Friday 14 October 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

Thought I had better report in as I haven't been able to make an appearance here in a while.  Thank you to everyone who has been checking up to make sure all is OK.  I promise it is .. .. I am just tied up with things that I cant share on my blog at the moment.

Life has been super busy here (in a good way) and each day seems to be lasting a nano-second!  That is always a sign you are having a good time!!

Who would have thought when I blogged this post that I would still be "living my dream" today.  I had to smile when looking back to find the old post at some of the cringe-worthy cards I posted back then.  I wonder if I will cringe at today's makes in another 6 years time!

It seems so long ago now in terms of looking at the number of years that have passed .. .. but yet it still seems so recent in other ways.  So many fabulous things have happened that I could never have imagined and Mr Heart often says "I bet you wish you had done this years ago".  Of course part of me does .. .. but I really don't think the time was right then.  I still had lessons to learn out in the big world.  

Something I still have to pinch myself about is being asked to do magazine commissions .. .. talking of which Issue 158 of Quick Cards Made Easy is now on the shelves so I can share a few of the projects I worked on.

The first was for a Vellum Backdrop Commission

and this second one was part of a Ruffle Front Commission

I also worked with the cover gift for this month which is a cute stamp and decoupage set along with a pad of Christmas papers

Definitely a lovely Christmas feel to the magazine this month!  Shame there isn't the same feeling here in the House of Hearts.  I haven't got anywhere near any serious Christmas card making sessions yet!! Eeekk!! 

One of my brides gets married next Saturday so she is my main focus at the moment .. .. place names done, table names done, guest book nearly done, readings done and table plan well on the way. So you never know, there could be the odd Christmas card or two making an appearance next week!

But for now I will love and leave you.  Have a lovely day ahead of what I hope will be a good weekend for everyone.

I do have a few cards to show you from another magazine I was asked to work on and will hopefully get those posted up over the weekend.

Love Jules xx


  1. Lovely display of cards Jules, loving your first one.x

  2. Whatever you do oozes class Jules and these cards are lovely. My favourite is the first one as I love snowy scenes I guess. Don'r worry about Christmas....I have postponed it 52 weeks to give us a bit more time!!

  3. A lovely post to read Jules and it's lovely to hear that lots of good things have been keeping you busy.

    All three cards are very beautiful and lots of lovely techniques too. I love the idea of the little vellum scene in a frame and what a lovely sentiment that is. Your rustic card looks gorgeous and the paper pleating is very impressive and I love the layers on the third card which is very pretty.

    We're looking forward to a weekend with hubby's brother and his wife. You enjoy yourself too. Barbxx

  4. A gorgeous selection of cards Jules, all different and all brilliant designs.
    Lorraine x

  5. Your card commissions are gorgeous, especially the first one. Congratulations on being published, Kate x

  6. Good to see you and glad that you aren't resting on your laurels!! I loved all of these collections in the magazine and will definitely be inking my poinsettia dies in future!! Hope your weekend will be a good one xx

  7. Gorgeous cards Jules, they are all fabulous but I think the middle one is my favourite - it's always a thrill to see your work in print isn't it!

  8. My word Jules you're becoming famous! It is well deserved though. Three fabulous cards. Love the different designs x

  9. I can not recall ever seeing a cringe worthy card from you ever.(well from the time I became a follower)
    A super collection here and all worthy of being in a craft magazine.
    Glad that you are still happy with what you are doing now and I am absolutely certain that the work you are doing now will never be cringe worthy either.

    Kath x

  10. It is wonderful that you are keeping so busy doing something which you love. Three great magazine projects - I get tempted by the display on the shelves far too often I fear.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx