Wednesday 4 May 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!  

So here we go with the very first of my "white card Wednesday" creations .. .. which for me means no coloured card allowed .. .. .. unless I colour it myself of course.

The lovely Barb thought I would be straight in with a "white on white" creation .. .. but I definitely think I will need to build up to that!  I don't know about you, but I find white on white cards very hard to photograph :-(

I think that this might be the most challenging, but possibly the most rewarding, of my themes .. ..  .. but never let it be said I make things easy for myself !

So here we go .. ..

This used:

Sizzix Dies:  "654901" Daisies #2 and "658232" Leaves and Vine
Sentiment:  Hobby Art Clear "CS013D" Floral Greeting
X-Cut Embossing Folder:  Small Polka Dot (love the 6x6 folders as they cover a card front nicely without any joins to hide)
Scrapberry's Stencil:  Petals
Tim Holtz Distress Ink Pads:  Tumbled Glass, Peacock Feathers, Dried Marigold and Peeled Paint
Papermania Dew Drops
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Ribbon from my crafty stash box

So that is my first attempt at culling some of the white card that is in my possession .. .. I have quite a lot left over from the wedding work I do .. .. .. so I am unlikely to run out in a hurry.

Right then.  A much needed craft pod clear up next, then off to quickly dip my head into the laundry basket.  We have clear pale blue skies here today and sunshine, so I might get a bit of washing on the line at some stage today.

As for the Thursday theme .. .. .. .. well I need to get kids creations into the mix somehow, so I am going to go with "Thursday's Child". This can then cover new baby cards, and children's birthdays and Christmas makes (eekkk!!  Sorry to have mentioned that word!!).

Have a good day everyone and I'll catch you again soon.



  1. Gorgeous card, Jules. I must admit when I saw your card, I scrolled back up to the title as I thought I'd read it incorrectly. Then I realised that you'd added all the colour yourself! Just love the design and a brilliant way to slightly reduce your mountain of white card. xx

  2. A lovely card Jules. I think your themed days are a great idea - looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
    Beautiful blue sky and sun here in Devon too - I went for a walk along the beach earlier and it was lovely.
    Kath x

  3. A fabulous card. And all from white card...amazing really what you can do. X

  4. A weally wonderful "white card Wednesday" card!! Love the ink colours you chose, but the most outstanding bit for me is the stitched leaves...perfect!! xx

  5. Don't forget to have a wedding day (not literally...(Mr Ht may object). I like your coloured white card...but I adore the white flower!

  6. Beautiful card Jules, lovely colours and beautiful design, love that large bloom, Kate x

  7. This is so pretty Jules, a beautiful flower and lovely colours - a gorgeous card.

  8. A very beautiful card Jules, love the colours and gorgeous flower.

    Donna x

  9. Stunning Creation.t BSC.


  10. Hi Jules, just catching up with you again. Great idea of themed days and look forward to seeing the rest of the week. Loving your start on the white card today, gorgeous colours and fab inking. Carol x

  11. A gorgeous card Jules, love the pretty paper sand the fab daisy die
    Lorraine x

  12. This is lovely, I like the stencil you used and the colours are so pretty. Gorgeous flower too.
    Jean x

  13. Hello Jules - You are a clever lady! Lynn x

  14. Totally stunning and gorgeous choice of colours.

    Kath x

  15. Oooo super hun and i love the way you have coloured the stencil in, in different colours and what a gorgeous flower too, Luv Sam x

  16. Reading the title I was expecting to see a white on white creation - this came as a lovely surprise and I love the way you've used the stencil and colours along with the die cuts.

  17. Very pretty! Good luck using up your white card...


  18. Really great idea Jules and such a lovely card. I had thought it would be pure white and did wonder when we emailed how you could sustain that. Ha! Now I know don't I - great idea as I already said!!


    Di xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx