Sunday 26 July 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

Sorry for not getting as far as my blog yesterday .. .. it turned into a "W" Day!

  • Wedding work
  • Washing
  • Walking (yes, Mr Heart and I decided to go for a stroll together whilst the weather was decent .. .. and as it has thrown it down with rain for the majority of today I am pleased we made the most of the sunshine)

then it finished off nicely with "wine and food" at an Italian Restaurant to celebrate a special friend's 21st birthday.

A very enjoyable day all in all!

So today is the day to share my snippet makes for taking over to Pixie's Snippets Playground and this week I came up with these:

Woo hoo!!  Another Christmas card!!

Both cards were based on sketch seven which has made its way into the sketch library today.

I am super lazy on a Sunday and do not list any of my ingredients but just ask if there is anything you would like to know (other than the winning lottery numbers - I never get those right).  LOL!!

Enjoy what is left of the weekend everyone.  I hope you have better weather than I have here.

Catch you soon.



  1. Fab cards Jules and I love your growing sketch library.
    Kath x

  2. Hiya, long time no visit! Glad I came today these are gorgeous. Must get my Penny Blacks out!

    Liz x

  3. Beautiful cards Jules, love the sentiment on the first one. Sue x

  4. Hi Jules love them both, brilliant images and colours, just love the teeth sentiment, hugs Kate x

  5. Had a real chuckle at the words on the first card! Sending more sunshine your's glorious here again :-)


  6. Two gorgeous cards Jules. Love both the images...need them on my wish list!!
    Lorraine x

  7. Two very cute cards the layout you've used. Carol x

  8. Hi Jules....
    Two fabulous both Images.... Happy you hD a nice day...
    Still very hot here... Been to Spain today with Roy's Grand children ... They managed 3 Geocaches... Think they have the bug now ... To do more...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  9. What can I say Jules - two adorable cards (gotta love PB images!) and lovely to see you in the Playground. Thank you for a lovely comments too :)


    Di xx

  10. Hi Jules.....your first card really made me smile and just love the sentiment....the little hedgies are also a favourite stamp...


  11. Crikey crackers Jules . . . that is one COMPLICATED looking sketch. How on earth did you manage to make cards from it. And such LOVELY cards too.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  12. Gorgeous cards Jules, such wonderful images.
    It sounds like you had a lovely day.

  13. Sounds like you had a lovely day Jules! It's always wonderful to enjoy the sunshine. I love your cards! The first one cracks me up, so cute are those mice and the camera, but it is the sentiment that makes me chuckle! Love the papers you used on this one too. Love the Christmas card, so sweet are the hedgie's singing. Love the touches of gold on the mats, and papers. Hugs, Brenda

  14. both so stunning jules.gorgeous colouring and i love the adorable images :D

    xx coops xx

  15. Fab cards Jules, love those little critters..we were glad we got all the planting we had planned for Saturday completed as yes, Sunday was awful! hugs Carole Z X


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx