Sunday 16 October 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

Ours started with mega rain here .. .. but it does seem to be brightening up a little now!

Well as promised on Friday, here are a few of the projects I made for the new Make Christmas Cards magazine which is now on the shelves just sitting waiting to tempt you!

It is one of those fun magazines that gives you lots to play with .. .. stamps, embossing folders, pretty papers with matching toppers and sentiments along with lots of inspiration for using everything to make cards, gift tags, gift bags and gift boxes.

I got to play with the decoupage papers and a lovely set of papers and toppers featuring cute little dogs.  These were some of my makes .. ..:

and I even decorated a gift bag.. .. which is quite a rarity for me .. .. and just great for those awkward presents we don't know how to wrap!!

Well now I have made myself think of Christmas (again) .. .. I had perhaps better make a much needed Christmas card for my stock box. That section of my crafty world has been very neglected so far this year!  Slap those wrists!!!  

I have no excuse really because I bought a few Christmas goodies in the sales just after last Christmas in readiness!! Just haven't got round to using them.  Guess what is top of the New Year Resolution list for 2017!!!?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will catch you when I do.



  1. What a lovely selection of projects - I love the tartan dog! I'm hoping to add to my Christmas card box this weekend once the ironing is done. Grotty weather here... might have to light the fire later xx

  2. lovely makes Jules think I might just need a trip to the supermarket!


  3. Great seasonal projects - must look out for the magazine (I'm easily tempted).

  4. Hi Jules, I love your Christmas makes, the images are so cute and the little bag is superb, Kate x

  5. Super cards Jules, I'll have to get a copy of this - the decoupage papers look fabulous.

  6. To buy lots more craft stuff.
    Gorgeous creations, love all of them.
    Have a good week.

    Kath x

  7. Wow Jules these are are all fab. I particularly love the bag. I might do some of these myself. I am being good this year - I've made 43 cards so far but only coz I'm in a challenge to make one a weeek. I'm three weeks ahead of schedule so far. Have a great week dear. Take care x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx