Thursday 17 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

As you can probably tell from my lack of posts this week the weddings for this year (and next) are already getting underway and I have been busy making samples for couples I met at the fayre the other Sunday .. .. as well as getting a batch of invites finished ready for collecting at the weekend.

Is it just me or does Christmas feel like a lifetime ago already? 

But busy or not, I am determined to keep my Christmas card promise going and have made a creation this week for entering into the next Christmas Kickstart Challenge.  

The theme for this fortnight is "Bundle Up" .. .. to keep those winter chills at bay .. .. and straight away I knew which image I would be using .. .. .. my cute and lovely "snowy" stamp! 

So here we go:

 This used:

Image:  Penny Black "2521K" Snowy and the matching die for cutting.
Sentiment:  Penny Black "30-316" Season's Gifts
Backing Papers:  First Edition Paper Pad "All hat Glistens
Little Holly Sprig comes alongside:  X-Cut Merry Christmas Die
Dashed Die for snow - unbranded from Ebay
Christmas Tree Die .. .. think it was"Cut and Make" from the Range .. .. a whole £1 and I love it!!!
Crystal Glamour Dust
Gems and Pearls
White Gel Pen
Snowflakes from my snowflake box

I am also entering my card into the Penny Black Saturday Challenge for January.  The theme is always "anything goes" but with an optional theme of "something new" if you want to bring that into the equation too.  The backing paper is my "new" element.

and also

The Winter Wonderland Challenge where the theme for January is "It's Snowtime" so you need to have snowmen or snowflakes on your creation.

So that is me for today.  Definitely a day for getting bundled up here!!  The ice still hasn't melted from my car yet .. .. so I will need to make sure Mum is wrapped up well today .. .. certainly a lot more than Snowy snowman is!!

Hopefully catch you again soon .. .. but in the meantime that is Christmas card number 2 into the box!!  Yay!!!


  1. Fantastic card! I love the scene you created and all the sparkle. And the lil embellishment are so sweet! I agree, Christmas seems like ages ago...can I have the break from work back? ;-)

  2. OK show off...just because you are ahead on the Christmas cards!! I think I have this stamp tucked away somewhere. I love this snowman and your colours of the brown and lime green look really good together and so well for a Christmas card. Love the sentiment too...Ok love it all (as always)...e.mail to follow xx

  3. Hi Jules, Snowy is one of my all time favourite Chritsmas stamps! What a lovely card; your choice of colours is gorgeous. Thanks for playing along again at Christmas Kickstart, Jo x

  4. Well done that's two down on the Christmas card goal. Just love the snowman and the whole card is gorgeous.

  5. A fabulous card Jules and a beautiful Christmas scene.
    Kath x

  6. Oh, such a lovely card, beautiful backing paper and I love Snowy ! Yes, time is flying, January more than halfway, it's all going so fast ! All the best with your wedding jobs ! Hugs, Enny

  7. Snowy is my next favourite stamp to that Caroling Duck that I love (not) so much. He looks nice and warm in his scarf and hat .Love the glittery trees. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. A super Christmas card Jules, I love your Penny Black snowman and you have created a fabulous background for him.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. One of my favourite snowman stamps Jules, love him! That is the theme for our challenge at Winter Wonderland blog, snow or snowman. Love the scene you have created.
    We had a few snow flurries here today. The main one when we were bringing the shopping in from the car into the house!! No ice though as was 3 degrees all day. So just stay in the warm! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  10. A fabulous card and your dark background sets the green off wonderfully x

  11. OMGosh, this is such an adorable card Jules! I love that little snowman, can he get any cuter in that hat and scarf?! Love your snow hill and trees, just completes your cute scene! That background paper is perfect, don't know where you find such wonderful papers but you always have them. Love the sentiment, it is perfect and the holly and leaves and of course tiny heart finish this card off perfectly! Hugs, Brenda

  12. I love this PB snowy stamp, never managed to get my hands on it though! You've created a fab scene for him on this card and the sparkly trees are gorgeous.
    Lorraine x

  13. A lovely card Jules, the backing paper and sparkly trees are a perfect backdrop for the fab Snowy xx

  14. Hi Jules - me again! I've just spotted that you've shared your lovely card at Winter Wonderland - so with my DT hat on - thanks for sharing!
    Kath x

  15. One of my favourite stamps too, love the colours you've used
    Anne x

  16. A gorgeous Christmas card, Jules, and Snowy the Snowman is one of my favourite stamps! Have a good week!

    love Mags B x

  17. I am so loving that snowman he is so super cute, I love your layout too perfect for a winter card hugs Pops x

  18. Fabulous christmas card Jules, super layout and colours and my favourite PB snowman xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx