Sunday 27 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

A special day today because there is a great blog hop happening organised by the lovely Darnell as a thank you to our fantastic friend and playground boss .. .. Miss Di.

Some of you may remember I paid homage a couple of weeks ago when I explained how Di had made the brave decision to take over the Snippets Playground from me seven years ago .. .. and boy oh boy what a fantastic job she has made of it.

The most fabulous, generous and friendly person you will ever have the pleasure to meet and someone who deserves to know just how honoured we all feel to have her in our lives.  (I did write blogging lives .. . but that just didn't look right LOL!!)

Darnell has been arranging a blog hop, which went live today, for us all to post a creation by way of a thank you for Di's tireless efforts in keeping the playground mob under control.

I knew just the stamp set I was going to use .. ..  a very old one from Docrafts called "Wellington" .. .. and here is the finished creation:

I am running with my little creation to Pixie's Snippets Playground as everything is a snippet apart from the card base.  Even the pink bow was tied and sitting in my snippet ribbon drawer waiting to be used. 

I am also linking up to Darnell's post where all the cards that have been created by Di's friends and playmates are on show.  

Thank you Di for everything you have done with the challenge over the last 7 years it is a pleasure to know you .. .. ..  and also thank you Darnell for organising the thank you Di blog hop.  I hope everyone who knows Di gets chance to play along .. .. even if you haven't had chance to play along in the playground for a while.

No snippets from me last Sunday as Mr Heart and I were at a Wedding Fayre but more about that another day.  Today is all about Di!  xx


  1. Beautiful card Jules, such pretty papers and a wondeful image and perfect sentiment xx

  2. Awww . . . that's a wonderful card Jules. So adorable and just perfect for the celebrations. After you've got back from the Wedding Fayre there's no time for a nap . . . I'll see you behind the bike sheds for a tipple!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. What a beautiful card Jules, such a sweet stamp, lovely paper and bow ! And yes, some people deserve to be put in the spotlight, I'm sure Di is such a person. Have a nice Sunday ! Enny

  4. What a fantastic card, Jules! Perfect sentiment and delightful image. :-D You certainly picked the perfect person to take over supervision of the Playground. A huge "Thanks" to you, too, for getting it all started.

  5. This is super, and a great use of snippets too

    Happy SNIPPETversary


  6. What a gorgeous card, she'll love it! Jo x

  7. What a lovely card for a lovely person and the words are so apt - very well found! Thanks for the info about the Hop - I'd not spotted that.

  8. This is such a cute old stamo nd love the sentiment and layout

  9. This is an adorable card Jules...I love that sentiment! apt to celebrate Di's 7 years as head. ....but of course you started it all! Hugs xx

  10. OMGosh Jules, this card is just perfect to honor Di! I love that sentiment and it fits Di to a t! The image is just as adorable and of course you have colored it up perfectly. You also used the most perfect papers, I wish I had your talent for putting pattern papers together, but I just don't. lol I guess that is why you are the pro! Loving these two pieces! Hugs, Brenda

  11. Hi Jules, a beautiful card with so much going on but all working together. I love that bow and that sentiment says it all. Thanks for having the idea for the playground, it was inspired. It's good to know you are so busy, I hope you are still enjoying it. x

  12. A super card Jules, the image is so sweet and what a lovely sentiment, Kate x x

  13. A lovely card Jules
    Kath x

  14. Fabulous card, Jules with a perfect sentiment. Thank you for starting off the challenge the year before Di took over. I didn't have a blog then, but I'm glad you started off what has become one of my favourite challenges in blogland. xx

  15. Super card Jules, lovely papers and a great image. First I have heard about this but not got down to Darnell yet in my commenting.
    Have a lovely week.

    Kath x

  16. Love your card Jules. I have this set of stamps and it has never seen ink!! This certainly makes me want to find it!! Hope you had a great weekend. Hugs, Carol

  17. Oh, Jules, this is incredibly perfect for Di! And what a great use of snippets which is the whole reason you started this wonderful challenge! Thank you! I love every single element you've included in this pretty card! Thank you for participating in this surprise thank you hop for our Miss Di! See you in the Playground!! Hugs, Darnell

  18. What a beautiful card - I bet parsnip will drool over that gorgeous bear! I hadn't started blogging when you ran the Playground, so to me it's always been Di's challenge, but thank YOU for starting it!

  19. This is beautiful Jules, an adorable image and lovely sentiment - such a pretty card.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  20. Lovely card everything matches perfect, also a beautiful sentiment.
    Xx Annie

  21. Lovely card Jules and I just love this stamp you’ve inspired me to blow off the dust and use it again


  22. I really really love that image perfect for so many occasions, I am loving the sentiment too a perfect card, hugs Pops x

  23. Absolutely gorgeous, so sweet!
    Wendy xx

  24. This could not be any more perfect for Di. A truly wonderful card and the sentiment is really lovely xx

  25. Stunning card and beautifully colored!

  26. What a terrific sentiment on this really pretty card....and such good use of snippets too!

  27. Hi Jules,
    Firstly I would like to thank you for thinking of this wonderful idea of the Snippets Challenge, and then hading over the reins to Miss Di.
    Unfortuantley I was not blogging when you were the headmistress.
    I love your wonderful tribute card and the very beautiful design.
    The sentiment is perfect as well.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  28. Oh Jules - what an absolutely perfect card! I adore it! And - and thank you so, so much for joining in the blog hop organised by dear Darnell and also for your really kind words! I'm still quite overcome here!

    Shares in Kleenex would be a good idea right now!

    Di xx

  29. Gorgeous card Jules. Love that stamp and the sentiment is perfect for this X

  30. What a sweet and wonderful card for Di, and it's a pleasure to finally meet the person who started the playground so long ago - long before I even knew it existed! Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  31. Hi Jules, thank you for creating snippets playground and handing Di the reins. Love your sweet card with the pretty papers... have a wonderful weekend... Megan

  32. Beautiful card, love the papers, they remind me of liquorice alsorts. EmmaT

  33. What an absolutely beautiful card - just love it. Can't believe it's 7 years since you handed over the keys to Di.

  34. A simply beautiful card Jules. I'm new to Pixie's Snippets, thanks to Darnell, and I'm sure to be back wanting to use up my 'snippet' stash. Wonderful Thank you from Darnell, arranging a Blog Hop party to celebrate Di's seven years of inspiring her followers, and to you for starting it... thank you everyone

  35. A gorgeous snippets card for a lovely lady!

  36. A gorgeous card with a sweet image and fabulous sentiment x

  37. Awww...this is adorable!
    Helen x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx