Thursday 5 May 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

It is looking like we are in for another lovely day here today.  The sun has got his hat on already (and the washing machine is working its magic)!!

So today starts the next theme for my blog .. .. Thursday's Child where I am going to be posting anything child related. 

This is my (rather bright) creation for today .. .. .. 

This used:

Image:  Bugaboo:  Frame It - Bears Birthday  (whilst linking up I noticed there is a 50% off sale happening until the 8th May!!)
Sentiment:  Kolette Hall:  Party! 
Backing Papers:  Wild Rose Studio:  Polka Dots
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Glamour dust used with a glue pen for the frame
Glossy Accents for the bears noses
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is it!

I must admit I think that bear at the bottom of the frame looks a bit worried. I wonder if he forgot to order the birthday cake!!  

My themes are nearly all complete now.  Friday is going to be "Feminine Friday" as named by the lovely Eve.  I was planning on calling it Female Friday .. .. but I much prefer Eve's title.  (She is clearly much more sophisticated than whot I is).   LOL!!!

Just Saturday to sort out now and that will be my week complete .. .. and if all goes to plan those themes will result in a nice mix of cards for my stock boxes.

Have a good day everyone.  Must dash .. ..  the crafty "must do" list is VERY long and I need to be extra hyper today!!  Certainly the lovely sunshine will help.



  1. A lovely cute card Jules - I'm enjoying your regular post and themed days.
    Kath x

  2. Hi Jules
    I am so glad that my suggestions were helpful - tee hee.... sophisticated indeed!!! NOT!! LOL!!!

    Your Thursdays child card is fabulous and just perfect. Love the bright colours!

    It is sunny in Devon too and just as well as I have a full football team kit drying on the line (eldest son's team). It looks like a washing powder commercial!!

    I've had another thought about Saturday - how about 'seasonal or Santa Saturday' so that we can see your stunning Christmas cards?!
    I told you I would try anything LOL!!

    Hope you have a glorious day.
    Love Eve xx

  3. A super card Jules, such a cute image and lovely colours - perfect for a youngster.

  4. Fabulous card Jules I love the cute image and the lovely bright colours, Kate x

  5. This is so darned cute Jules, what a gorgeous image and I love the colour combo. Carol x

  6. Hi Jules - your card is bright and beautiful. I thought about Saturday as 'suit yourself Saturday' and have an anything goes day or 'Saturday Specials' for those special occasions. Do you know, I think I might have had too much sun today, lol! Weather wise I think it is going to be a fab weekend, so don't forget to take some time out. Happy days! Lynn x

  7. A gorgeous card Jules, love the fun image and fab design
    Lorraine x

  8. wow Jules...this is fab!! love the colours and a perfect image too!


  9. Adorable card Jules! You have colored that cute Bugaboo image so well. Hugs, Brenda

  10. Aw, so cute!! A lovely card Jules - they look a bit like suntanned Parsnips really :)


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx