Tuesday 20 June 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!

Wowsers!!!  That was a very hot spell of weather we just experienced wasn't it? .. .. it is a little bit cooler today though .. .. a little more bearable!  Could this be our Summer?!!?!??!

Isn't it lovely to have all the windows open, to be able to smell all that fresh air and hear the birds tweeting away.

Certainly the weekend was a bit too hot for any major gardening activity but we have got the hanging baskets planted up and put into position and a few weeds were collected .. .. not enough but every little helps!  

Quite an eventful few days though with more wedding work arriving on the scene, Father's Day to celebrate .. .. .. and I also took the plunge (after dilly dallying for months and months) and invested some of my hard earned cash into a Brother Scan N Cut machine.. .. .. please tell me I won't regret it!

I have had notification that it is on its way!!

The first major decision will be .. .. .. where am I going to put it when it arrives?  I have a feeling it is going to need quite a big footprint.  Eeeekkk!  Mr Heart did suggest that I might need to get rid of some of the stuff I already have .. .. but how can I when I use it all?!!!  Cheeky chap!!  I suppose if absolutely necessary then the iron and ironing board could go LOL!!

Today is a major card chopping and wallet construction day here in the House of Hearts with no chance of a Teeny Tiny card creeping into the proceedings .. .. but I can share some pictures of a few of the creations I made for a new magazine that is just out called "Make Amazing Cards".  It is one of those lovely bundle packs where you get stamps, design papers, embossing folders, decoupage papers along with matching sentiments and toppers  .. .. just great for grabbing and creating something without having to turn your stash upside down to find things that match.

So here we go, these first two projects were part of a 10 Ideas with the "Love is in the Air" Collection

and this last card is one of a pair of stepper cards

.. .. .. so a little bit of  heart searching there for you.

Many thanks for all the lovely comments that were left on my last post with the pop up box card.  My friend does still have it out on display .. .. and I get the feeling it won't be being put away anytime soon. Bless!!!


  1. Wow, such beautiful cards, they're gorgeous ! I have to look in my newspaper store in town, if they have that magazine, those stamps are so cute ! Here in Belgium, we already have 5 days with more than 30°C ! And not a drop of rain in sight... I try to keep my garden going with the watering can... Thanks again for you nice comment on my blog, much appreciated, since you have such a busy schedule ! Love, Enny

  2. Yes, it's been a tad warm Jules, can't make up my mind if I like it or not!! I think getting rid of the laundry paraphernalia in favour of the Scan 'n' cut is a great idea!! Love your summery cards, particularly the button scoop of ice cream. Must keep an eye out for this magazine. Keep cool xx

  3. Fabulous cards Jules, this looks like a super stamp set.
    It's still really hot down here and the forecast for tomorrow is just as hot with thunder overnight - hopefully that will cool things down a bit. We spent the day in Bournemouth yesterday, it was slightly cooler by the sea!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. These are really fabulous card, super colours and love the designs, especially the fabulous idea of the buttons on the cone.

    Kath x

  5. Fabby cards Jules and love the designs. Enjoy your Scan N Cut and a good idea to use your ironing board!! Any excuse to leave the ironing until tomorrow!! Then another tomorrow!!Lol! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  6. Fabulous makes enjoy your scan & cut!! Xx

  7. Good morning Jules - lovely cards, the colours work beautifully together. It certainly has been a scorcher, 110degrees in my garden last week end - phew! You wont regret buying your Scan n Cut Jules, best investment you could make for sure. I've had mine for 12months and love love love it. I use the Cutting Craftorium usbs with mine to make gorgeous 3d projects, but for all cutting, even simple matting and layering its fantastic . . . please let us know what you think and what you make once it arrives - the footprint you need isn't as big as you imagine by the way.

    Take care and enjoy the remaining sunny days while we still have them. Sue x

  8. Oh dear, another magazine to tempt me when I go shopping!! Lovely clean and summery colours on these cards. The weather is way too hot for my liking and I'm not getting anything done either so roll on some cooler days! I'm envious of your latest purchase - enjoy.

  9. PS : forgot to mention : I have the same space-problem with Hobby-stuff, but I would definitely throw out the laundry stuff, in favour of the Scan 'n' Cut ! :o) Love, Enny

  10. Hi Jules, love your cards. Thank you for the layout templates 1 have 100 mini4" cards to make and am working my way through your templates, details are on my blog https://jensinkyadventures.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/mini-makes.html

  11. Hi Jules,
    Great cards, love the summery colours. My favourite is the stepper...that button ice cream cone is so sweet :)
    A little bit jealous of your Scan n Cut its been on my wish list for a while, like you though i've been wondering if it is a good investment or not so will be watching carefully to see what you think of it.
    Must confess I am struggling in this heat, I have been hiding in my craft room whenever I can as it is a bit cooler in there.
    Hugs, Kaz xxx

  12. Ohhh haven't seen this mag out yet will have to keep my eyes peeled lol great makes BTW.
    I am sure will soom get to grips with your scan n cut and will be making master pieces in no time at all lol hope all is well your end hugs Jacki


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Love Jules xx