Friday 9 November 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday .. .. nearly the weekend!!!  Yay!!

I love Friday as Mr Heart spoils me (even more than usual).  He cooks a fish and chip supper with mushy peas and potato fritters whilst I have a long soak in a hot bath with a G&T!!  Heaven!  In fact I do next to nothing all evening .. .. shame on me .. .. though I see it as re-charging my batteries after a busy week ready for the weekend!!  

Anyway, I decided to hit Christmas before I started my wedding samples today and came up with this little creation which I think I will be making a few of using a variety of inks and images:

This used:

Image: Penny Black "4268K" Crystal Drops
Backing Papers:  The Works
Distress Oxide Inks:  Iced Spruce, Worn Lipstick and Broken China
John Next Door:  Circular Media Plate
Josy Rose:  Nail Head
Self Mixed Embossing Powder (a happy accident that happened years ago when I accidentally mixed gold and silver embossing powder together)
White Gel Pen
Clear Wink of Stella Pen
My Trusty Sewing Machine

You may remember that last year I made my own gelli plate and a couple of folk have asked how I am getting on with it.

Well .. .. .. ..

It did get a bit of use at the time and I was well pleased with the results .. .. .. .. but getting it out to use a few weeks ago I was horrified to find it was growing its own mould cultures .. .. yuk!!  So perhaps it wasn't one of my better ideas.

Perhaps if I had used it on a regular basis it would have been fine but after all the events of this year that hasn't been possible, and it has sat untouched for quite some time.  So I treated myself to some John Next Door media plates which I picked up in a sale. I got a large square one and a set of 4 smaller shaped ones .. .. one of which I used on my card above.

The beauty of these type of plates is you can lay them flat and work on them as I did with my home made one .. .. but they are also thin enough to put into my Misti and do repeated stamping with, which is how I created the background for today's card.

I lightly brayered distress ink onto the plate and kept building up the layers until I had the look I wanted.  Once dry I stamped my image on top using a VersaFine ink pad and before the ink had time to dry I added some of my embossing powder to the lower border and most of the stars surrounding the tree .. .. .. some were too dry by the time I got to them though!!

So that is me for today.

I am going to do a quick link to the Penny Black Saturday Challenge where "anything goes as long as it is Penny Black" .. .. .. or there is an optional element of making "anything but a card" .. .. but I desperately need the cards! .. .. so a card it has to be!!!  LOL!!

Enjoy your weekend when it arrives.


  1. A beautiful card! Enjoy your relaxing Friday evening.
    Kath x

  2. Oh what a lovely color combination and design Jules.

    Hugs Diane

  3. Beautiful as ever, enjoy your Friday. Love Jane x

  4. I love this gorgeous card done with the media plates Jules, but oh dear what a shame about the home made one. Sometimes when we think we are saving money it ends up costing us more.

    Sue xx

  5. This is one gorgeous card Jules, the colours are so lovely and I always like trees, beautifully designed.
    How lovely of your Hubby to spoil you in this way and your meal sounds just fabulous, have a smashing weekend, Kate x

  6. This is so very pretty Jules in the lovely soft pink and blue. Sounds like a time consuming thing these media plates...I don't really get them though and I have never been into gelli plates! the card...enjoy the bath and G&T!...oh and the weekend too! Hugs xx

  7. Hi Jules
    A fabulous card... I have that stamp... think I bought it when I seen a card you made last year or so .. love this idea to... if I can pinch it please
    Hugs Sylvie x

  8. A beautiful card Jules, pretty colours - I will have to check out those plates, they sound great.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Another super card Jules and love those trees, great colours too.

    Kath x

  10. Love your card Jules. The soft colours are so beautiful and a perfect background for the gorgeous trees. I hope the weather is kind to us over the weekend, as I am doing a Craft Fair in a polytunnel, Saturday and Sunday. We are up at 6am to get to the venue by 7.30 and be set up by 9am!!
    Have a lovely, restful weekend. Hugs, Carol PS. Thanks for the lovely email.xx

  11. Beautiful colours! Hope you enjoyed the G&T in the tub.....


  12. This is gorgeous Jules, love the stamp and the pretty colours.

    Thanks for joining this months Penny Black Saturday Challenge. I have to admit I often go for the 'card' option too!
    Lorraine x

  13. Hi Jules, what a stunning card! love it.

  14. Your Friday evening of relaxation sounds ideal. Love the pretty background to the delicate trees on this card - shame about the mould on your geli plate. I should check mine which isn't home made but nevertheless hasn't been touched in ages. I like the sound of the thinner media plates which will fit into the Misti.

  15. Such a pretty card and I love that your stitching is a perfect match for the blue xx

  16. A beautiful card, the background is stunning ! How kind of Mr. Heart, to spoil you, you really deserve it, after such hard work ! Hugs, Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx