Thursday 26 April 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

I hope you have had a good day .. .. mine has flown by super quickly as usual.

I spent time with Mum again today and on the way home called to borrow a wheelchair from our friends in the hope of getting her to go out and about.  It is taking some persuading but I am hopeful she is going to let me push her into town for her to look around the shops. Prior to being poorly she was someone who always needed her daily fix of "fresh air" .. .. so after what must be 6 weeks or so I am hoping the lure of the sunshine .. ..  and her beloved T K Max store will between them persuade her to venture out.

I am managing a little bit of crafting whilst with Mum and today managed to finish a set of invitations and whilst there a scrummy new set of downloads arrived in my "in-box" from the lovely Sally-Ann of Digistamp Boutique .. .. .. they are always exciting to open .. .. .. especially this one as it held lots of downloads for making super fast cards.  Something I am desperately in need of at the moment as time is a bit short on the crafty front and there are a lot of birthdays to cater for in the House of Hearts come May time. 

So .. .. what do you class as a "quick card"?  

For me it is anything that takes me less than half an hour.  But this one was even faster than that!  It took a whole 15 minutes .. .. with the longest part of that being the thing I dither over the most .. .. my backing papers!  LOL!!

So here it is .. .. my super speedy make:

This used:

Image and sentiment (one of many):   Digistamp Boutique:  "Large Happy Birthday Set - Lilac"
Backing Paper:  Craft Sensations "Chalkboard Love"
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Quickie Glue Pen and Glamour Dust
Gems and Ribbon from my Crafty Stash Box

and that is it!  

If you like this style of design then there are lots of other styles that have just been released here.  Newbies are always discounted for a limited time as they make their grand entrance into the boutique so don't miss out on a bargain.

Now it is time to un-pack the bag I took to Mum's today and re-load it with supplies ready for tomorrow.  

Wish me luck as I also take the wheelchair into the flat tomorrow .. .. and even more luck in persuading Mum to actually be taken out in it!!!  

Enjoy the rest of your evening.


  1. What a beautiful card, it looks very stylish and elegant. I do hope that you can persuade you mother to go out tomorrow, it would be good for her. Have a nice day ! Hugs, Enny

  2. I really, really don’t know how you do it Jules. I was nearly all ready to go on the website and then you provide this stunning creation. Perfect timing, but more importantly very thoughtful and kind of you. I’m very grateful indeed and I adore your creation very much. Thank you....!! ....and good luck with the wheelchair tomorrow.....Sally-Ann xx

  3. First up again!!...I'm following you!! is super lovely Jules...15 mins...I need lessons!!!!!...Just add me to your list of jobs...and don't forget he proverbial professional and classy as always....your card I mean!! I do hope you get mum all wrapped up into the chair for some fresh air...I am sure she will love it once she feel some sun on her the showers!...HUgs xx

  4. This s a really striking card and a quick one too - we all need 'quick' at some point I'm sure. I hope your weather is better than ours today for your trip to TKMax - what's not to like there!! Afraid it is wet and windy here, roll on more sunshine and warmth.

  5. 15 Minutes that is quick Jules. Glad to hear that your mum continues to improve. Hope you manage to get her into the wheelchair.

    Sue xx

  6. Beautiful cas card Jules, love the black and white and added sparkle! I hope you can get your Mum out in the wheelchair. I remember struggling to get my Mum to use one. She only went out a few times though. So independent, hated people seeing her in the chair. Good luck!

  7. I agree....a quick card is definitely anything less than half and hour. You'd never know this was a 15 minute card to look at it, it's so lovely! Good luck with your Mum today, I hope all goes well with your excursion.

  8. Hi Jules what a fabulous stylish card, love the colour theme too.
    I hope you can manage to persuade your Mum out tomorrow and have a lovely rake around the shops, Kate x

  9. This is fabulous Jules, a perfect Birthday card - I love the little touches of purple.
    You sound like me, I take ages to choose backing papers - it takes me longer to decide what to do than it does to do it!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. A gorgeous card and love the colours. I think I spend long chasing the design and the papers than actually colouring an image. I've never made a card in 15 minutes though. Good luck with your Mum x

  11. Really lovely card - 15 minutes, I should be so lucky, love the papers and the super sentiment, great design and apart from the lilac would make a great male card.

    Have a good weekend, snow forecast for us next week, what is that all about!!!!

    Kath x

  12. Hope your wheelchair outing was a success Jules! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  13. That is a super quick card Jules, but looks like you spent ages doing the inky bit and everything!! I hope you managed to get Mum out for a spin in the 'chair. We are TK Maxx fans in our house as our youngest is a trainee Manager in one of their stores!! Family discount is very handy and 12 x 12 American Crafts cardstock can often be found on the crafty shelf !! xx

  14. Love all of these easy print designs, the papers you have chosen are perfect. Gorgeous card as always Jules :)
    Hugs Kaz xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx