Thursday 3 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

I hope you have had a good day.

So the question is .. .. how much wine did you drink over Christmas and New Year?

Would it have been enough to make one of these using an old picture frame stuck to a piece of hardboard?

a pin board made and decorated with wine bottle corks .. .. .. 
not all supplied by me I hasten to add .. ..hic!!!  LOL!!!

Not the easiest thing for me to photograph . . . the magazine did a much better job

This is a project I worked on for the current issue of Papercraft Inspirations Magazine 
which is now on the shelves 

and as much as I enjoyed the project my favourite part was actually creating the embellishments .. .. particularly this one:

So that is me for today .. .. catch you again when I do.


  1. Brilliant creation, I would like to make one of these for my niece and nephew but a lot of bottles these days come with screw tops. I got 6 bottles of wine for Christmas, not drunk them all yet.

    Kath x

  2. omg No I think we had 2 bottles 1 Christmas Day 1 New Years Day but did have a few G & T's. brilliant idea though

  3. I am afraid I only had one spritzer Christmas day and the same for New Years Eve. That is the only time I drink alcohol. So I don't think I would be of any use!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  4. Hi Jules
    What a fabulous idea... you are soooo clever....
    Love it....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  5. Hello Jules! It's a beautiful project, I never saw recycle corks with so much art, really amazing! The ornaments with which you decorated the frame left you adorable, you can be very proud of your wonderful work! Of cover of magazine!
    I wish you a Happy 2019, may all your wishes be fulfilled!
    A kiss

  6. A super project Jules, a great way to use up all of your corks - it would probably take a bit longer than over Christmas for me to collect that many, I'm sure you had lots of help!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Not as much as you, obviously. ;))) Such a wonderful pin board. And that lil flower embellishment - amazing, I love it!

  8. Such a beautiful creation, I especially love the cute embellishments ! But I guess, it takes a lot of time, to fit/glue all those corks. Next week I go to Antwerp, and get the magazine, so I can admire your work again ! All the best! Enny

  9. Wow this is fabulous! Are you sure you didn't drink all the wine belonging to the corks lol? X

  10. This made me chuckle when I saw it in my magazine, and again when I read yojr post,such a brilliant use of corks, so useful too xx

  11. The Playground is all abuzz with news of your feature in the magazine, Jules, so I had to come by and check it out! I'm so glad I did! What an fun and festive idea for a pinboard! Your corner embellies are the best part of the design! Hugs, Darnell


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx