Wednesday 21 June 2017


Hi Everyone

It is definitely a "happy Wednesday".

My special delivery arrived today at around 4.00pm .. .. woo hoo!!  I received quite a bit of feedback telling me I won't regret my purchase .. .. thank you for that it made me feel much better.

I opened everything up, rang my Mum to say it had arrived and then took myself out into the garden to sit and read all the instructions that came with it.

So many bits of paper and so many languages LOL!!

Eventually I managed to convince myself that the first cut will go straight through the card of my choice and the cutting mat!!  But I set myself a goal that by bedtime tonight I want to have cut a square from a piece of card

All on my little lonesome I set everything up and got myself connected WIFI wise etc .. .. not bad for someone who is a bit of a technophobe.

8.00pm and look what I managed

I decided a square was far too boring and if I was going to have a hole cut in my mat I would rather it was a heart LOL!!

Even if I only ever use it for cutting rectangles and hearts you won't believe how much time that is going to save me .. .. but of course I want to do far more than that with it.

On the back of most of my wedding work I stick a little rectangle with my name, logo and website address.  Currently I print these and then cut them out using Spellbinders dies and my faithful Cuttlebug machine . .. but as I am sure you can imagine it means me turning that handle 100's of times .. .. just for one wedding! 

I feel certain once I know how to use it properly I am going to be able to reclaim loads of time . .. . you wouldn't believe how much time I spend turning that Cuttlebug handle.

Hope my brain lets me sleep tonight LOL!!

I wonder what my next achievement with it is going to be?

Catch you again soon .. .. ..


  1. Hi Jules I'm sure that the machine will be a boon in you business and crafting, Kate x

  2. well done - it had to be a heart! Sounds as if you will save so much time and handle turning but I'm sure you will find exciting things to do as well as you go along

  3. You lucky girl Jules, I've always shied away from buying one because I don't think I would take the time to learn how to use it properly and I would struggle to find space for it! I will watch with interest to see how you get on with it - you've made a good start.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. Eeeek! How exciting...can I come to play pretty please?
    I have a Silhouette machine that I love...At Christmas I made 10 crackers from start to finish in 1/2 an hour
    I don't think you will regret it...enjoy! X

  5. Have fun with your new machine. :)

  6. What and exciting arrival! Hope you have lots of fun playing. xx

  7. Some of my friends have this wonderful machine and wouldn't be without it. I'm sure you'll be cutting out everything you need and more before long. Enjoy! xx

  8. You will love it! I have had mine 3 years and the things you can do with it will blow your mind....I use mine every day and learn more and more ,have fun xxxxxx

  9. Have fun!!!! I have one & love it ... don't use enough, but plan to take a day out, where all I do is play with it so I can become very familiar with it xxx

  10. Brilliant Jules, best investment you could have made . . . I didn't even read the instructions, Just watched Mel Heaton on C & C and away I went. Enjoy your purchase and all the reclaimed time youll have - sue x

  11. Congratulations on your purchase Jules, you won't regret buying one of these fantastic machines. I have 4 different cutting machines and this is the easiest to use.

    Sue xx

  12. Wow, congratulations !!!!!! It looks like a wonderful machine, and you already managed to use it, with wifi and all that, super ! I wish you lots of fun with your new "toy" !! :o) I always use pages with labels (like Avery) to print my address etc... , they are self adhesive and you have them in different formats. I use f.i. the 45,7 x 21,2 labels, you have 48 labels on one sheet. They also come in "clear", so you hardly see them on coloured cards/envelopes.
    Love, Enny

  13. Hi Jules
    My friend has got one she says it is amazing... I haven't room for one ...
    she loves it... so will you
    Hugs Sylvie xx
    Our other friend ordered hers from C&C and it has not arrive over 4 weeks so she is a bit worried...

  14. Enjoy your new machine Jules. I'm sure you'll get the very best use from it. Barbxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx