Thursday 27 August 2015


Hi Everyone

Golly gosh what a mad few days!

So much happening order and wedding wise that I haven't had chance to up-date my blog.  Sorry :-(

Lots of work for "Bank Holiday" wedding couples .. .. along with chipping away at September/October weddings .. ..  and new happy couples arriving on the scene too.

But thankfully the imminent deadlines are now finished and I need to get the house back in order. Starting tonight with a humongous pile of ironing.  I shall be pleased when that is out of the way that's for sure.

But for now I thought I would share with you my favourite of the makes I put together for the current issue of  Quick Cards Made Easy .. .. I really enjoyed making these:

I have also added Sketch Thirteen into the library which I am looking forward to playing with tomorrow .. .. .. and it looks like this:

So I won't put it off any longer .. .. ironing board here I come!  Gosh I do have an exciting life LOL!!

Have a lovely evening everyone.



  1. Hi Jules

    Your cards are breathtakingly beautiful!!!

    Hope that you get a chance to play soon.... all work and no play...!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Eve xx

  2. Lovely to see you again, Jules. I'm sure you'd rather be busy than the other and it will soon be winter when it might ease off for a while :) Your cards are beautiful - I like the style and the pretty colours. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  3. They are both gorgeous Jules. Love the design and the ribbons are beautiful. Such pretty papers and colour scheme.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs Sharon.

    I have some candy on offer as an apology for my lack of commenting - it is also celebration candy. Would love you to join in.

  4. Gorgeous card and love the colours.

    Kath x

  5. Love your cards Jules they are both so pretty.Hope you have flattened the pile of worst job I think...but an excuse to watch crafting on telly while i do it!

  6. Jules, two gorgous cards, love them both. Hazel x

  7. Gorgeous cards Jules, such fabulous designs.
    Another great sketch, thank you for sharing.

  8. Beautiful cards Jules, I love the way you used the tag punch from SU to make your cards close. It's fun and interactive! Such gorgeous papers as well. I hope you were able to get your ironing done. I don't mind ironing once I get into the grove of it. lol Hugs, Brenda

  9. These are gorgeous as always Jules.

  10. To beautiful cards as ever Jules! I've decided one post today and then I am taking a month off from blogging, I need to recharge my batteries, so apologies in advance for not commenting for the next month, I will be back, hugs Carole Z X

  11. hi Jules

    i am back on blogger again after a veru busy time.
    i hope you are alright, and what an amazing card designs.
    beautiful stampend cards and background and the flower images are gorgeous.

    take care my friend and hugs from Anneke

  12. Hello my friend!! love your latest work just gorgeous as usual!!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx