Monday 23 April 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Monday!

Hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed some sunshine.

We had friends round for dinner Saturday night and then Sunday I seemed to struggle to stay awake .. .. so I didn't!  LOL!!  I spent the day pottering about the place and snoozing .. .. in the hope of it making me hyperactive for this week.

I seem to be off to a good start .. .. and Mum was pleased with our efforts today so that was good!  LOL!!

Anyway, just a quick share today to show you the lovely free image and sentiment that Digistamp Boutique will be sending to everyone who enters their competition during April.  Still a few days left if you wish to enter .. .. all you need to do is use a Digistamp Boutique image on your creation.  Full details can be found here.

So here is my creation:

As well as it being a day for believing in unicorns (who doesn't?!?!?), it is also the last day for buying the current April newbies at a discounted rate and for making the most of the 40% discount on the new baby images.  Offers end tonight (Monday 23rd) at midnight UK BST.

So much to share from the lovely Sally-Ann.  She has been beavering away creating lots of new designs (lots of exciting things on the horizon) .. .. it is always hard to know what to play with first!!

Anyway, must fly.  One of my happy couples have ordered some extra invitations so I need to get card chopping!  Now Mum is improving I need to start catching up with the wedding world too.

Enjoy what is left of your evening.


  1. Such a pretty card Jules, a sweet unicorn and fabulous CAS design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  2. Really super card Jules, love the CAS look and all the gorgeous glitter, lovely image.

    Kath x

  3. Who doesn't love unicorns?!! Your one is stunning and love the soft colours. Soooo beautiful. Have a lovely week Jules. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  4. What a lovely card, such a beautiful unicorn, and nice colours and glitter ! I'm so glad, your mother is better, and you having a quiet Sunday, you deserve it, after all the worries and busy weeks ! Thanks again for the comment on my blog, much appreciated ! Oh, and congratulations with the new little Prince ! Hugs, Enny

  5. Unicorns certainly seem to be 'in' at the moment - they appear everywhere! Super card. Pleased to hear that your Mum is improving and I'm sure once the better weather settles in everyone will feel better - it seems to have been a long winter somehow. I hope your snoozy day helped.

  6. What a wonderful image, ideal for those little princesses in our lives.

    Sue xx

  7. So cute Jules and such a lovely design, Kate x

  8. Pottering about and snoozing, sounds like a perfect Sunday!

    Love this, of course everyone believes in unicorns lol, Digistamp boutique really do have some lovely images

    Anne x

  9. Of course everyone believes!! I have one in my field, she may be brown with an invisible horn but is a unicorn nonetheless!! This is such a lovely card, the sparkly touches are perfect and you have managed to capture them on camera...magical indeed!! xx

  10. A gorgeous card Jules, love the unicorn and the extra sparkle.
    Lorraine x

  11. Firstly I am so glad to hear you Mum is well on the mend!! Loving this gorgeous card. I could have done with this image today!! Love all the sparkle Jules. Will pop over and hope I'm not too late for a bargain!!

  12. Gorgeous card Jules, love that new image and the glitter is so pretty :)
    I'm so glad that your Mum is continuing to improve, it must be such a relief for you and your sister
    Hugs Kaz xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx