Friday 30 December 2016


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a really lovely Christmas and have managed to make some special memories to think back on in times to come.

We had a great time in the House of Hearts .. .. but sadly the best of the fun has gone because our kids have now returned to their respective homes .. .. however Mr Heart and I are enjoying spending some special time together ahead of returning to work later next week.

I should really be making a start on that big crafty work list .. .. but I have to admit to having been rather lazy these last few days .. .. but I am looking on it as "training" .. .. because one of my new year resolutions is to try and play as hard as I work!!  But having said that it is all too easy to make rash promises to yourself in these lovely calm days that follow Christmas.  I can but try!

But having said that it is also hard to craft when the craft pod is still full of all the stuff that I just crammed in there ahead of all the visitors arriving.  It is a bit of an assault course to even get anywhere near my desk.  There is certainly some serious clearing up and organisation to be done in there!!  But all in good time!

I have been busy planning new designs and seeking out new suppliers for my wedding work and finding the location of an event's management company who I may be doing some work with next year.  No good being asked to attend a consultation if you don't know how to get to them!!!

I do have to admit to my fingers being very itchy though .. . especially where one of my Christmas pressies are concerned ..  because the kids arranged for Santa to bring me these little beauties:

I have them all ready for using .. .. though I do want to put little colour swatches on the top of each pot. The only slight problem I have is that now the pins are in place the lid doesn't close properly.  I know they will fit nicely into something like an old ice-cream carton .. .. but I much prefer to keep crafty goodies in their original packaging where possible.  Is that just me?

Looking forward to my first play and creation .. .. let's hope it is something worth looking at!!  LOL!!

Catch you again soon ahead of a sparkly, brand new year starting.  


  1. Those new crafty goodies look exciting Jules - can't wait to see what you produce with those. Enjoy the rest of your relaxation, and a happy new year to you. Lynn

  2. Glad that you had a lovely Christmas and it is sad when the Family leave, my Daughter from Oz didn't come home this year as she was home in the Summer, so while we didn't have the pleasure of her company we didn't have the sadness when she left (I suppose that is looking on the bright side of life).

    What a great present, I am certain that if I got those I wouldn't have a clue how to go about using them but hey, I got an I-phone(which I was dreading) and I have no idea how to use that and I would swop you for the brusho's tomorrow. There was nothing at all wrong with my old Nokia!
    A very Happy New Year to you Jules and good luck with your new designs and suppliers.

    Kath x

  3. Best of the New Year Jules, I can't wait to see your fabulous creations using the Brusho colors.

    Hugs Diane

  4. Hi Jules
    I'm with you on keeping them in packaging I recognise them at a glance then. I just put a sturdy elastic around mine to keep them from popping open
    Have fun, and dint guest to try them on gloss card.
    My room also is a tip..😝
    Happy and healthy God blessed new year.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Can I come and play with them too....have fun Jules and wishing you A hAPPy New Year...xx{aNNie}

  6. Santa's been a busy boy, he brought me the same set! I've never used them before. I had my first try yesterday, but I think I used too much of both the crystals and the water, so I'll be experimenting again today

  7. Hi Jules
    Lucky you... I have a few of them .. not used yet... I will see what you come up with...
    I know it will be something good...
    happy New Year ...
    hugs Sylvie xx

  8. Happy to hear that you had a beautiful Christmas with your family Jules! It is hard when loved ones leave to go back home though. I've always loved the hustle and bustle of a full house! Of course now that I'm older, I've learned to appreciate the quiet house too!! Oh my, a whole box of 24 Brusho's!! What a fabulous gift!! I only have a couple, but am grateful for those. But do want to add on to mine, so other colors. Like you, I have my pins in mine and want to do a little color circle for the top. And now the lid won't close now, but I'm ok with that if I can find a drawer for them to fit in and close. I am so happy to hear that your crafty room sounds like mine! I can't find my desk must less make it to it! I'm ashamed to say it started when Dwayne was in hospice care and I haven't done anything with it since!!! It was to hard for me to go out back there for some reason. But my new gold for 2017 is to revamp, clean and organize my crafty space!!! Wish me luck! lol Wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year Jules!!!! Big hugs, Brenda

  9. Happy New Year to you and yours Jules. Hope its a happy and healthy one.

    WOW! What a lucky bunny getting a set of brusho's. Something that is on my 'secret' wish list. Maybe a nudge hubbies way might suffice!!

    Hope your wedding business continues to grow, you deserve it.

    Sheila x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx