Thursday 22 June 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

Well me and my new purchase have been getting well acquainted today .. .. .. just look what we churned out between us for the next wedding I am working on:

A lovely collection of mats .. .. and the thing I am most excited about .. .. those tiny rectangles with my logo on.

These go onto the back of all my wedding work  -  colour co-ordinated depending on the wedding colours.

.. .. and these go on the backs of my teeny tiny creations and any other cards I am not able to print directly onto

Not much waste there at all!!!   Perhaps I should add a row of hearts along the bottom next time to fill that gap  LOL!!

So there we go - I can already say after just 24 hours that I don't know why I didn't get one sooner. I love it already!  Those little logo rectangles cut in under 3 minutes a sheet .. .. and I am sure you can imagine how long it has been taking me to cut them using a die!!!

I promise not to keep showing you posts of what I have cut .. .. .. I am just sooooo excited!!! LOL!!

Have a great rest of the evening.


  1. Wow Jules you have been busy today :) At this rate you will be flying through your wedding work ! Wait tho... does this mean it will free up time for ironing maybe not heehee
    Seriously though I'm so happy its a success its definitely high on my wish list now, I bought a cricut mini from create and craft when I first started cardmaking and it was atrocious, the mats stayed sticky for about 4 or 5 passes through machine then kept slipping so that has made me a bit nervous of those type of machines.
    Hugs, Kaz xx

  2. Happy for u to share ... need to the motivation to take the time to be more familiar with my machine xx

  3. Great Jules, knew you'd love it. Everyone does. Enjoy - Sue x

  4. Brilliant - I can well understand your excitement. Wish I could justify treating myself but sadly I can't really.

  5. So pleased that you are getting along with your new toy!! xx

  6. Wow Jules you have been busy your new 'toy' sounds amazing and should save you a lot of time....keep us updated with your 'makes'


  7. I'm so pleased that you are happy with your new toy Jules - it certainly looks like you have been busy.
    Pauline -
    Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Well you don't waste much time do you? This looks just brilliant and such a great purchase for you, no wonder you are so excited.
    Have a good weekend.

    Kath x

  9. Sounds like its a great machine for you. Enjoy.

  10. Good for you Hun. Wow they look amazing. Nice to treat yourself... you deserve it. Looks so professional. Hope you're well. Hugs xxx

  11. Wow, looks like this machine is really super ! I'm glad, you're having so much fun, and less work !! Maybe this way, you'll have more free time for yourself ! Love, Enny

  12. Fabulous Jules so happy you are pleased with it...
    Hugs Sylvie xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx