Friday 24 July 2015


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

Is anyone else feeling a tad chilly?  Jumpers have been out and in circulation again this last couple of days in the House of Hearts .. .. please don't say summer has gone already!!!  I do hope not - Mr Heart hasn't finished the patio work yet!!!  LOL!!

Anyway, here is my share for today:

This used:

Image:  Funky Hand "Bot - Fire Away"
Sentiment:  Computer generated using font "Chauncy"
Backing Papers:  Grafix Craft Sensations "It's a men's World"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Diamond and Gold Stickles

Mmm...  I wonder if I find a huge rocket and dig out one of the lad's old skateboards I could whizz through everything on my list a bit quicker?!?!?

OK, off on mega printing duty now.

Enjoy your weekend when it arrives everyone.



  1. Ha ha! I love your robot & also the skateboard idea! Been a bit cooler here too, stormy late afternoons which at least lead to cooler nights of around 12 C :-)


  2. Hi Jules
    what summer is gone ---- NNoooooo!
    It is a bit cooler I must admit but lets hope Mr H gets his patio finished soon!!

    Your robot card is fabulous and it is coloured perfectly - as usual!
    I wonder if you found a rocket and skateboard - tee hee!!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend with drier weather than me!

  3. Such a fun design and image, super for a boy, child, teenaged or grown up:)

  4. Hi Jules
    This is a fabulous image...makes a great card ....
    Think you are jet propelled enough...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  5. What a cute little "Bot" Jules, great make for a kid (big or small!). Carol x

  6. Glad I'm not the only one getting the woolies out, mine took the form of socks!! Love this little chap, great papers too xx

  7. Such a fun card Jules, brilliant image and great font.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. A super fun card, I like the stripy paper.
    It is very chilly here today as well and it has rained practically nonstop all day too. My feet are so cold this evening that I am tempted to go and find some socks! Shock horror, socks in July?!!
    Have a great weekend
    Jean x

  9. A brilliant card Jules, love the fun image.
    Lorraine x

  10. Oh I have this image and I do love it and must use it again, another great card and layout.

    Freezing here too and I don't know about your neck of the woods but we are promised a really bad week weather wise next week, something to look forward to.

    Kath x

  11. Hi Jules, think you have been on here more then me lately. Love the card robot is good. Have to admit we have put heating on tonight as a tad chilly. Have a great weekend xxxx

  12. OMGosh Jules, I am loving this card! It is such a fun card for any guy or boy! The colors are great as are the papers. Oh I know, I don't want summer to be over yet either, it's too soon! But we have had a few chiller days too and just the other night, hubby heard some critter making noise and he said they are way early this year, so that means that winter is coming early. Say what?!!! I in NO WAY ready for winter to come early! lol Ok, I'm done complaining. lol Love the card Jules! Hugs, Brenda

  13. so stunning jules.brilliant design and papers and i love the fantastic fun robot ;D

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx