Monday 18 December 2017


Hi Everyone

Warning .. .. super long and picture heavy post alert.

Happy Monday!!

My hugest apologies for my lack of activity in blogland.  I have been absent for nearly a month!!  

I have been the busiest I have ever been over the last six weeks or so, with even a few night shifts being worked .. .. .. but those weeks did see two weddings being finished and collected, along with all of my Christmas orders and magazine commissions being crossed off my list.  I even got the accounts finalised and off to the accountant. 

This now just leaves me with the making of Christmas cards for our own use (because currently the house of hearts has none) along with a few samples which are needed for happy couples who are getting married next year.  

But to add to the excitement Mr Heart has a birthday today and friends and family often ask me to make a card for them to give him.  So I thought I would wake my blog up and share those with you.  I will just say where the images and sentiments came from because the papers are all very random ones.

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Cheeky Monkey"
Sentiment computer generated

Image:  Lili of the Valley "Candles"
Sentiment:  Computer generated

Image:  Bugaboo Stamps "Mouse Candle"
Sentiment:  Computer generated

Image and Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique "Cheers to You"
I took my inspiration for this card from the sample on the website .. .. simply adding a little bit more wording to the sentiment.  The beer glasses were arranged to form the border using Craft Artist 2

Image:  Lili of the Valley Simply Print "On the Farm"
Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique
"Simply Birthday Greetings - Male"

I bet you are thinking that doesn't look a very romantic birthday card .. .. and that is true (for the outside).  It actually represents a bit of a family joke based around a farm based computer game and he knew exactly why I had chosen that fabby image and loved it.

If you click on the DigiStamp Boutique links you will see there is a fabby sale on there at the moment .. .. I think I will be partaking of a few more sentiments and images for my download file before it runs out!!

Also, to finish I would like to thank everyone for all your lovely comments on the Teeny Tiny cards that made an appearance on my last blog post .. .. a few weeks ago! (shame on me - I really don't deserve such loyal blog pals).

I had a few emails and queries about what I had used on them stamp wise and was able to reply by email to most .. .. but for those I haven't been able to contact .. .. .. here we go:

1.  The Robin used for the first two cards is a Penny Black Stamp "2995F" Stocking.

2.  The second set of cards used a stamp I purchased years ago from a local craft store that closed down.  They used to do cardmaking classes and sold off all the "pre-loved" materials.  The stamp was labelled PSX "F-2104" sometimes called Christmas Town and other times Snow Village.  It seems to be just an Ebay stamp now.

3.  I think the two last cards with the little birds on got the most compliments  .. .. .. and a few more of those are definitely going to be made this week for my own use.  These used a Just Rite Clear Stamp Set "CR-05030" Doodled Birds and a Hobby Arts Clear Stamp Set called "CS138D" Nature Trail.

Enjoy your day.  I hope your Christmas plans are coming together nicely.  I will see you again before Christmas .. .. but for now I am off to start on the big clean up and to burn a few calories away before we go out to celebrate later!!


  1. A very Happy Birthday to Mr Heart! He gets more handmade cards than I do!I really don't need to say Jules that your cards are lovely.I can't pick a favourite. I wish we were nearer so you could give me a few tips on this computer crafting (digi) lark! Have a great celebration. Hugs xx

  2. A gorgeous selection of cards Jules. Love the images and designs.
    Glad to hear you are well and have been very busy with all your wedding couples.
    Lorraine x

  3. Lovely to see you back blogging again, Jules. Sounds like you have been mega busy over the last few weeks.
    Beautiful selection of cards for your hubby, especially love the last one. Happy Birthday Mr Heart! xx

  4. Fabulous cards Jules, a super selection of designs. I hope your hubby enjoyed his Birthday, it is my eldest son's Birthday today as well.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Well it sounds as if you've achieved a great deal while you've been away Jules. A really lovely selection of cards for Mr. Heart,s Birthday. Barbxx

  6. Hi Jules, a fabulous set of cards, all with fabulous images, lovely papers and design, no wonder you don't have time to blog. I like that Cheers sentiment, think I must pop over to DSB too.
    I will be away from the 23/12 to 7/1 so if you do get chance to post between those dates then I will not be able to comment. Hubby goes 70 on Christmas Day so P&O will be making our Christmas Dinner in the Caribbean. Daughter, SIL and Grandsons will be with us too.
    Hope you have a really super Christmas.

    Kath x

  7. Good to see you back in blogland, have a very Happy Christmas xx

  8. Dear Jules, wow, such a busy time you had ! Your cards are absolutely gorgeous and so cute ! I did make a similar funny card for my brothers' Birthday, last Saturday, yes family jokes ! :o) Wish you a very Happy Christmas time with your loved ones ! Hugs, Enny

  9. Happy Birthday to Mr Heart! What wonderful birthday cards these are with super images one and all. How satisfying it must be to have got on top of your work and done the accounts as well - brilliant. Hope you can have a relaxing few days over the Holiday - great to see you back in blogland. I may have to visit Digistamp although I certainly don't NEED any more images.

  10. Hi there Jules a wonderful selection of cards today, everyone a stunner, Kate x

  11. It's a crazy time of year, I haven't made a card for weeks but, then, it's not my job as it is yours. I wouldn't have had time to blog it even if I'd made one. I hope Mr Heart enjoyed his birthday and all his cards. They are wide ranging but all fab. The glow around the candles is perfect. I hope you get a minute to yourself sometime soon and enjoy all the festivities. x

  12. Gorgeous selections of cards Jules.
    Sue x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx