Wednesday 20 December 2017


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a good week and things aren't too manic for you in the run up to Christmas.

It suddenly dawned on me today that whilst up to my eyes in wedding work I didn't share my favourite cards from the current issue (Issue 173) of Quick Cards Made Easy .. .. and I can't let that pass by without sharing a couple of the cards from a commission called "Paperback Cards".

I really enjoyed this commission and I still have loads of pages left in the second-hand book I bought from the charity shop .. .. which cost a whole 20p !!  In fact I felt so guilty at only wanting one book I bought a few. I must go back sometime and see if there are any books with "coated" pages so that I can do a bit of ink blending on them. Paperback paper doesn't lend itself to that very well.  

I only remembered that I hadn't shared anything from Issue 173 when Issue 174 dropped through my door this morning, ahead of going on sale next week (28th December).  

These are my favourite makes from Issue 174.  This first one features a technique called "Partial Heat Embossing"

and a second commission which featured "Magic Slider Cards".  Not something I had ever made before .. .. but something I found hard to stop making .. .. and I will definitely make some again in the future!  Not easy to photograph but hopefully you get the general ideal here with the closed and open shots:

But rather than the normal excitement I feel when I see the magazine on the door mat, it was tinged with sadness when it arrived today because Issue 174 is going to be the last ever publication of Quick Cards Made Easy.. .. boo hoo!!  I have enjoyed my time with the magazine soooo much and have worked with, and met, some fabulous people.  I have been very lucky.

I was first featured in the magazine in 2011 when the published a feature on my cardmaking and "always with a heart" journey.

I can still remember my very first commission like it was yesterday, starting with the magazine in January 2012 and now finishing in January 2018.  A whole six years ... and I have been fortunate to appear in each magazine during that time.

But as my Mum would say "all good things must come to an end  .. ..  the same as all the bad ones" and I will wait to see what the future holds for me now.  I do believe things always happen for a reason and perhaps my wedding world is just going to take over completely!  Who knows?

I know the future starts with two wedding fayres in January so no time for me to rest on my laurels that's for sure.

But before then we have Christmas, and I am so looking forward to some lovely "chill time" with  my family.  I love it when we are all together.

So that is me for today.  I will be back again soon.


  1. First up again! these are stunning the colours on your butterfly cards...and that slider card is fabulous. I've said it before but you really are talented. Sad the Quick cards is finishing...I didn't know that. Why I wonder? I am sure you are destined for big things...let me know when you need some staff! xx

  2. Such wonderful cards. Sorry the magazine will no longer be on the shelves. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. A fantastic collection of cards Jules, I love the ones using the pages from the book. It is sad that quick cards made easy is finishing and as you say your Mum would say "all good things come to an end". My mum would say "when one door closes another one opens". I'm sure that something else will come along soon.

    Happy Christmas.
    Sue xx

  4. Wow, such beautiful cards, you did a marvelous job ! I didn't have time to see Quick Cards yet (only got it 2 days ago from my International Shop), but it's a pity that your time there has come to an end. But of course, you will be busy with other things, and I still can see your lovely creations on your blog ! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas time ! Hugs, Enny

  5. Congratulations Jules on appearing in the publication for six years. I have a great many of them myself. It certainly is a great achievement and I'm sure you won't have much time to spare in the future.

    What a beautiful selection of cards you are sharing here. Your magic slider is very cute. I made an ATC some years ago but never a card. Your butterfly cards are gorgeous. Enjoy the time with your family. Barbxx

  6. What a wonderful selection of cards Jules, couldn't possibly pick a favourite, beautifully desined and coloured.
    Have a lovely festive season Jules, Kate x

  7. What a wonderful selection of cards Jules, couldn't possibly pick a favourite, beautifully desined and coloured.
    Have a lovely festive season Jules, Kate x

  8. Such pretties Jules and I love the magic owls!! xx

  9. Beautiful cards Jules. Love the designs. Have a lovely and peaceful Christmas and a great New Year. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  10. A fabulous array of cards Jules, especially love the colours on the second one, owls are so cute.
    I am afraid that I have stopped buying craft mags as these days they seem to be mostly adverts.
    Have a great Christmas with your Family.

    Kath x

  11. Beautiful cards Jules, I especially like the first two - such pretty colours.
    I read on Facebook that the next edition of Quick Cards was going to be the last one - such a shame!
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. Stunning cards, as usual Jules. I've mean meaning to have a go at a Magic Slider card for ages - thanks for the inspiration.

    So sad to see that there will be no more copies of Quick Cards Made Easy, my subscription copy dropped through my letterbox today. Seems like the end of an era after subscribing for so long. xx

  13. A great selection of cards as ever - super work. Shame about the magazine but at least that's one less temptation for me - you've heard how easily I'm drawn to the shelves!! Have a wonderful Christmas

  14. Lovely cards as always, Jules. What a shame about QCME though. Wishing you and Mr Heart a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2018 xx

  15. Fabulous cards and such a shame that QCME isn't going to be around in the New Year. I'm sure your wedding stationery will keep you very busy though!
    Kath x

  16. Fabulous cards, Jules! As one door closes another always opens... Jo x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx