Tuesday 1 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy 2019!!

Another sparkly new year has begun .. .. I wonder what this one will hold?

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas .. .. we really enjoyed ours.  The kids came to stay and I even managed to get Mum here for some of Boxing Day!  Yay!!!  The first time since she has been poorly!  

Lots of super rash new year resolutions made by me  .. .. and far too many to list here .. .. but if I only manage to keep one then I think the sentiment on my little "teeny tiny" make of today would be a good one to keep

Everything on my 3.5" card of today was found lying in the little craft pod which was abandoned in a very messy state.. .. but got a "little bit" of tlc today.  Much, much more is definitely needed.

But I will sign off now before the day ends by wishing everyone who reads this a really happy 2019.  I hope it holds everything you are wishing for and even more if possible .. .. and a with a very sincere "thank you" to everyone for all your lovely comments, emails and support over the last year .. .. even though I have been AWOL for so much of it.   You are all so very kind.

Take care and all the best.. ..


  1. Hi Jules
    Happy New Year to you to... happ your Mum came for Boxing Day....
    Fabulous card....
    Love Sylvie xx

  2. Beautiful card, Jules and a lovely sentiment to start off 2019. xx

  3. I love this card. Perfect message to start the new year,

  4. Wonderful card! Lovely papers too. Happy New Year to you!

  5. A lovely card Jules and a perfect sentiment too! I hope you and your family all have a very Happy New Year.
    Kath x

  6. Happy New Year, Jules! Love the papers on your sweet card and the sentiment is something that most of us should probably have on view somewhere! Wishing you a fabulous 2019 - thank you for all of the brilliant inspiration you give to us all xx

  7. Such a pretty card Jules, your sentiment is fabulous and so true.
    I'm so pleased to hear that you had an enjoyable family Christmas, how lovely that your Mum joined you for some of it.
    Wishing you a very happy 2019, I hope all of your dreams come true.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. All the very best for 2019 and thanks for your good wishes and comments. This is a great little card and the words are so true - a good mantra to live by!! I don't really do resolutions but I am going to try and keep up with the blog and postings without too many long gaps.

  9. Happy New Year Jules. I'm pleased you were able to have your Mum over for a while. Your card is lovely, so pretty. I'm having a tidy up in my craft room today. It is normally quite messy, but with making cards at the last minute and wrapping presents in there it is super messy, even by my standards!

  10. Happy New Year Jules - may it bring you lots of {hearts}.
    Love these teenie tinies... and a great sentiment! x

  11. Dear Jules, I also wish you and your family a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year, and time for creativity ! How lovely, that your Mum could join you on Boxing Day, I wish her all the best ! And your card is so lovely, very cute and I'll keep the words in mind for this year ! Enny

  12. Looks like you sneaked in after I had finished my commenting, glad to hear that you had a great Christmas.
    A lovely card, pretty papers and a great sentiment. Love the black and white with the subtle colours of the papers.
    Mixed feeling about this year as I go 70 very soon and it will be our Golden Wedding anniversary in a few months time. Mixed feeling because I am glad to have reached that age, my parents never did and that we have stayed together for 50 years, my Sister is on her third Husband lol.

    Have a great 2019 Jules and have a busy but not too busy that it wears you out.

    Thanks so much for your comments.
    Going away for two weeks on Saturday so if you post during that time I will not be able to comment, don't want you thinking I do not care.

    Kath x
    Kath x

  13. Very sweet card and love the sentiment. Lovely to know that your Mum was well enough to have some time with her family. Happy 2019 Jules, big hugs, Carol S.xxx

  14. Glad you had a great Christmas and got your mum over as well. It was a good one here as well. Only new year's resolution I made was to keep decluttering my life to a more simple life. But I have to say I think I will do this one on your cute teeny tiny card! I love this card, love the beautiful papers you used, the beautiful ribbon, just love it all! Love, love, love! Happy 2019 to you and yours too Jules! Hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx