B xx

  23. I'VE FOUND YOU!!! lol!!

    I'm so glad that my comment made you smile :)

    Good luck at your wedding fayre - although you won't need luck as you will be mobbed by new brides!

    Love your embossing paste card, something I haven't tried YET!!

    So glad all is going well with the London kids and well done Mr Heart for finishing the patio!

    Will go and have a look at your sons website now then I will have to go and top up my bank balance ready for your new stash showing!!
    Take care and big hugs. xx

  24. It's lovely to see you, Jules and phew, I feel out of breath you are so busy but happy so that's good. I love that you wanted to put a heart in your patio. I think I would've sneaked out and done it when he wasn't looking lol!!!
    Your card is gorgeous. I've just got some paste to have a play myself, it seems all the rage at the minute doesn't it.
    Stay happy and keep busy
    Love Lisax

  25. It's lovely to see you, Jules and phew, I feel out of breath you are so busy but happy so that's good. I love that you wanted to put a heart in your patio. I think I would've sneaked out and done it when he wasn't looking lol!!!
    Your card is gorgeous. I've just got some paste to have a play myself, it seems all the rage at the minute doesn't it.
    Stay happy and keep busy
    Love Lisax

  26. It's lovely to hear from you Jules, it sounds like exciting times for all in your family at the moment.
    Your card is gorgeous, I'm glad you have enjoyed playing with embossing paste - I love the effects you can create with it.

  27. You certainly are a mighty busy woman Miss Jules! You made me tired reading all you are doing. I'm so happy that Mr. Heart has finished the patio. I hope when you have the time you will share it with us. I think too you hubby is silly but my hubby is the same way and you know what? We are too! lol I guess that is the pride in doing a job well that was instilled in us by our parents. I know how life gets in the way of getting crafty, it does in my life too. I think Eve was so cute and clever in her comment to finding you and how sweet to know how much you are missed by all. Well at least you are saving her some money for a while. lol Wait until you get going again! lol Glad all is well in your kingdom and so glad the London kids are doing well too. I know they are so excited about their new home, so I hope all goes well with the inspection. Sounds like your son is doing well with this music too! I have to go check out his new blog!! Take care Jules and know that we will be right here when you are able to get crafty again. Hugs, Brenda

  28. Dang, I forgot to tell you how beautiful your card is Jules!! I love embossing paste too and stencils, but haven't gotten to play much with mine. You have done fabulous as I knew you would. Hugs, Brenda

  29. This is gorgeous Jules, I nearly missed it, having terrible problems with a disappearing dash board and reading list. It was working this morning so I went back to see what I had missed. You are busy, do you find time to sleep? Hazel xx

  30. This is beautiful sweetie, hugs Pops x x x

  31. I totally second what Eve said! I'm glad you're busy though--that IS a good thing!!

    I HAVE missed your inspiring cards! And also your sense of humor!! ;-)

  32. Gorgeous card Jules and gosh you have been busy - no wonder you've been missing. Glad the London kids' move is speeding along. They should be in for Christmas - fingers crossed. xx

  33. Missed you Jules, even though I've been so busy I haven't been about much myself! Gorgeous card and glad all is moving (!) along well with your family and the patio! Our kitchen is finished too, Yay! Hugs Carole Z X

  34. So much great news from the House of Hearts, Jules, I'm delighted for you and your family!

    And as a huge fan of 'Quick Cards' I also want to thank you for your inspiring makes. Of course I turn to them first each month, and search for the hearts!

    much love, Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx