Saturday 24 December 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Christmas eve ahead of what I hope will be a very happy Christmas for everyone.

Today is my favourite day of Christmas and already the London Kids have arrived!!!  In fact they arrived super early, let themselves in, switched off the burglar alarm, made themselves a drink and sat waiting for us to wake up. All that noise and we never heard a thing!!  They even sent a text message to say they were an hour away and we never heard that either LOL!!!  We are either going deaf or are shattered before we even start!

Not much crafting has been going on here over the last week because Mr Heart as been on holiday from work all week.  A few batches of Christmas cards for our use and lots of Christmas preparations but that is all.  My fingers are already well itchy to get creating again!

I did sit and paint up some pine cones yesterday with white Gesso and sprinkled them with Glamour Dust for hanging on the tree.  I have just added the ribbon and hanger to the first one:

and as you can see I am making use of my wooden wedding venue samples over Christmas too.  That pine cone will move to the Christmas tree once I have added the ribbon to all of the others, otherwise I think I will have a bit of a disaster on my hands when the candles get lit later!

So it is back to the kitchen for me now to create some more lovely cooking smells, but not before I wish everyone a super happy Christmas.

I wish all the best to all my blog buddies, to my customers "old" and "new" who love to visit my blog to see what I am up to, and also to anyone else who just happens to stumble across me on their trip around blogland!

Have fun!


  1. Wishing the House of Hearts a Happy Christmas. x

  2. Merry Christmas Jules - I hope you enjoy the time with your family.
    Kath x

  3. That sounds like a nice surprise waiting for when you got up!

    Have a fantastic Christmas and "Happy New Year"

    Sharon x

  4. Happy Christmas to you and yours Jules.
    Lorraine x

  5. A very Happy Christmas to you and your family Jules


  6. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas Jules and a fabulous New Year, Kate x

  7. Aw what a lovely early surprise for you both. Have a wonderful time together. Merry Christmas dear friend. Loving your wood pieces. Gorgeous. Hugs xx

  8. Hi Jules sorry the greeting is late but I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas
    May I be one of the first to wish you Happy New Year

  9. Merry Christmas Jules, I love your beautiful display.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas day and you are enjoying the holidays with your family.

  10. Sounds like you both were tired Jules! Love that the London Kids let themselves in and got a drink waiting quietly for you both to wake up. That is just so sweet! Hope your Christmas was a beautiful one!! Bret and I had a quiet one, but on Christmas Eve we got together with friends and had a fun evening! Hugs, Brenda

  11. Hi Jules, just saw your comment at Bonnie K's, was reminded it's been a while since I popped in to see what you were up to. I hope your Christmas was just wonderful. Sounds as though your loved ones were there to enjoy the day. Love the woodsy candles, and how pretty the pine cones look. Quite a lovely natural display of festive cheer and I bet those candles are amazing when the flame is lighted. TFS & wishing you a Most Happy 2017 filled with all those things you may need. Hugs

  12. Oh I love the pine cones, what a fun idea.

    Hugs Diane


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx