Tuesday 8 September 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope everyone is well and the world is being kind to you.

Once again I will apologise for my lack of appearance in blogland .. .. but "happy couples" have to come first and they are certainly keeping me super busy.

But there is a treat on the cards for me today and I am switching the computer off (and hopefully my brain) for a "hot date" with none other than the gorgeous Marti Pellow.  The London Kids treated me to a ticket earlier in the year so I have been waiting for today for many, many months (thank you kids .. .. mwah!!!).

Can't wait.  Last time I saw him he was narrating Evita .. .. .. but this time it is Blood Brothers.

A new show and storyline for me, but one which I am told I will enjoy.  But to be fair I would watch Marti doing anything.  He could be painting wall and I would just watch  LOL!!

Last time at Evita I was near enough to see his gorgeous sparkly eyes .. .. hopefully the same will be true today!  

For those enjoying my sketches I have also added Sketch Fourteen into the mix .. .. which looks like this:

I hope it is of use for those of you collecting them.  It is lovely seeing creations popping up in blogland using them.

When I get home I am hoping a pre-loved Penny Black stamp will have dropped through my letterbox and all being well I might even get chance to tickle that with a bit of colour and post it here later in the week. 

Enjoy today everyone.



  1. Oh Jules, Have a wonderful time at the show!!! And good for you for shutting down the computer and your brain so you can enjoy your lovely gift. Hugs, Brenda

  2. Hello Jules, love the sketch. Have a lovely evening. I have not heard of Marti Pellow, but he does look scrummy - I trust his voice sounds as good as he looks!! Lynn x

  3. Omg... I had forgotten how scrumptious he is.....swooooon!! Hope you've had the best time ever!! Oh and thanks for another fab sketch, I am working my way through them xx

  4. Thanks for the sketch Jules, I hope you enjoyed your day out - sounds like you deserve a break.

  5. Another great sketch and I must get round to using some, but I start on a card then forget, must be my age.
    Still looking good isn't he, I loved Wet, Wet, Wet, saw him live then the next day he was on Noel Edmunds Saturday show, couldn't tell a word he was saying, doesn't sing Scottish, lol.

    Kath x
    Hope you have a great time.

  6. Hope you have a lovely evening x

  7. Enjoy Jules... We love Blood Brothers
    Hugs Sylvie x
    Thanks for the Sketch x

  8. Hi Jules, miss you when you're not on here - but you are right , your weddings must come first !
    I'm sure you'll love Blood Brothers, take a big box of tissues, I first saw it when we went to London for our Silver Wedding Anniversary, we've been married 51 years now - so a long time ago ! Have seen it in Nottingham since and enjoyed it just as much.
    Enjoy it and let us all know how you get on.
    Christine x

  9. Another great sketch Jules I'm sure you see me using it hehe
    I used to love Marti in Wet Wet Wet hope you have a great time


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx