Friday 22 December 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

I hope your day is going well and those Christmas plans are coming together.

Mr Heart finished work on Wednesday so we have been able to make an early start on delivering parcels etc.

Perhaps this is going to be the first year we will be able to actually chill and enjoy Christmas Eve ahead of Santa arriving.  I don't know about you but Christmas Eve has always been my most favourite day of the year.

On the bad side my tumble drier has decided to die and a replacement isn't going to be delivered until the first week in January .. .. so at the moment the House of Hearts looks like Mrs Wishy Washy has moved in with washing draped everywhere .. .. because it certainly isn't going to dry outside!!

But never mind.   People managed before they were invented so I am sure we can cope for a few days. 

I am here with a quick share today that uses an image I couldn't wait to colour and decorate .. .. what a lovely thought .. .. loading up your car with Christmas goodies to share with family or friends!

This used:

Image and Sentiment:  DigiStamp Boutique "Loaded up for Christmas"
Backing Papers:  Dovecraft:  12 x 12 Christmas Basics
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Ribbon and Embellishments from my crafty stash box

and that is me for today.

I am going to link up to the DigiStamp Boutique Customer Competition for December and then I am off to deliver a little bit more Christmas cheer to family and friends before it gets dark!!!

Have a lovely evening everyone.


  1. Oh Jules...this is you and Mr Heart on your travels and deliveries! It's speaks volumes...fabulous card. love your colouring. off to put the Christmas craft stuff away...I'm all Christmased and crafted out now. xx

  2. A fabulous card Jules. I hope you and your family have a great Christmas.
    Kath x

  3. Aww so sweet Jules, it's a gorgeous image and lovely colours.
    What a pity about your drier, could be worse if it been the cooker.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Kate x

  4. What a super card, Jules! I love the pearls on the tree! Jo x

  5. A super card Jules, such a fun image and lovely sentiment.
    You sound like you are really organised - how nice.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. What a lovely Christmas image. It's a very pretty and happy card Jules. Barbxx

  7. Hello my dear. Fab to see you on here. Hope you are well. Your card is great. A fab image. It will soon be all,over...I hope you have a great Christmas Jules. Loads of love Lea x

  8. Super card, Jules, what a great image! I love all the added pearls. xx

  9. This is gorgeous Jules. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Sue x

  10. Such a lovely card, yes, it's you and your husband, bringing joy everywhere ! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Eve, a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year !! Hugs, Enny

  11. Great card Jules. Hope you have a lovely and restful Christmas!

  12. Fabulous card Jules... Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Wendy x

  13. A beautiful card Jules, is this you and Mr H delivering the parcels? Hope you both have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

    Sue xx

  14. What a super card Jules. Wishing you and Mr Heart a very merry christmas xx

  15. Just popping back to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and I look forward to visiting again in the new year. Barbxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx