Wednesday 2 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!  (Is anyone else having to work out what day it is?!?!)

I hope you have had a good day.

Sadly Christmas disappeared back "into" our roof space today .. .. .. .. .. .. and then at the same time "out" came all the wedding fayre hardware ready for using at the weekend.  Our first wedding fayre of 2019.

I surprisingly found time for just a little crafty play today too and came up with this little make using a digi image that I added a sentiment and a bit of sparkle to.

This used:

Image:  Tiddly Inks Digital Image "Typewriter" (linking through I see the image is on offer at the moment for a whole $1 .. .. and it now has some scrummy flowers alongside it too!!!)
Sentiment:  Added to the image using font "CarbonType"
Backing Papers:  The Works "Trendy Blue Lifestyle"
Die-namics Die Set:  Blueprints 14
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles
Washi Tape

and that is it!

So the calm, relaxed and "happy go lucky" days of Christmas are well and truly over now and the "must do list" will be out tomorrow!!  Eeeekkk!!!

Whilst taking my pictures my mind wandered back to a toy typewriter I owned.  One of the old grey Petite Typewriters  .. .. I had hours of fun with that .. .. and it used to have a cool red and black inking ribbon.

Image result for petite typewriter

I wonder what happened to it!

Catch you again soon.


  1. Lovely card, Jules. I think I've still got one of these typewriters hidden away somewhere in the attic. Good luck with the wedding fayre this weekend. xx

  2. What a fun card this is - some folks around today won't even know what a typewriter is (or was) I suppose which seems hard to believe. Your petite one looks so modern compared to the ones I learned to type on many moons ago.

  3. Brilliant card, Jules, well done, on the creation...and every beksssing for 2019! I had an Olivetti typewriter I bought with my own money and wanted to have one, yes it had red and black ribbon too. Still not a brilliant typer though ..always wanted t be touch typist.
    God bless, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  4. This is a very different card Jules and one I think would be great for a male recipient. You definitely have creative mind. Now what day is it today?...yes I am all to pot too as they say! but it wont be long before we are it the end of January already...I guess this year will go just as quick as last!...Cherry thought? Hugs xx

  5. What a super cute card Jules! I love that it would be great for either male or female, so loving this digi! Love the papers you used too on this card, the little pop of teal is just perfect! Loving that little typewriter you had as a child! To bad you don't still have it. Hugs, Brenda

  6. A super card Jules, a great image and fun sentiment.
    It's always a bit sad when all of the Christmas decorations get packed away again isn't it - everything looks so empty and bare.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Happy New Year Jules, hope it's a happy, health and productive one for you!! Love this card, but more than that your petite typewriter. my Sister had one of those, for me it was the Casdon cash register and post office set...Happy days!! xx

  8. What great idea a brilliant card.

    Kath x

  9. This is super sweet! I love the colours too.

  10. What a lovely card Jules, love the text ! Oh yes, I do remember that little typewriter... good old days, and Christmas wasn't gone so quickly, days and weeks are flying now. All the best, Enny


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx